Crey Infil-traitor

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Crey Infil-traitor
Player: @Sixty
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Sophie Alexander
Known Aliases: None
Species: Presumed Human
Age: Confidential
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Kings Row, Paragon
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.


In Brief

The Defense Experimental Research Projects Agency recently developed a new technology based off of Existing Energy Melee technology and techniques, known as Kinetic Melee it closely mimics some martial artists who can use Ch'i energy. Of course Crey Industries was able to steal the plans, and created their own Crey Kinetic Armour prototype, a technology firmly in the next Generation of Crey products, based on a synthesis of the original plans and stolen Tadakatsu industries technology. The prototype allowed Crey to identify several major flaws, which they attempted to correct with the Test Type suit. Sophie Alexander was a test pilot for that suit, which the Test pilots had dubbed 'the Hadouken Suits', one of which which she stole with the help of Ghost Dagger. Now she is hunted by Crey, DERPA and Tadakatsu.

Sophie Alexander

Sophie Alexander's parents traveled extensively, as her father a researcher for Crey Industries was transferred from project to project. As a young girl she liked running, Gymnastics, and the colour blue. She was never in one place long enough to make friends. Stability came when her father left Crey and took a job with a Japanese firm making its first expansion into America; Tadakatsu Industries.

Sophie and her family settled down in Kings Row in the City of Heroes; Paragon, and soon after she began college. She was an average student in the academics, excelling on the sports field instead. Sophie's Football career was cut short almost before it began in her final college season when a bad tackle fractured her spine. Tadakatsu offered to replace her spine with a radical new artificial column they had been developing as a part of their cybernetics research, it had been approved for human testing. It would be constructed primarily from a a textile of graphite nano-tubes which was light-weight but had a purported strength greater than steel. During the long recovery she became addicted to morphine, a habit replaced following her recovery with cigarettes and strong drink.

KERAA-1 and Sophie Alexander

Following Spinal reconstruction and recovery Sophie moved from job to job, unable to maintain employment she turned to thievery, and soldier of fortune jobs. It was Sophie's father who, two years after her accident, offered her a job. He had gone back to working with Crey and was able to use his influence as a project leader to get her a shot. Crey training agreed with her and a year later she had already completed her first assignment as a Crey Infiltrator. When it came time to begin testing the revised KERAA-1 suit her father again pulled some strings and got her assigned as one of the Test Pilots. By this time in addition to the stern smoking and alcohol regulations, Crey's suspect practices were beginning to rankle her. It wasn't long until an opportunity to not only get away from Crey, but to get away with some profit too.

The Theft

It was two months into testing when the facility was attacked by a Ninja Assassin 'Ghost Dagger' Sophie seized the opportunity to take the suit and run. Aiding Ghost Dagger, she liberated several unwilling test subjects from another project sharing the facility and escaped into Atlas Park. Dubbed the Crey Infil-traitor, she put the suit to use, for personal gain and taking out her desire to fight and win on the criminals of the city.

Soldier of Fortune

Sophie went on to hire herself out as before, even taking part on a classified CIA operation in the gulf. She continues to explore the suits capabilities and limits.

The KERAA Kinetic Energy Redirection Array Armour

The KERAA or Crey Kinetic Armour is a part of the next generation of Crey technology and is the product of Crey Industries ingenuity and industrial espionage. The base plans were stolen from The Defense Experimental Research Projects Agency and was formulated from existing Energy Melee technology and techniques, known as Kinetic Melee it closely mimicked some martial artists who can use Ch'i energy. Those plans were fused with design documents covertly sourced from Tadakatsu Industries featuring micro-miniature repulsion coils, a refined energy delivery system, and an experimental new energy source. Crey scientists combined the technologies together with their usual brilliance, even engineering a carbon nanotube ceramic to build the suit out of.

KERAA-0 Prototype

The original suit was made of steel and carbon-fibre mesh the design aesthetic was rooted in the previous generation of Crey Tank designs, in actuality a modified Crey Cryo Tank suit. While the fundamental design worked well, the suit was too heavy to generate much kinetic energy, it was prne to overheating and subsequent stress fractures. It also killed the Test pilot during performance testing.

KERAA-1 Test Type

With full integration of the DERPA and Tadakatsu designs this suit bears little resemblance to the clunky previous generation. Made of a unique nanotubular graphite material it was flexible, lightweight and surprisingly tough. It also had improved heat dissipation. The suit was the first to incorporate a 'folded space' Deployment package. Each section capable of coming apart panel by panel and stacking for easy storage allowing the pilots to conceal the entire suit under normal clothing, such as a coat, jacket, sweater and suchlike. (Greater reductions in collapsed size may be possible with a more stable energy source.) Partial deployment allows the suit to retain partial functionality while remaining mostly concealed.

KERAA-1 Components and Capabilities


While the suit is a complex and experimental piece of technology, some of its individual components do bear mentioning in further detail.

Construction and Control

The KERAA-1 armour is constructed of Interlocking nano-tubular graphite, giving it a strength greater than steel while remaining lightweight. This technology was pioneered by Tadakatsu, and improved by Crey. The individual plates can be reconfigured into different shapes or collapsed, this process is controlled by a distributed processing array computer woven throughout the suit. This computer is also responsible for controlling the Heads Up Display, the communications unit, and Kinetic Energy Control units, the re-breather and other life support systems.

Power and Pilot Support

The KERAA-1 armour is powered by a Crey Industries MX-11b Micro-fusion self-charging battery. Capable of up to four hours of independent operations before the charging cycle begins, this figure fluctuates depending on the amount of power expended. This figure is also based upon operations based on an Earth-like environment and gravity, underwater operations and Zero-G maneuvering will also decrease this estimate. The Suit is capable of arranging itself into a Crey modified and miniaturized Ingram zn-3 thrust vectoring nozzles, and can redirect power from the KEC Units to propel the suit through the air at moderate speeds. The Pilot can be protected from hazardous environments by the sealed-suit design, and an inbuilt air purifier and re-breather. Neither have been tested.

Kinetic Energy Control Units

DERPA's primary unwitting contribution to the design was the revolutionary modification of Energy Melee technology. Crey Industries of course modified it further, adding a ranged component. The CI-1x Kinetic Energy Control Units (CI-1x KEC) are primarily deployed in the forearms and gauntlets of the suit, but are actually woven throughout the exo-skeletal structure. The units "wind in" and store energy, and release them not as standard energy, but as energy and concussive kinetic force. The Units are constructed on nano-tubular graphite infused with Wonderflonium and Impossibilium, allowing them to seemingly negate Physics.


While Sophie was a test pilot of the Suit, her actual knowledge of its capabilities is limited, having stolen it prior to the completion of the full testing programme. It is capable of delivering a variety of Kinetically charged energy blasts at both long and short range. It is capable of enhancing the users natural speed and leaping capabilities utilising the energy stored in the KEC units. It is capable of operating underwater and in space (in theory). The self charging batteries may be charged with power generated or stored int he KEC Units. It's folding space packing capabilities are capable of storing external items up to a certain size.

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