
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Howling Twilight
Player: I-trick
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Scrapper
Threat Level: 40+
Personal Data
Real Name: Mike Fera
Known Aliases: Deuce-Wild
Species: Mutant Wolf Hybrid
Age: 23
Height: 6'1
Weight: 195 pounds
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Confidential
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: Praetoria
Base of Operations: Sharkhead Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Hyper Animalistic Reflexes / Feral Combat
Known Abilities
Nanotech Enhanced Claws


Mike Fera has never known normalcy during his troubled existance. Born a mutant of Praetoria, his was the fate of many mutant children: government programming. Removed from his birthparents, Mike was raised by a special branch of the Praetorian power division dedicated to moulding young supers into productive members of the Praetorian guard. It is said that as a youth Mike was originally quite playful and innocent, but over the course of his education that good sided nature was beaten out of him. Still as a member of the Praetorian Power Division, Mike was raised to serve the public good.

Perhaps due to his obvious mutation and ostracized childhood, or perhaps due to his growing predatory instincts Mike developed into a ruthless personality. As a productive member of the PPD, he was praised for this ruthlessness in the service of Emperor Cole’s vision, but even so many of his fellows treated him like a loose cannon. Dubbed, Deuce-Wild by those same peers, Mike was often able to resolve extremely difficult situations by making the tough choices that many of his peers would balk at. This earned him both their respect and loathing.

On one of his service evaluations, his supervisor wrote: Deuce-Wild is adaptive and cunning, direct and uncompromising. These qualities make him an excellent soldier and specialist, but are often as detrimental as beneficial. Deuce has on several instances ignored directives by superior officers to resolve incidents in his own way when the opportunity presented itself. While we should applaud his dedication and service, many of his decisions have caused our public communication department great distress. Deuce is not called wild just for his looks, even among his peers Deuce-Wild is known to be an erratic partner at best. It is our recommendation that... [etc.]

For a time Deuce was sent out on one man low profile missions, but despite their best efforts to make good use of Mike’s ruthless efficiencies, the oft-times brutal results of his interventions continued to raise his profile among citizens of Praetorian.

In order to avoid further complications, Mike was reassigned to service in Primal Earth. Despite his own nature, Mike Fera saw himself as a protector to the people of Praetoria and so upon arrival in Primal Earth sought out the Paragon Authorities to register himself as a hero. For a time he was able to work with the Hero’s of Paragon and earned some small recognition as just that: a hero.

However it wasn’t long until his ruthless nature had Deuce-Wild on the sometimes wrong side of the law. On several instances his vigilante attitude earned him severe fines and punishment by the ruling powers in Paragon city.

Sick of their ingratitude, Mike travelled secretly to the rogue isles where he continued to see himself as a hero, seeking out and killing villains in his own brand of ever-darkening justice. Finally sick of even this and the futility of the never ending struggle, Mike decided to seek out means of increasing his own powers.

Deuce-Wild versus Captain Mako

In his search for power, Deuce wild’s predatory-nature eventually led him to Captain Mako. Deuce and Mako instinctively understood each other, and for a time Deuce worked along Mako to hunt the refuse of Paragon. However as Deuce-Wild continued to grow in strength a falling out began to occur. Details of the incident are being repressed by the Arbiters but it seems as though the discord between the two culminated during a ritual to draw power from the rumoured Leviathan of Sharkhead Isle. While the results of that confrontration are being repressed, it is known that Deuce-Wild has been displaying some remarkable new prowess with water spurts, and seems to no longer answer to Mako’s authority.

Deuce-Wild versus Lord Recluse

For those who know the lay of the land, Lord Recluses has focused a great deal of his attention and resources on perhaps the highest project in the rogue isles to date: operation DESTINY. Although the specifics of this project are said to only be known by the top brass, it is no secret that Lord Recluse seeks to change the future to suit his will. Very little is known about the specifics of this project, yet many meta-humans who have found their way by guile, force, or circumstance to isles of arachnos have been registered into this program. Many benefits are afforded destined ones, despite the extra attentiveness of Arachnos operatives.

As this pertains to our villain in question, after Deuce-Wild’s altercation with Captain Mako, there were rumoured whispers that he had gained Recluses eye, raising him among to the top rungs of the list of Destined Ones. Although things seem to have quieted down, Deuce-Wild Widespread incursions into Paragon city, Portal Corp, and Crey facilities saw the kidnapping of a great number of portal and time-stream experts. Nothing is being said about the incident, but something has happened whereby Deuce-Wild was removed from the list of destined ones. Experts in Paragon City believe that he has in some way displeased the powers that be.

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