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El French Piarre

From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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El French Piarre
Origin: French
Archetype: Master Mind
Threat Level: He will never tell
Personal Data
Real Name: El French Piarre
Known Aliases: '
Species: French
Age: 25
Height: 5’7
Weight: Fashionable
Eye Color: Fashionable Glasses
Hair Color: Pink
Biographical Data
Nationality: French
Occupation: Leader of Zee French Fashion Industree Special Forces Alpha Team Go!
Place of Birth: France
Base of Operations: French
Marital Status: Nobody Knows
Known Relatives: He was born.
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Having Ninjas fall from the sky
He father is Spanish his Mother is French but he's ok with that.

Until now El French Piarre has never given his age but it is now known that he is 25. He is one of the three founding members of “Zee French Fashion Industree. Zee Other Memers are Le Enri Jaque, Hugo Le Huerta.



El Hose Latta (El French Piarre’s Father) was born in the year 3123. He was born with pure fashion. He needed to make this fashion French so he traveled back to the year 1313 to marry a French woman (Name not given.) El French Piarre was born with a handlebar moustache and wearing his Groovy glassed (somehow) after he was born his father took him to a pocket dimension to raise Piarre in the art of Fashion. When he came to “The College of Hard Knocks” he met with Edward Macdouglas and befrended him. Later on he met Enri Jaque and Hugo Le Huerta (Both distant relatives.) Toghether they developed “Zee French Fashion Industree”. El French Piarre is Now the leader of “Zee French Fashion Industree Special Forces Alpha Team Go!” Who is a team consisting of 2 ninjas (Later on there will be more) who go around distributing the fashion to all the members in the Rouge Islands. _End Transmission_

Powers and abilities


El French Piarre carries around 1623 caltrops which he has tagged and numbered. He also carries around Taser Darts Which he carries around in a coin purse.


“Zee French Fashion Industree” has a high tech cloning program in which creates clones to protect El French Piarre in Direct Combat. They Ride in his wallet in a 2-dimentional form. He will take them out and shake them like a beach towel to make them 3-dimentional. El French Piarre has used 223 Clones so far.

Ninja 1

Nickname: “Chipper” (?)

Rank: Genin

Specialty: Stuff

Weapon: Bare hands, Ninja Tools

Quirk: He is the only sensible member of “Zee French Fashion Indutree Special Forces Alpa Team Go!"

Chipper is the only ninja so far that can speak English.

Ninja 2

Nickname: Joo

Rank: Genin

Specialty: Stuff

Weapon: Refer to Ninja 1

Quirk: Can’t speak a word of English

Ninja 2 is Ninja 1’s brother. He can’t speak or understand English.

Edward MacDouglas

[See Privade MacDouglas for More info[1]] While in the college of “Hard Knocks El French Piarre met with Edward MacDouglas and quickly became friends with him (later meeting him again at Fort Darwin). Not much is know about Edward MacDouglas after College (or his mental state during College) or why a Frenchman and an Irishman would have been in the same college.

Snow Sight

[See Snor Sight For More info[2]] Snow Sight and El French Piarre have battled in the past but the results of the battle are unstated. They both survived the outcome though.

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