Cinder Flash
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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Pretty Awesome. I know. | |
Cinder Flash | |
Player: @Saucy Mynx | |
Origin: | Mutation |
Archetype: | Scrapper |
Security Level: | 40 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Isadora Bly |
Known Aliases: | Izzy, Cinder, Isa, Cinderella |
Species: | Homosapien Uber |
Age: | 20 |
Height: | Some |
Weight: | Enough |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Hair Color: | Currently blue |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | American |
Occupation: | HERO! ... and well... waitress |
Place of Birth: | Hong Kong |
Base of Operations: | Providence, RI |
Marital Status: | Dating |
Known Relatives: | Nicholas and Sherri Bly (Parents), Madison (brother) |
Known Powers | |
Isa is a speedster. She moves fast. Really fast. | |
Known Abilities | |
Fights with fire. No, that's not a metaphor. | |
Equipment | |
Possesses a pair of gauntlets that release bursts of plasma. One of them is fitted with a short range heat blade. When triggered, the plasma coats the blade for a little extra damage to the person unfortunate enough to be on the other end. | |
Did I mention fast and awesome? |
So, I'm not sure who my parents are. Biologically speaking that is. Mom and Dad say my mother was Chinese. Beyond that, we're not sure. I was dropped off at the embassy with a note saying my father was a soldier and America was now responsible. I was only about three weeks old. They put me in the office and began frantic phonecalls and paperwork. One of the translators heard me crying and picked me up. Dad says I quieted down as soon as he started singing Rainbow Connection, and that was when he fell in love with me. They hadn't planned to have kids, but I changed that. I won't go into details... mostly because I don't know them. Things happened, favors were called in and within the year I was the first child for Nicholas and Sherri Bly.
I was a chubby baby. Happy. Grew on schedule, developed on schedule. The closest thing to a problem they had with me was my weight. I always seemed to be too heavy. Not obese or anything. Just constantly heavier than the doctors thought I should be. Still, I was a happy kid and Mom and Dad weren't worried.
When I was five, they adopted Madison. He's my opposite, but I like him. Tall where I'm short. Brunette where I have the shocking red hair. Pale skin where mine's darker. And he's a language nut like Dad. He's a local adoption, not overseas like I was. We make a pretty good family. Dad travels a lot doing his translating. He speaks three languages beyond English. Mandarin, German and Italian. I don't know how he manages to keep them all straight. Mom used to do ASL for the embassy, but when they adopted us, she quit and now tutors ASL at the high school in Paragon. Speaking of high school.
After That
Back to my story. Started high school. Typical, you know. Overweight girl, book smart. I liked math and lit. Red hair. I got teased. A lot. Grew quiet while I was at school. Didn't have any friends. Kept to myself and choir. Hated gym. Always felt like I was going too slow. Yeah, I was overweight so there was that, but there was this other feeling that beyond the weight I was still... slow.
It was second semester of my Sophomore year when it all changed. They took yearbook pictures. I hated mine, as usual. I woke up one morning to get ready for school and it suddenly felt like everything around me was moving in slow-motion. Like that feeling I had at gym class was amplified twenty times. I got sick at my stomach and sat down and it suddenly felt like everything was buzzing by me. Madison looked like he was bolting through the hall to the kitchen then bolting back to stare at me. He called mom and I passed out.I woke up a bit later at the emergency room. They couldn't find anything wrong with me. I had no headache, no fever. So they sent me home. I went to school and had no issues that day. Over the next month the episodes repeated. Seventeen times, each one worse than the last. The last one went on for a good three hours... Mom told me later I had looked like I was jerking around in place and this time my lips moved really fast, words running together. Like some upright epileptic fit. So they ran tests.
Brain scans and blood work showed that I had some sort of mutation. My cells and mind and body were accelerating at high speeds. If left unchecked, they would continue to do so. I was kept at the hospital for observation and protection. It was a good thing. Three days later, my mutation kicked in hardcore. I remember feeling like the world around me slowed. I felt like I was running normally and everyone else was on slow-mo. They spoke like ents. Everything taking forever to come out. I couldn't understand what they were saying. And I couldn't stop myself from NEEDING to do things. No one could.
I felt it continue... the longer it went, the more frustrating it got. I just wanted things to be normal. Three days of it finally sucked my energy up and I passed out.
When I woke up a few hours later... it was the opposite. You know that feeling you get sometimes when it rains? Like your body feels sluggish. And you don't want to do anything. And you don't feel like you can move fast and you just want to lay there and catch up with the world another day? Take that and multiply it by ten and you might have an idea of how I felt. Heavy in a way that had nothing to do with my weight. Everyone else seemed to be rushing around while I lay there not moving. Or moving with extreme effort. This one lasted for two days.
I'm not sure what happened then. It was like my body had balanced itself out and suddenly things were okay. Everyone was moving at a normal pace. I was exhausted. My body had put me through five days of craziness and it took its toll on me. They ran more tests while I slept. Observed me while I cried, not understanding what was going on. More tests. Talking to my parents.
We all agreed I would stay there for the time being. I was too scared to go back to school just then, and didn't want Mom and Dad to have to try dealing with me if it happened at home. The hospital was comforting... and there was hope that they'd find a way to fix me. Madison began bringing my homework to me every Friday. I kept up with classes while I was not having episodes and managed somehow to finish the semester on time with a B minus average. They monitored my weight, hoping that would help my issues. I dropped a good thirty five pounds that year, and haven't gotten it back.
And after THAT
It was the middle of summer when things fell into place. They had tried a couple injections. They had tried some sort of magic-whatever and it didn't work. Finally, a group of doctors offered me an expiremental drug. Calathrix DN-2. I began to take it once a day. The episodes grew less frequent. Dosage was adjusted. Too high and I went slug-mode. Too low and the episodes kicked back in.
After two months, the dosage seemed to be right. We waited for another two months before declaring it a temporary success. I had no issues. I was relased.
(( more to come ))
Isa is noticable primarily by her currently natural red hair, the color of which sets off her darker skin and deep brown eyes. Her facial features are small, as are her hands and feet. Of a smaller build, Isa still has curves to her, no doubt carried forward from what she calls her 'fat years'. Being of mixed heritage, and only half of that known, her skin is a mellow brown- a couple shades lighter than a full blood Chinese would be, and her hair a natural red. It is an odd mixture, for sure, but one that combines to make her awkwardly striking.
Isa, the girl is a mixture of bravado and shyness. Some things she simply will not accept, and other things make her grow oddly quiet and shy. When in costume, the bravado wins out, and she becomes very sure of herself, bordering on arrogant.
Thanks to her mutation, Isa is fast. In movement, talk and actions. When not taking her suppressant, Isa has been known to literally run herself into exhaustion, her body seeking out a way to vent the built up energy. She has been known to hit at least 80 mph when on her pills, and could likely go faster if off of them.
In addition, Isa fights with her gloves - special tech that releases bursts of plasma and ignites them on impact. One of the gloves is outfitted with a retractable blade. When triggered, the blade ejects to a length of roughly sixteen inches and plasma drips along a groove in the blade, igniting for a bit of extra doom when she attacks.
Apart from her speed, Isa is just a normal human. She is susceptible to the average things - broken bones, brain invasions, manipulation, illness, blah blah blah. Granted, that all depends on if impact can be made, if they can get past her bravado/stubborn will, and her vitamin C intake...and depending on how well she has been doing with taking her meds.
Other Notes
- Isa has to be on her meds in order to function normally. She nearly self-destructs if she isn't.
- She has a cat named Hubert. He's a large apple head siamese with the seal colored points.
- Thanks to Chill, she now also has Duke Kristofferson Loki von Bly III. He is a stuffed panda. Probably about six inches from head to butt, Nate had him animated with an imp. Loki is all kinds of trouble and when she is not working or heroing, he is usually found attatched to her shoulder or attacking Chill.
- Isa hates being called Cinderella. But for some reason she tolerates it from Chill.
- Barnabas LeVite - He was pretty funny. Cool blue guy from the D who helped run off the creeper.
- Nate - I ... guess he kind of goes here... we do live in the same apartment now. Different rooms, mind you. But.. yeah. He's a good hero. Good artist. And... now my boyfriend. So much awkward finally done with.
Enemies and Unfriendlies
- That old guy from the D... Whatever his name is. Yieto or something. Creeped all over me when I was talking to Nate that evening. Tried to pretend we were dating so I could 'escape'... Ended up kicking him and he got pissed and started whining. Seemed kind of wishy-washy to me.
- Chillifier -Psh. Really?
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