Doctor Wounds

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Doctor Wounds
Player: @Hyperbole
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: 50+
Personal Data
Real Name: Dr. Darren Wounds
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 38
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 195 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Praetorian
Occupation: Surgeon
Place of Birth: Praetoria
Base of Operations: Imperial City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: n/a
Known Powers
Knives (Claws)/Pain Control (Invulnerability)
Known Abilities
Can cope with pain on a level that is almost superhuman. Is an expert surgeon and adept at wielding all manner of blades, large and small, as well as bonesaws.
Carries around spring-loaded or Rularuu knives, as well as two bonesaws on retractable chains that can be hurled at opponents and quickly retrieved.

Doctor Wounds is what would be classified as a metahuman. Originally an assistant to Dr. Vahzilok in Praetoria, Darren had hoped to be at the forefront of evolution through surgical procedures. Both he and Dr. Vahzilok felt that if the secrets of the human body could be unlocked, that they could put an end to disease, and perhaps, given enough time, unlock the mysteries of cell regeneration and immortality itself. Dr. Vahzilok's specialty was renewing and revitalizing dead flesh, while Dr. Wounds specialized in operations on live patients without the use of any pain-blocking medications. Dr. Wounds had discovered by accident that one of his patients had undergone a procedure entirely without such medications and had recovered far faster than any similar patient on record from a routine appendectomy. Due to a genetic anomaly in this patient, he was able to fully feel the pain of the procedure, but was unable to regain consciousness to tell anyone of this fact. Further studies indicated that this patient was in all other respects a normal human being, so there was no reason he should have recovered so quickly from his injuries. He further reported that he felt much more self-aware after the traumatic experience, as he had no other alternative but to bear with the pain. The insights Dr. Wounds gained from this patient led him to conduct other experiments on volunteers. His results were promising, but during one experiment, a patient died, and when he reported her death and the circumstances of it, he was prohibited from conducting further experiments.

Dr. Vahzilok and he had been working closely together, sharing the results of their findings, and while each supported the work of the other, Dr. Vahzilok had a breakthrough of a completely different nature. He achieved the ability to manipulate dead flesh to an astounding degree, reactivating and strengthening the flesh to superhuman levels, and had recruited a fairly large following of servants who would go out and "appropriate" materials for his experiments. These helpers were careful to only pick subjects who would not be missed, and were so good at it that Dr. Wounds did not become aware of these macabre activities for years. When Dr. Wounds was banned from his own research, Dr. Vahzilok invited him to become a partner to his experiments in undeath. This did not appeal to Darren in the slightest, and he threatened to expose Dr. Vahzilok if he did not discontinue his abominable work. Dr. Vahzilok did not take the threat lightly, and while he reassured Darren that he would stop his experiments, he instead sent a horde of his abominations to Darren's home in the dead of night. The vile creatures assaulted Darren, covering him in a toxic, virulent putrescence that burned his flesh and and caused him immeasurable agony. The simple-minded abominations left him for dead, but Darren was only at the brink of death. He was found a day later by a visiting friend and rushed to a medical center for treatment. The best medical techniques available were used to restore Darren, and Praetor Cole himself ordered a media cover-up to make others believe he was dead. Praetor Cole believed that anyone who could survive such a terrible ordeal must have some unrealized goal or potential that needed to be met. When Dr. Wounds recovered, he tracked down and destroyed all of Dr. Vahzilok's creations and nearly took Dr. Vahzilok's own life, but spared him instead, letting him know that if he ever got wind that there were more abominations in Praetoria, he would be back.

As a Loyalist, Dr. Wounds believes in the vision of Praetor Cole, but is not convinced that Primal Earth must be wiped out to solidify the greatness of Praetoria under his dominion. Since discovering the path of the Incarnate, Darren has had to struggle with the power and responsibility associated with it, as well as begin seeing his path as that of a servant to the people, while also being an example of what humanity can achieve through struggle and hardship.

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