Climse Dezigrar

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Climse Dezigrar, the Determined Daughter
Climse Dezigrar
Player: @Dezigrar
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: 29
Personal Data
Real Name: Climse Dezigrar
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 29
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 145 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Purple
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Galatea and Endymion Dezigrar (parents)
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Flying boots
No additional information available.

What's the Story?

A superhero at heart, Climse Dezigrar traveled to Paragon City to find light in her parents' mistakes. She'll travel anywhere to uncover the truth. Climse grew up on the outskirts of Paragon City. Her parents never stayed in one spot very long, always running from their past. While rummaging around in her parents' attic, she uncovered documents, diary entries, and photographs spilling half-formed stories and a timeline full of woes and misfortunes that befell her parents in their earlier years. In hopes of reversing their damaged lives, her parents had turned to the Saint Martial Mafia family headed by none other than Vitone DeCavalcante. The papers showed a great increase in her family's prospects... but it wasn't all a fairy tale. Her parents got caught doing some of DeCavalcante's dirty work. Afraid of being captured, and of leaving their newly born child, they proceeded to dodge the authorities and the mafia by moving from town the town, urban to rural and back again. With these clues, Climse must find a way to clear her mind, find the truth, and bring justice to an unjust man.

Recent News

11/4 Climse reconnected with an old family friend a few days back while busting a few knuckle-headed goonies of DeCavalcante's. He gave her a good lead on who might know where the infamous boss' current location was. Climse crashed the get-together of a handful of rats waiting around for orders. The warehouse was easy enough to clear out and Climse found what she had come for - any clue as to how to find her enemy. She stooped down to pick up a piece of classy looking paper; on it, written, an invitation to DeCavalcante's annual "worker ball" held in honor of his pawns. Now Climse must choose to disguise herself as a mafia member, or go in guns blazing, and try her hardest to find and squash DeCavalcante. Will she succeed? 11/6 Climse decided to dress up, bringing her guns and her fists. The party was going smoothly, no one recognized her under the Carnival mask. She schmoozed and danced, all the while keeping a watchful eye out for DeCavalcante. Around 10:00pm, he appeared on the far wall balcony over looking the dance floor. It may have been the stare she gave him, or the suspicious dress, or even just a hunch, but he knew her from somewhere. The crowd all stop dancing when DeCavalcante points a finger straight at Climse, "Who.... is that?" -Black Out- 11/7 Climse woke up in a dim room lit by an overhead florescent light. She was tied to the chair, a gag in her mouth. There were three men in the room: DeCavalcante and two of his henchmen in suits. One of the men cracked his knuckles, the other crossed his arms. DeCavalcante was just sitting across from Climse, only inches away, yet still untouchable. He took the cigar out of his mouth, "So, seems we know each other."

Her Side

10/29 Today I had no leads. I've exhausted all of my ideas and come to a cold brick dead end. In my mind, I sit there, staring at it for hours - wondering: Where could he be? How can he be so illusive? But I know how, as a rich mob boss, you don't have time to dilly dally with local cops and spandexed high-strung heroes, so you hide - and with money you're damn good at it too.
11/1 Bron Smithsby bumped in to me today. I don't mean literally of course, but it was quite a surprise to see him. Apparently he had been trying to find me for quite a while. He said that after my parents died, he decided to look in to DeCavalcante's work, what they were doing, what he wanted done, and how the police knew they were there. He has his theories, but for that moment, he wanted to relay some information to me. Rumors were floating around that a group of DeCavalcante's lackeys broke into an old warehouse and started setting up something of their own cozy base in it. Although they aren't hurting anyone, most of them are already convicted felons and such.
11/2 Bron and the locals were right, the warehouse was teaming with outlaws and mafia lackeys. I cautiously slipped through the halls unnoticed until a group of four or so men came out of a makeshift game room. They notified their peers at once and the fight was initiated. I took them all down, using my guns and old fist-fight training. After clearing out the entire warehouse, rounding and tying up those who were still alive, I searched the building. I found a strange floral paper on one of the game tables. It read something like, "All of DeCavalcante's valued employees and friends are invited to the annual Martial Masquerade Ball!" I think I'll pay a visit.
11/6 Today's the day. END OF ENTRIES

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