Captain Mcbride

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When the next sun rises will you still be alive?
Captain Corey Mcbride
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Corrupter
Threat Level: 9
Personal Data
Real Name: James Corey Mcbride
Known Aliases: The capy, Captain
Species: Human
Age: thought to be 100+
Height: 6"2'
Weight: 124, do to rotted and or decayed flesh
Eye Color: one, blue
Hair Color: blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Pirate
Place of Birth: North Carolina
Base of Operations: Jamestown
Marital Status: Married to Elizebeth Dolier Mcbride, Abigal jessie Mcbride, both are deceased
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Known Abilities
radiation control
A large one-sided axe he carrys on his back and a large multi-task assualt rifle
No additional information available.

"Away to the cheating world go you

Where pirates all are well-to-do

But I'll stay true to this song I sing

And live and die a pirate king!"


Yo ho-ho a pirates life for me!

"All my life i've waited for this moment. When the stars align and planets interwine there magesty into this perfect vessel into oblivion! This is what we aspired to be boys! Nothing shall be stoppin' us now not the kings navy nor the spainards nor our american bretheren who sit tucked away warm and healthy while we freeze to death. Let our pain go on no longer! We will be strong, fearless, and our reign on this planet shall be never ending! Welcome to immortality!"

From the log of Captain Corey Mcbride

Little did the good captain know that the magical artifact they had been seeking for nye seven years would not bring them internal riches larger than any King could ever fathom. The only the that retched best of a relic brought was the demise of "The decendents of Blackbeard"

In the Begining

There was a young couple, newly married in the newly aquired british settlement of Jamestown. A harsh new land, filled with dangers abroud from not only beast but the blood thirsty natives called savages. There first born was a blonde headed boy wieghting in at a mere 6.5 lbs. His next two years where harsh and non relelenting. The winters brought frigid cold tempertures and snow that piled up for feet. The summers brought a not so bountifull harvest and many, including his mother, perished do to the famine. Shortly after his mothers death, he became very ill and his life was thought to be lost to a deadly unknown disease. Miraculasly he recovered to full health over a period of a year.

Growing up his father and step-mother where very strict and very relegious. According to him he had no "fun" or "excitement" he claimed the two words were completly unknown in the town. At the age of a mere 16 he ran from that dreaded town in search of life a new. A traveled to a small island on the outskirts of North Carolina where he joined a small pirating crew. It was on this very isle that he meet Sir Edward Teach, know as Blackbeard, who somehow took a liking to the young pillager. Teach took James abord the "Queen Anne's revenge", Blackbeards most famous pirate ship, and was actually considered James' father figure.

Teach died two years later in a horrific battle off the mainland of North Carolina and the whole crew was prusumbed to be deceased. This of coarse was not a fact for James and a sample few others surivived the naval onslaught. They escaped into the darkness wounded and cold. It was here where James lost his leg. Him and the Survivers found there way to there island and soon after there wounds healed, commandered and new ship and named James Captain Corey Mcbride. And so they sailed out into the vast un forgiving ocean........

The artifact

The relic sought after by only a destined lucky few that have been graced with the knowledge of its existence. It is said that it was created at the begining of time by ancient lords of a distant planet. It was guarded only by several large chests made of a unknown item. The chests where silvery and where icey cold to the touch. There where ten chests hidden in ten different locations each holding a piece of the ancient item from afar. After finding all ten pieces of the artifact the only time its ancient powers could be released was when the planets and stars align and the light of the gods shined down on a small unmapped island which is said to be hidden in the shadows only seen by the ones who believe.

Its true origin

Thepopular belief of the earthlings of coarse, like always, where incorrect. The Ancient seal of Asregard was created by the inhabitants of ancient Re'gard that orbitated around a rather newly formed sun. Re'gard wasthe only planet to ever orbit the small unnamed sun. Re'gard was taken over by another alien force that was said to be compltly destroyed by the Re'gardians but the planet layed in ruins. The Re'gardians in there infinite wisdom created a Seal t hold in the evil of the alien attack force. There sages sealed the leader into the ring medallion and named it the seal of Asregard. They sent the seal to a distant unihabitated planet called Earth where the seal lay dormite for those hundreds of thousands of years.

The effects

When the good Captain finnally attained all the pieces of the medallion he waited until the time would come for to true dawning of ultimate power. Unfortunatly for him and his crew this was not the case. The ultimate power he had hoped to atain from the ancient medallion was not to be found, only the unleashing of the most nefarious evil ever to step forth in this galaxy. Asregard was unleashed and took over the soul of Captain Mcbride. The rest of his crew vanished supposibly sent to the deep depths of the Re'gardian hell where they suffered pain eternal until there souls eventuall faded away. Unfortunatly to Asregard he could not take over the capy's soul until his own had been released from his body. Captain Mcbride was tried in 1756 for piracy and was hanged off the coast of North Carolina. This is when the world was turned into a time bomb. Now that Asregard has been awakened and roams in the earth in the form of a undead pirate from the 1700s no-one on this planet is safe.

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