Dynamo Jr.

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Dynamojr stand.jpg
Dynamo Jr
Dynamo Jr.
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: '
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: '
Weight: '
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Former sidekick, Time-traveling adventurer
Place of Birth: Massachusetts
Base of Operations: Boston
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Super strength, Damage resistance
Known Abilities
Basic street fighting, boxing
Dynamojr AL stand.jpg

Dynamo Jr. was the sidekick of WWII era hero called Dyna-Man. He turned 18 just in time to join in the normandy invasion with a group of heroes that included Dyna-Man and, even though neither hero had any paranormal powers, the team continued to work well against their foes. The pair ended up separated from the other heroes at one point and joined up with a company of rangers on the way to destroy a supposed nazi lab in northern France. Once there, the heroes and soldiers were shocked to find one of the Nazi's most feared scientist and a company of the Storm Korps. The fight was horrible. Men were dying and the scientist had liberated his experiment, which turned out to be a new kind of weapon technology. Dyna-Man and Dynamo Jr. confronted the escaping scientist and he unveiled the ominous looking weapon. Just before he pulled the trigger (while making a speech, of course) Dynamo Jr. jumped him while Dyna-Man rushed in. As he clasped his arm around the mad scientist's neck the weapon fired... Dynamo Jr. woke up between a pair of large rocks in Prometheus Park in modern Atlas City in early 2012. The last thing he remembered was a flash of light and a long kaleidoscopic tunnel. He was immediately set upon by a group of Hellions intent on busting up a hapless hero when, much to his surprise and theirs, he found that he had mysteriously gained hyper-normal strength and invulnerability. In the time he has spent in the now he has continued to search for clues to his situation. It has come to light that some of the people, places and things that he remembers are not exactly the same as they appear to have been in modern Paragon. Each small discrepancy makes him all the more confused and worried about loved ones who are now gone and his place in this world. Struggling with his new found powers and a future frought with danger and excitement, Dynamo has found a place in this world. For now.

Statesman's death marked one of the last ties to a past that is quickly fading from him. To help him deal with these issues, a place was found for him with one of Paragon's most revered groups. Dynamo Jr. is now a member of The American Legion.

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