
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Blitzkreiger is a direct port of a character named Blitz who was originally a product of short stories and plots written by myself and my best friend. Blitz and his friends first saw the light of day in late 1986.
Player: @blitz1
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 42
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Blitz
Species: Human
Age: 39
Height: 6'
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye Color: brn
Hair Color: blk
Biographical Data
Nationality: Claims US citizenship
Occupation: Vigilante
Place of Birth: SE Kansas
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Energy Blast/Energy Manipulation
Known Abilities
Blitz is a capable hand to hand combatant



This is very much a work in progress.


Blitz is currently a member of Super Go Force Sector 1.


At this time, not much is known about the mutant known as Blitzkreiger, or Blitz for short. He was first spotted in Paragon City in late 2007 and was very active for a short period in King's Row and then vanished for approximately 4 years. He resurfaced on or about 1 August 2011 and has again resumed operations within Paragon City, this time being active in Steel Canyon, Galaxy City, Talos Island and even Peregrine Island.

Blitz was seen in the presence of a small band of heroes known as The Virtue Guild shortly after he arrived on scene in 2007. This small band had a brief period of intense activity, also in King's Row and then suddenly vanished. None of the other members have been seen following Blitzkreiger's disappearance in 2007.

There is speculation that Blitzkreiger is not native to Paragon City's plane of existance. Hints he has dropped about his hometown have not bourne fruit on further research. Places he describes as growing up in out in the Midwest either do not exist or differ significantly in appearance than his descriptions.

Crey Industries has also taken an interest in Blitzkreiger and the following files were hacked from their database in late 2007.Blitzkreiger BlitzkreigerCardFile At this time, there is no indication that Crey Industries is doing anything other than keeping note of Blitzkreiger's exploits and activities.

Blitz has stated that he was a soldier prior to coming to Paragon City and saw extensive action in the Gulf War and in Somalia. As such, he has no problem taking or giving orders, although he does expect any order he gives to be immediatly obeyed.

Recently, Blitz has been seen in the company of members of Super Go Force Sector 1. At this time there is no data on his status within this organization.


Blitzkreiger is usually very quite and exudes an air of sulleness at times. When he does speak, he is very blunt and there are hints of a dark humor. In combat, he will usually wade straight into the thick of the action and has been known to engage in hand to hand, even though his primary powers are ranged in origin.


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Blitz is the prototypical blaster. He wields his powers either as a sniper, or as a machine gunner as the need dictates. While his powers are considered energy, they are in reality a tightly focused manifestation of his mutant telekinesis. His flight ability is also telekinetically driven.


1. Blitz was rendered into a PC under the Marvel SuperHeroes rules set in 1991.

2. Blitz as he is played in CoH is indeed extra-dimensional.

3. Blitz can also be found in the game, Champions Online.

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