Concordat Pathfinder

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Concordat Pathfinder
Player: @SPTrashcan
Origin: Science
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 26
Personal Data
Real Name: none
Known Aliases: None
Species: nonce organism
Age: 10
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 112 kg
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: purple
Biographical Data
Nationality: Concordat
Occupation: Pathfinder
Place of Birth: Concordat Megastructure C-0x2F
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: in a committed relationship
Known Relatives: none
Known Powers
claw combat, tuned body
Known Abilities
training, photosynthesis
No additional information available.

The Concordat Pathfinder arrived on Earth quite recently. She is here to guide humanity through its crises and prepare it for induction into the Concordat, a society of intelligences in peaceful cooperation. Or at least, that's what she believes.



The Pathfinder is a member of the Do-Gooders. She has partnered with a number of other heroes - most without incident. The Star of Justice, however, is suspicious of her motives.


The Pathfinder is polite, genial, and slightly naive, behaving in many ways like the foreigner she is. She has an excellent theoretical knowledge of social science, but has had little experience with actual human beings. Despite her cool attitude, she is easily flustered, and relies on Shell's guidance in many things.


Claw Combat

The Pathfinder has received a great deal of training on the use of the weapons built into Shell: a straight dagger-like blade that can be extended to strike distant targets, and a pair of hooked blades that can be flung to strike targets in an arc.

Tuned Body

The Pathfinder's physiology is superbly optimized, and her reaction speed and muscular strength are superior to any ordinary human's.



Although the Pathfinder is physically young, she has spent most of her life in simulated training at a drastically altered time scale, compressing hundreds of years of experience into a brief time. Among the Pathfinder's skills are a knowledge of mathematics and sciences surpassing any human scholarship, as well as hundreds of languages and a nigh-comprehensive history of human society. Her knowledge of metaphysics, however, is notably lacking, and she has no understanding whatsoever of magic, religion, or mysticism beyond their practical consequences. The existence of ghosts presents a distressing conundrum for her.


The Pathfinder's green skin absorbs sunlight; she only rarely needs to eat, but she needs to expose her skin to the sun whenever possible. When severely injured, she enters a sessile regeneration cycle during which she resembles a leafy bush more than a person.


The Pathfinder's only equipment is her sentient bodysuit, called Shell. Shell is a genius-level artificial intelligence connected directly to the Pathfinder's brain, with advanced sensing and analysis capabilities. Shell is also an armored bodysuit that protects against environmental hazards. Shell can retract to a minimal configuration that leaves the Pathfinder's body largely uncovered, or extend to a full configuration that provides airtight full body coverage.

Weaknesses and Limitations

The Pathfinder loves and is emotionally dependent on Shell, who in turn uses its connections into the Pathfinder's brain to directly manipulate her psychological state. The Pathfinder also trusts Shell and the Concordat implicitly, and believes everything they have told her. Not everything they have told her is true.

Character History

Pathfinder remembers being germinated and raised in a happy society of people like her on Megastructure C-0x2F, a massive, terraformed Dyson sphere. At a tender age she placed highly on an aptitude test, and the Concordat called on her to become a Pathfinder. She moved to a training facility and was bonded with Shell, who was from then on her constant companion through hundreds of experienced years of training. She grew to a strong and healthy young woman as her mind was filled with everything she could possibly need to learn for the mission ahead. When her training was at last concluded, she and Shell were transmitted by spatial fold to the outer atmosphere of Earth, from where they descended to the planet's surface and began to pursue their important task.


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