Cherity Hancock

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Cherity Hancock
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Master Mind
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: Captain, Captain Hancock
Species: Human
Age: 30
Height: 1.8meters
Weight: unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Pirate Captain
Place of Birth: Unknown, suspected somewhere in the Pleiades
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Suspected Single
Known Relatives: Unknown, suspected murdered
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Unquestioning loyalty in her followers
*see notes
suspected to be an undiagnosed sociopath.

(Work in progress)

*from the files Freedom Corps*

Captain Cherity Hancock

Captain Hancock is a bit of a contradiction; she hold values similar to late 1800s and enforces them on others yet does not follow them strictly herself. She follows and upper and lower class system, of which she seems to be from the former while her crew is from the latter. Despite the fact that she appears weaker than her crew she treats them poorly, insulting and physically abusing them. They make no attempt to mutiny, or at least none that we have seen.

Captain Hancock also presents a mystery. We do not know where she came from, though through observation she may have come from one of the Pleiades. The question this poses is she the prodect of parallel evolution? Was Mr. Hubbard correct? We are fairly certain that she is not from an alternate dimension.

Very little is known of Captain Hancock's history. She has given several different histories to various people over her time here none of them the same. The only consistancy in her motivation is her absolute revultion towards magic, magical creatures, people who use magic and magical objects though why this is has not been learned.

Attempts have been made to read her mind but have not gone well. While she does not appear to realise it she has a formidable defence against mind reading and telepathy. It seems she has a vicious loathing of just about everything around her with magic at the forefron and a blinding rage only just kept in check. The one thing keeping her reigned is that she spends most of her time imagining creative a sadistic ways of torturing people. Three of our psychics are now in rehabilitation from having stayed too long in her mind and are suffering PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). We have been afraid to try to calm her or edit her for fear of tipping her over the edge. She could become even more of a danger to herself and those around her than she already is.

Captain Hancock is rarely seen without a mask, a top hat, a tattered duster and a pair of strange boots. Her main armament are a pair of strangely made flintlock pistols. More on these items follows in the equipment section.

Captain Hancock herself is average build. She's in excelent physical condition and it's a wonder that she keeps her crew in check since most of them are physically imposing. What ever it is that keeps them in line has them all cowed to her. No one ever crosses her. Of course, her disiplinary measures are severe, immediate and quite final. That is, almost every punishment is death though some times she leaves them wishing they were dead.

The Crew

Captain Hancock's crew seems to be mostly comprised of humans. Most of them are simple thugs found anywhere. They are a rough lot mostly in it for money and chaos. The crew is mostly equiped with whatever they loot from their ventures.

The Generals

Her crew is run by two Generals. They are normal humans as well but seem more trusted than the others. Unlike the rest of her crew she cares (as much as she cares for anyone not herself) for them and has yet to harm either of them, atleast physically. The two of them carry out her orders and organise her forces.

The Bodyguard

Captain Hancock is also followed by 'Mac'. Mac is one of the few non-humans on her crew. He his very big, very strong and loyal without question. He rarely speaks and if he does it isn't much. It is suspected this is because he doesn't have a full grasp of the english language. He is very intelligent however.

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