Ecstasy Anya

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Ecstasy Anya
Origin: '
Archetype: '
Security Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Anya Birke
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 20
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 112 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Neon Pink w/ Green Tips
Biographical Data
Nationality: '
Occupation: '
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: '
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Known Abilities

By day, Anya Birke is an ordinary, mild mannered college student. Well, actually, she tends to stand out a bit, with the bright pink hair, and oversized headphones she wears most of the time. And she's hardly mild mannered... to put it mildly, Anya knows how to party. By night, she's... well, actually she's pretty much the same, spending her time at the latest rave dancing, drinking, and popping whatever the hip new party drug is. Oh, and occasionally, she's been known to put on a mask and fight (or commit, it really depends on her mood) crime.
Normally a fairly average human girl, at least physically, Anya never dons her costume without first popping a few pills. She's not sure quite what it is... perhaps it's an unusual combination of drugs she took once, maybe it's some sort of repressed mutant gene... but for whatever reason, when she's high on psycadelics, she dosn't just think she's invincable, she very nearly is. Lifting trucks, leaping buildings, and regenerating from near-lethal wounds... all things that, after her first trip, she discovered were NOT part of the hallucinations.

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