Demon Warden

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"You won't be able to control me forever, my dear, Jacob."
The Demon Warden
Player: Daedelus
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: In Progress
Personal Data
Real Name: Jacob Tian Lo (aka Jake)
Known Aliases: The Demon Guardian
Species: Human
Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Chinese-American
Occupation: Student / Co-owner, Lo's Ancient Remedies
Place of Birth: Paragon City, RI
Base of Operations: Paragon City, RI
Marital Status: Unmarried, single
Known Relatives: Grandfather, Chan Lo, deceased; Father, Fong Lo, deceased; Mother, Miu Chui-Lo;
Known Powers
Spontaneous regenerative ability, superhuman speed, superhuman endurance
Known Abilities
highly focused mind, moderate intelligence, athletic, gymnastic ability
Spring loaded hand-blades


Character History

Character Notes: The character concept is an experiment in duality. This character arose from the classic story about the balance and need, if you will, for both good and evil in the world. The character is an amalgomation of a few influences, specifically - Daredevil (in costume), Big Trouble in Little China (in the character personality of Jake which I modelled after a combination of Jack Burton and Wang Chi), and Rapid Fire (Jake Lo - character's alter ego, look and feel and namesake). In part, I wanted to have an homage character to Brandon Lee.

I've never actually played a claws/regen scrapper before so this is also an experiment with these powersets. Generally, I've played a lot of scrappers but never to 50, so given how much I like this concept, I hope to get this one to max level.

Jake plays host to a demon called Castiel. This symbiotic relationship between demon and human is the result of many centuries of tradition - a practice that allows the balance between good and evil - white and black magic - maintaining order. Though not traditionally a warrior, those entrusted with a demon charge have been known to take up arms to maintain the balance. Most recently, Jake has learned of a plot to upset the balance in the favor of black magic. Though the instigator of this plan has yet to be discovered, Jake felt his "talents" since joined with Castiel would prove useful in squashing the plot. All that Jake knows is that the Circle of Thorns is involved. Having made the decision to actively stop the threat, Jake now fights crime under the pseudonym, The Demon Warden.

Powers and Abilities


Jake's powers aren't necessarily, Jake's. His superhuman abilites are the results of a ritual bonding of Jake and a demon from the underworld known only as Castiel. You might wonder why this young man would do such a thing as bond with a demon, but this choice was made long ago. In each generation, a young person is chosen to contain the essense of a powerful demon. This bonding is done to maintain a balance between light and dark energies - white and black magics of the most ancient and primal of forces. Generally, once the bonding is complete, the intended takes a pilgrimage of sorts and removes themself from the world. The balance created by the bonding is sensitive and thus it takes a great deal of focus to maintain control. It is a very rare occurrance for the host to remain among the people.

In bonding with Castiel, Jake gained the power to recover from injury at an astonishing rate. Additionally, the symbiosis enhanced Jake's ability to focus his mind giving him great resistance to being stunned or immobilized. Jake also gained speed unlike any normal human - with focus, his attacks being almost blindingly fast.


Jake spent most of his life training for the bonding. That being the case, his physical shape and althletic abilities are very good. Jake generally focused his training on balance and gymnastics, leaning on methods of Tai Chi and Chi Kung to exercise his mind as well as his body. It is his extreme concentration which keeps Castiel's darker side at bay and Jake must meditate daily to ensure he does not falter in his control of the demon within.


Jake isn't someone one would consider shy. He is outspoken and sarcastic, a bit of a flirt even. He's spent most of his life in a world of both structure and fantasy. His father was extremely strict and steeped in a traditional way of thinking. Jake, in many ways, is his polar opposite and this in and of itself cause a great deal of friction when Jake was growing up. Knowing what Jake would take on later in life, his father put a tremendous amount of pressure on him. Through it all, however, Jake handled it remarkably well. Jake found peace in meditation, often turning to it to soothe his troubled mind. It was through this connection with his own energy and the energy of the world around him that Jake got to know his father. It was the only way.


Lo's Ancient Remedies

The family store, started by Jake's grandfather, Chan Lo, when he first came to America in the latter half of the 20th century, is a fixture in Paragon City. Many patrons frequent the shop out of more curiosity than actual need. Somehow, each year, the store makes enough income to stay in business, having been passed down from generation to generation.

Chan Lo

Jake's grandfather passed away before Jake reached the age of 10. From what Jake knew of him, he was not unlike his own father - strong-willed, old-fashioned. Chan was a powerful wizard, if one could be considered such a thing. Jake would sometimes fall asleep to the sound of his grandfather's voice, speaking of the ancient world and warriors of light and dark magic. Jake often dreams of his grandfather's stories, dreams so real, they both frighten and fascinate him.

Fong Lo

Jake and his father rarely saw eye to eye. Fong was a very traditional thinker, seeing the world in stark black and white. He was a hard man, but he felt this toughness with his family was his strength and was what was needed to maintain the balance. His family had been honored with a sacred duty and this duty would not be diminished by weakness. Fong learned all that he knew of magic from his father and worked very diligently in passing on his knowledge to his son. Though not as powerful as his father, Fong did not lack confidence or will in the practice of his art. Fong stood his ground to the very end, falling victim to an attack by the Circle of Thorns, intended to harm his son shortly after the bonding with Castiel.

Miu Chui-Lo

Jake's mother took on the role of protector. In many ways, Jake owes his grasp of serenity to his mother. Though her temperment was considerably subdued compared the the passionate demeanor of her husband, Miu, was no less committed and passionate about her duty. She often played mediator between the "debates" her husband and son had, and it was she who understood both sides of the discussions and was able to sow peace. Miu spent many hours teaching her son the techniques of meditation, in which she renewed his body and mind from the toll of physical training. Though she supported her son's decision to become a hero, she out of all Jake's family, is most fearful of Jake losing control. She felt this even more so when Jake's father was killed. Each night, she quietly prays for both herself and her son for strength to bear this burden.


Castiel is the human created name for the demon which now shares Jake Lo's body. It was once said that Castiel, himself, was human and that it was through the embrace of the darker side of humanity and black magic that he degenerated into the being he is today. Not much is known of him other than, he has a thirst for bloodshed in every form - he relishes causing pain to human and demon alike. Though he indulged in savagery while he walked the Earth, he still considers himself a king among peasants - a god amongst insects. Castiel is not happy with his "imprisonment" in Jake, as he calls it. He often manifests himself as a voice inside Jake's thoughts, though his host's powerful mind does well to suppress him...most of the time.
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