
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: Caithann
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Christian Beller
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 29
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 203Lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Villain
Place of Birth: Dallas, TX
Base of Operations: Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Mechanics, Math, Physics, Intellect
Stolen Military Equipment and Robotics
No additional information available.



Dronebay: a villain recently surfacing on the Rogue Island headlines, is criminal mastermind who specializes in breaking into fortified locations using modified nanites and robotic henchmen. These henchmen are unquestioningly loyal and programmed to follow Dronebay's every command. Although he may be the master behind the curtains, his robotic puppets will always pull the strings of his heart.


Young Christian's powers manifested early on in his life. A puberty induced mutation in his brainwaves allowed him communication with electronic devices - a power not unheard of in the super community.

During his teenage years, the adolescent known as Christian Beller's brain slowly began converting itself to something much like a biological hard drive; more so than the human brain already is. The bright eyed youth used his gift to store mass amounts of information directly downloaded from his institution's own computers.

He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a doctorate in Nano-technology. He also had a secondary major in robotics.

Previous Accomplishments

In later years, Beller was only a partially well known nani-physicist; his name appeared in many medical and technology journals for his research on nanite technology and military applications.

His works include specialized medical nanites that biologically I.D soldiers to their assigned weapons and Nano-bot immunoboosters. He also helped progress the field of personal robotics by leaps and bounds with his work on both body guard and guard dog robots.

There are rumors floating around that Dr. Beller was involved in a military project to create nanomachine transmitters that could replicate the rudimentary abilities associated with 'Techno paths'. Beller fell from military grace when the one batch of test subjects were inflicted with irreparable brain damage.

Going Rogue

Beller's conversion from scientist to villain was brief and painful. Whilst travelling alongside a military V.I.P over the Alaskan Tundra on board a private airliner, malicious metahumans attacked, seeking to take the V.I.P hostage or kill him outright.

The plane crashed into the snow below, and a team of freshly trained super humans was scrambled to assist the scene. Most of the airliner's crew and pilots were killed instantly by the crash; the armed guards were struck down by the attackers.

The heroes arrived just in time to fend off the villains, but in their eager haste they only rescued the important official; leaving Dr. Beller unconscious and entombed with the rest of the dead.

Fortunately for the doctor, his personal body guard 'Rowdy Mk.I' was stowed in the cargo hold of the plane and impacted only meters away from the crash. It activated and helped dredge its master from the wreckage. Beller sustained major brain damage in the crash, losing one third of his brain's operating capacity. During his loss of conscious, Christian's own bloodstream nanites reconstructed the damaged brain tissues; however, during the ordeal the man realized he had been left behind, scuttled. This angered brainwave imprinted on the nanites within him as they rebuilt his brain.

When he awoke, he was no longer Dr. Beller; perhaps that was the part of his original brain that died. He was now Dronebay, a man hellbent on bringing down those he once supported in revenge for leaving him to the scavengers. He was long gone before recovery teams arrived.

Dronebay's first act of villainy was to storm a military supply bunker in Anchorage. There he used his robotic ally to slay the skeleton crew of guards and commandeer what he thought was rightfully his. He used his own technopathy and nanites which were far superior to the watered down tech he gave the army to rewrite the codes imprinted on the weapons he found there, making them his.

He would then make his way across the country to acquire stolen tech before heeding the call to the Rogue Isles to prove his worth against the Heroes of Paragon.

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