Commander Engel

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Commander Engel
Player: @Soviet Giant
Arachnos Intel
Rank: Bane Spider Elite
Archetype: Arachnos Soldier
Security Level: 24
Operative Personnel Intel
Real Name: Victor Vonn Vincente
Known Aliases: Auroix Engel, Engel, Commander Engel.
Species: Human.
Age: Unknown.
Height/Weight: 250 LBS with suit, 6'0 tall
Eye/Hair Color: Unknown.
Citizenship: Unknown.
Current Residence: Unknown.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Hector Vonn Vincente
Known Powers
Training / Abilities
Martial Arts, Elite Marksmanship, Sharp Shooter, Stealth, Jungle Combat, Military Intelligence, Mace Training, Special Forces training, Crab Spider Training, Gadgets.
Up to date High standard pristine Arachnos technology.
Order Through Strength


The Rising Soviet Star

Hector Vonn Vincente was born in Soviet Russia. Former Soviet Captain, Hector was the first to rebel against Lennin and escape to Paragon City. An excellent English speaker he was. After attempting to register as a hero, he was quickly rejected by the Paragon City Capital. Hector did not give up, and he continued to battle the courts for the right to wear a cape and be a legal hero. Hector was not accepted until three years after the Soviet Union collapsed. Hector took the name 'Auroix Angel' and fought as a hero for two years before he met and married a young lass by the name Maria Ortiz. After having a kid, Auroix Angel retired and moved to Independance Port where he raised his child in a large apartment with Maria.

Age of Innocence

Hector and Maria named their first son by the name Victor. Because both parents were Russian, Victor's first language was Russian. When Victor started going to school, he was laughed at and marked as an outcast. It wasn't until his second year in school that he finally learned the English language, and since then he began to bully the weaker and manipulate the weaker minds by fear. When Victor made it to Junior High, his mean streak faded and he began to stick up for those who were picked on. Throughout high school, Victor punished those who harmed others, and when he finally graduated High School he ended up moving back to his father's birthplace, Moscow.

The ways of the Hero

Back in Paragon City, Hector was greeted by Statesman, who asked Hector to once more put on a cape and help him defeat the 5th Collum. Hector renewed his hero's lisence and once again took the name 'Auroix Angel' and became Statesman's partner in crime fighting. Auroix Angel began to crack down on all 5th Collum soldiers, and helped War Witch locate the building where Requiem was held up in. After many years of battling the 5th Collum, Auroix Angel and the many heroes who helped had finally put an end to Requiem and the 5th Collum. However, Auroix Angel's work was not over.

The remaining few soldiers who remained loyal to 5th Collum had fled underneath the city. Auroix Angel began to eliminate them, going from base to base, until one tragic morning. During one of his 5th Collum base crack downs, one of the 5th Collum soldiers bested old Auroix Angel. The coming afternoon, Statesman found Auroix Angel's body within Independence Port.

Auroix Angel held a last will... Upon that last will it asked Statesman to find his son Victor in Russia, and take the boy under his wing... Make Victor his apprentice.

Auroix Angel's days in crime fighting were finally over, for good.

The son of Auroix Angel

A personal messanger was sent to Russia, and when the messanger found Victor, he saw the troubled young lad was doing not so well. Victor worked as a rent-a-cop for one of the city stores in a poor eviorment. The messanger met up with Victor, and told him that his father had been murdered and that Statesman desired to speak with him.

The news of his fathers death only angered Victor, and then Victor told the messanger that he would never leave Russia. When the messanger returned to Paragon City, he told Statesman that the boy wouldn't listen nor was he willing to come back to Paragon City. Statesman shrugged the event off and was forced to deal with the many problems with the remaining 5th Collum without the help of Victor. After a few months, the remaining 5th Collum were destroyed, Statesman had avenged Auroix Angel's death.

Auroix Engel

A few years later, Victor finally left his life in Russia and came to Paragon City, there he met up with Statesman and begged him to take him under his wing. Statesman did not like the idea of taking Victor as an apprentice now that the 5th Collum were dead, but he accepted the young boy and began to train him in all he knew.

Months of hard work and back breaking tasks were assigned to Victor, and after a year of training, Statesman's apprentice Victor was finally ready to become a Paragon Hero.

Victor took the name; Auroix Engel. The young hero begun his career by fighting the lower gangs of Paragon; the Hellions, Skulls, Outcasts, and the Trolls. Soon Auroix Engel began to take on the Council and the Arachnos. Already the city knew and praised the name Auroix Engel. Engel's reputation passed his own fathers reputation.

When the Rikti returned to earth, Auroix Engel helped stop the second Rikti Invasion in Atlas Park. Auroix Engel was now a decorated combat veteran and very famous. He was adored by the people, and very good friends with Statesman and Manticore.

After so much success, Statesman assigned Auroix Engel as Captain of a base within Bloody Bay. There he would face the powerful threats of the Rogue Islands super powered villains and Arachnos.

Battle of Heroes

After many fights with Arachnos, Auroix Engel began to study the strage meteors that struck Bloody Bay one night. Fighting off many villains that Arachnos started to hire, Engel was often in conflict with the brute named 'Soviet Giant.'

The Soviet Giant and Engel fought many times, and the two were even in strength, skill, and speed. Engel always managed to win, so one day the Soviet Giant attacked Engel's comrades, and killed his officer. Enraged and swollen with bitterness, Engel set out and began to murder all Arachnos agents he crossed paths with. Finally, he confronted the Soviet Giant, and the two battled for many hours until finally the Soviet fell.

Auroix Engel pointed the chain gun at the Soviet Giant's head and ignored the brutes pleas for mercy. Firing many rounds at the brute, the Soviet Giant's body was shreded and torn limb from limb. After killing the Soviet Giant, Engel made his way back to the base, where we was arrested and punished for his actions.

Statesman was highly disapointed in his young friend, and gave him a chance for redemption. Auroix Engel was given five heroes, and they were sent into the Rogue Island to set up a base there. Auroix Engel started recruiting all who would assist them in their mission; to destroy the Arachnos and bring the law to the Rogue Islands.

The Heroes of Rogue Isles

When Auroix arrived upon Mercy Island, he quickly began to enter heavy conflict with Arachnos troops. During a battle with the Arachnos, a young mutant jumped in and began to help Engel fight off a horde of Arachnos troops. Afterwards, Engel asked the young mutant if she wanted to join him on his quest for redemption. She accepted, and became known as the 'Sea Witch.'

After three months, Engel had recruited over twenty heroes who were all willing to assist him. Auroix Engel came across a small island outside of Mercy's borders, and established a small base. The heroes gathered resources, and would often stave off Arachnos ambush teams and other super powered villains the Arachnos were able to hire or manipulate.

Auroix Engel and his heroes were faced with a new threat one morning as an Arachnos Strike Force ambushed them in their own base, the strike force was led by the Mercy Island Base Commander, Commander Zek.

Commander Zek and Auroix Engel fought for three hours, before Engel's allies were able to repel the invaders and jump in to assist Engel. After the battle, Commander Zek fell to the heroes, and in a last attempt to sabatoge them, he activated a bomb which was within his suit and self destructed himself.

After the massive explosion, all heroes survived. Minor damage was inflicted upon the sturdy small base, and the heroes claimed victory. The heroes then built the rest of the base, and when they finished the fort, they named it Fort Freedom.

Fort Freedom

After Fort Freedom was finished, Longbow soldiers were deployed from Paragon to Fort Freedom. More heroes were recruited and by one week the heroes already had a small army upon Fort Freedom.

Every week the heroes would form strike forces and lead teams upon Mercy Island to fight the many threats there. And slowly, the Longbow and the Rogue Island heroes began to push the Arachnos out of Mercy Island. Finally, the good guys were powerful enough to become an entire faction. This faction was known as the 'Merciful Arrow' and it had already begun to move closer and closer into Port Oakes and Cap au Diable.

Arachnos became desperate to claim the lost territory Auroix Engel had won, and hired a well known super villain to eliminate the Merciful Arrow once and for all. The villain was known as the Nictus Leech, and he began to set up another base upon Mercy Island.

Nictus Leech remained invisable to the locals and the Merciful Arrow, and within two weeks he had built a base twice the size of Auroix's. Nictus Leech then called his base; Fort Nerficious, and began to hire the Council to do his bidding.

It was then that Auroix Engel discovered the base, and one night he sent Longbow fliers over to bomb Fort Nerficious. In the morning, the entire Fort Nerficious and all the enemies including Nictus Leech were vaporized.

The Fort Freedom and the Merciful Arrow remained victorious.

Turning Point, his lust for absolute power

The Rogue Island was nearing a point where it would soon be in a Civil war, Merciful Arrow against Arachnos. Each day, Engel's spys would bring in information on how the Arachnos worked. Slowly, Engel's intrest in Arachnos grew.

It was not long before Auroix Engel became obsessed with his mortal enemies Arachnos. He began to crave the power that Arachnos had, and began to study all he could upon the history of Arachnos and its leaders.

This made Merciful Arrow stronger, as they knew the enemy so well that already they began creating technoligy that would resemble every weakness of the Arachnos. However, The Arachnos had also learned about their enemies Merciful Arrow, and also already knew Auroix's greatest weakness; his lust for power which he developed while learning about them.

One night, Auroix Engel snuck into Grandville borders and entered Lord Recluse's lair. After fighting his way through all of the Arachnos elites, he stood face to face with Lord Recluse. However, Recluse saw power within Engel, and although Engel posed no threat to him, he deceided to try and turn Engel to the red side.

Lord Recluse, A chance to begin a new life

Lord Recluse knew that Auroix Engel was a vengeful hero who found his strength through hatred. Lord Recluse promised Engel power, glory, and revenge upon those who murdered his father. Lord Recluse then asked him to become his new Lackey and enforcer.

Auroix Engel's loyalty to Statesman had weakened ever since he was sent to Rogue Islands to pay for the life he took on Mercy. Engel hesitated at first, But Lord Recluse's words swayed Engel towards the Red side. Auroix Engel accepted Lord Recluse's offer, and was then converted to evil.

To prove his loyalty, Lord Recluse entrusted his newest lackey, Auroix Engel, with a simple task. Engel's single task, was to eliminate the heroes and Longbow upon Fort Freedom and destroy the base along with the Longbow's influence upon Mercy Island.

When Auroix Engel arrived upon Fort Freedom, he began to eliminate all life on base. Killing all who stood for the blue side. After murdering all those upon Fort Freedom, he set the bomb and fled from the base before it blew sky high.

Two days later, Statesman heard of Fort Freedom's demise, and after viewing the hidden camras that survived, he made his way to Cap au Diable to confront his former sidekick. Statesman arrived on Cap au Diable, and fought his way to Auroix Engel. After a brief and short conversation, Statesman realized that Engel could not be brought back to the blue side. Engel had been corrupted and forever turned.

The two then engaged in one final battle, underneath the very volcano where Bat'Zul resides.

Commander Engel

Lord Recluse got word that his old arch enemy Statesman was within Cap au Diable. Having placed much faith in his new lackey, he did not get in the way. Lord Recluse believed that Engel would defeat his former superior Statesman, and remain victorious.

Within the Valcano, Statesman and Auroix Engel fought long and hard. After two hours of constant fighting, Statesman jumped up upon a platform within the middle of a pool of magma. As Auroix Engel leaped towards the Platform, an earthquake shook the Valcano, causing Engel to leap in the wrong direction. Auroix Engel managed to grab onto something before his entire body sunk into the magma. Knee deep in searing hot magma, Engel's body was caught on fire and he was left to burn.

Statesman pulled Engel out, and rescued his scorched former comrade from a horrible death. Instead of arresting him, Statesman left him in the hills. And after 3 hours, Arachnos fliers finally came to the area where Engel's burnt body was left and picked him up.

Sent to a hospital, Lord Recluse felt pitty for Engel, and although highly disapointed in his lackey, he gave him the right to receive medical treatment. Auroix Engel became the first to become a Crab Spider Destroyer, and his body was reconstructed and altered. Many of Engel's internal organs were replaced, and a special more powerful crab spider back pack was attached to his spinal cord. His body was placed in the most high tech Arachnos armor, and his legs were also reconstructed with a special metal.

After his body was rebuilt and placed in one of a kind and most powerful Arachnos armor, he was promoted and forever known as Commander Engel.

Internal Conflicts, Engel's Fall

Engel was placed upon Mercy Island, where he became Fort Darwin's Base Commander. After three months, Engel saw a path to become more powerful if he were to become one of Kalinda's 'Destined Ones.' After sneaking into a base and putting his name on the list, he then started to do more freelance work which would benefit himself more, and still benefit Arachnos. Becoming an independent Arachnos Commander also earned himself many enemies within Arachnos. He joined the Bedlam Spiders, and became Operative Valos's apprentice so that he would be protected from the rising threat, and also gain some more power by learning all Valos could teach him.

Being Valos's apprentice meant Engel could get more jobs and contacts. Engel remained as Valos's apprentice for some time, doing work which would demoralize their enemies; the Shadow Spiders. After Engel got all he could get from Valos, he joined the Shadow Spiders. After being used as a human shield by Valos in a major battle with the Shadow Spiders, Engel was through with Valos.

Dr. Von Havencrabs took Engel in the Shadow Spider's base, and attened to Engel's wounds he obtained in battle.

After speaking with Doc Von Havencrabs, he joined him and the Shadow Spiders. Placed under the Shadow Spider's military intelligence branch, Engel began to learn how the enemies of Arachnos thought and acted. Learning much from his time as a Rogue, he finally met up with Lord Recluse and began trading information with Recluse in order to gain a higher rank and more power.

After Doc Von Havencrabs found out Engel was selling Recluse information, he battled and defeated Engel. Tearing Engel's crab spider pack from Engel's spinal cord, this crippled Engel. Doc Von Havencrabs then delivered Engel's helpless paralized body to Recluse and left. Recluse, was once more ashamed in his Lackey, but forgave Engel and gave him a new body.

Engel's body was once more reconstructed and this time transformed and placed in a Bane Spider Suit. His body was attached to a machine that pumped large ammounts of a super serum drug which kept Engel alive and brought him out of his paralized state.

Engel had now become a monster, more beast than man. Commander Engel returned on the battle field, and continued to work in Arachnos's favor, and benefit his lust for power.

Although Engel fell from power after the defeat, he began to quickly rise into power by doing the most dangerous work Arachnos could throw at him.

Redemption, Engel's Rise to Power

(Coming Soon!)

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