Cana Darkmane
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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Arachnos was quick to employ her [1] | |
Cana Darkmane | |
Player: @check | |
Origin: | Natural |
Archetype: | Tank |
Threat Level: | 50 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | see above |
Known Aliases: | Cana |
Species: | Human |
Age: | 25 |
Height: | Tall |
Weight: | Muscle is heavier then fat |
Eye Color: | Blue |
Hair Color: | Dark Brown or Blonde |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | Norse |
Occupation: | Spirit Warriar |
Place of Birth: | Scandinavia |
Base of Operations: | rogue islands |
Marital Status: | hasn't met anyone strong enough yet |
Known Relatives: | many |
Known Powers | |
DB/WP | |
Known Abilities | |
' | |
Equipment | |
Confidential | |
None yet |
Cana was born somewhere around 900AD in the North-West corner of England. She grew tall and was soon strong enough to join her brothers in battle against the Danes. Her family was very superstitious and engaged in practices and rituals they kept hidden from any outside their own bloodline. Her father believed she was marked by evil at a young age after showing she could use her right and left hands equally with any skill. Thinking to use her closeness with the supernatural to his favor he designated her a Spirit Warrior.
Her training is with edged weapons. other then that She appears to be a normal human albeit outside her own time line.
Cana is still learning about modern day society so she may seem a little quiet at first. Those that spend a little time with her will find shes generally good matured. They will also find she has a short fuse and gets frustrated with social situations shes not familiar with.
Being her families Spirit Warrior Cana was tasked with warding the homestead from evil spirits. After several of her younger siblings began having nightmares she became suspicious and set a trap for the offending sprite. She would lie in wait every night and listed to the noises it would make in its attempt to frighten them. Acting on blind instinct she sprung her trap and succeeded in tackling the mischievous pixie. It panicked and tried to flee through the nether somehow taking Cana with her. They tumbled out of a closet in Port oaks with such a clamor they woke up the entire house in only a few moments. Cana and the Spirit continued to struggle until they were shocked into taking a more serious look at their surroundings. The homeowner had rushed to his child's room with a hunting rifle convinced they were being invaded by Rikti only to find and impossibly tall and muscular woman locked in combat with a living shadow. He had lived in port Oaks long enough to shoot first and ask questions later. The shot went high and proceeded to explode a television set as Cana cursed the thing that would be known as Sullen moon Their argument came to an abrupt halt when the 2nd shot grazed Canas neck and broke the window. They both instantly dove for the only exit in sight, the fire escape. Once they were on the street their fight ensued two fold and Sullen Moon realized she couldn't slip back into the nether to get away. Cana realized she had the upper hand when she saw the confusion on the shadows face and tried to position herself to land the final blow. She was totally focused[2] on the single task ahead of her when more gunfire erupted and they found themselves pinned down. She could only guess that these people wielded similar weapons as the homeowner, point it at something and destruction follows. Instead of pushing Sullen out into the alley to get cut down by these alien archers she pulled her back as the bullets zinged and ricochetted off the heavy metal dumpster. The Skulls then closed in for a more personal battle mistakenly thinking that since they weren't shooting back that they were helpless. They decided to combine their efforts and remained in contact for a good deal of time. lately however Cana has heard nothing from Sullen and suspects the little cloven might have found her way back home, wherever that may be.
Cana Stands impossibly tall in comparison to a Modern-Day Woman, she was considered freakish by her own family but welcomed the addition of a capable Warrior. Her Hair is a very dark brown but sometimes she employs a device she obtained at the Facemakers to make it appear a medium blond. She might appear lanky when covered up but when she wears more fashionable attire shes obtained recently its obvious that her body has been forged from years of training.
OOC notes
this character was partially inspired by a character I used to play in a different game.
she was originally designed to be as willfull as another one of my characters isn't
my characters evolve in-game