Fallen Blade

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Fallen Blade
Player: @Dark Scythe
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Unknown
Species: Angel
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'11
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Hair Color: Skyline White
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Wanderer
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Immortality of the Gods, Mastery in Mind Games
Known Abilities
Very Able with a Sword
A Broadsword



The Fallen Blade is exactly that. He is a Fallen angel, cast out by his angelic Brethren for his deeds.

Over the Centuries, Angelic Warriors are often working behind the scenes, smiting those against their Lord. They have three rules. 1. Show Mercy 2. Never Kill 3. Never Hurt an Innocent

The Fallen Blade Breaks the first two every time. He feels why should he show mercy to those who show no mercy to others, so he shows none. And eventually his Archangel called him out on it, and exiled him to Earth for a Century, giving him time to learn the pros of compassion and mercy while living in a unjust world. So he is trying to make it better so he can rejoin his Angelic Brethren.

When he was cast down to earth, the first "human" he came into contact with Was Phylio Haetese. As such, he looked at the man, and looked at his past and his current course, and found it ideal to regain his honor, So he tries to model himself after Phylio.

The Fallen Blade is one of the very few who know of the Sovereign Blade as Phylio Haetese, and is also one of two people who are allowed to address him as such.

Now The Fallen Blade wanders the world trying to make it a better place... Only 50 more years to go.


He is very respectful. Never shows his emotions, very cold and calculates three steps ahead of most. He is cruelly ambitious and will chase an adversary to the ends of the earth and beyond if it saves many.

Skills and Abilities

The Fallen Blade has Angelic Skills

Tricks of the Mind

He is able to manipulate his minds layers, letting any mind reader see only what he wants them too. He is also capable of asking remedial questions to get the information he seeks, without every revealing he was looking for anything. He has been known to trick adversaries into their own defeat before he even has to raise his blade.

Angelic Wave

He has his Wings, which he can only use when his moral standing is pure. He can fly to most places in the world at super sonic speed and if need be, He can use them as a weapon as well.


His Angelic and Mortal Weaponry

Angelic Blade

His Blade is made of a material found only in Heaven. It is a pure Skyline White Blade with a Gold trimmed Hild that curves over the wielder's hand. This Blade can only be wielded by those pure and true.


Once when Fallen had been knocked down and his Blade knocked from his hand, his foe picked up the Blade, and was almost immediately consumed by a Holy White Fire.

White Dragon Blade

A gift from the Sovereign Blade, his White Dragon Blade, over a Millennia old in perfect condition. A back Up Blade doused in Holy Water.





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-Sovereign Blade
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