Brunhilda Tyrsdottir

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Brunhilda Tyrsdottir
Player: Inazuma
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Brunhilda Tyrsdottir
Known Aliases: Valkyrie
Species: Human/Aesir Hybrid
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 157 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Bar Owner
Place of Birth: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Tyr (Father)
Known Powers
Enhanced strength and durability, flight.
Known Abilities
Expert swordswoman
Magical sword, shield and armor

Brunhilda Tyrsdottir was born Brunhilda Gunderson, daughter of single mother Natalie Gunderson, a bakery owner. "Hildy" as she preferred to be called growing up, had a fairly boring childhood in Baumton neighborhood of Paragon City. She went to school, mostly stayed out of trouble, and played with her friends. Hildy began to resent her dull life. The tall girl craved something more, but she wasn't sure what.

She would watch the city's heroes fly or speed off to adventure, and wished she could be one of them. But she had no superpowers, and no combat training. Plus, she was a child. It seemed as though Hildy would be forced to resign herself to a life of boredom.

Until 2002, that is. At the age of 17, Brunhilda faced danger and revelations about herself. First, the Rikti launched their war on Earth, and they started with Paragon City. Baumton was ground zero. The teenage girl was surrounded by explosions and flames and hostile aliens, and she knew if she didn't do something, she was going to die that day.

The Sword

The first gift Tyr gave his half-human daughter was an enchanted sword. This blade is permanently sharp, and can cut through almost anything. It is itself practically indestructible, forged of Impervium imbued with Asgardian magic. The sword also has the unique ability to alter it's appearance to suit Brunhilda's whim, though it must always take the form of a sword of some sort. It has so far ranged from a classic English broadsword to a Roman gladius to a bizarre blade of Rularuu design.

The Shield and Armor

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