
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Brought-up Hero
Jack Harmon
Player: @Cobalt Cricket
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 20
Personal Data
Real Name: Jack Harmon
Known Aliases: BlueStreak, Kid Surfer, Blue Menace
Species: Human (Terra Prime)
Age: 32
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 225lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: Caucasian (White)
Occupation: Crimefighter
Place of Birth: California, USA
Base of Operations: San Diego
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Street Justice/Reflexes
Known Abilities
Devoted Hand-to-Hand combatant, Self-Developed Composite Fighting Style (Hybrid Terran and Non-Terran Practice/Phylosphy,) Attuned Reflexes.
Non-Terran Combat Gear (Semi-Symbiotic Gauntlet/Boot Combo, Unknown Origin.)

The Uncanny Jack Harmon

Okay, don't get all crazy on me. This character concept, and everything that goes with it (name included,) was created by the player circa 1986. Developed as a personification of the young creator, this fanboy was to become what he most admired... a hero. So, for everyone out there that thinks Jack Harmon was inspired from some other canon, fanfic, tv show, movie, or any other medium is sadly mistaken. The spouse of the player is a fan of the current incursion of the Jack Harmon media storm. That is what initially instigated this report.

New Beginnings

Jack was a dull boy... Well, not really. He was a competitor, doing what he liked best. An international superstar, Mr. Harmon was a young protegy as an intense self-driven athlete within the competitive surfing network. Not internet surfing, real surfing. With boards, sand, the open ocean, and a man's dream... Oh, and lots of young ladies. What else could a boy need? He liked surfing, but his passion was to become a hero. Not only a hero, but a superhero. Fighting galactic menaces, ninja hordes, evil monsters, and of course... getting the girl. Surf Groupies were one thing, but 'the girl' is something entirely different. It wasn't until later that poor Jack found that getting the girl wasn't as important to the job title as one would think. Jack grew-up, becoming a man really fast. That man's name was BlueStreak, leaving Jack to be a vague memory of a young boy's past.

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