Fanboy XIII

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Fanboy XIII
Player: Dj13
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 21
Personal Data
Real Name: Jacob Story
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 182
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Purple
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Student, Stock Boy
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Talos Island
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Classified
Known Powers
Weather and Radiation control
Known Abilities
Can summon storms and ice as well as shoot beams from his eyes.


Jake story grew up in Paragon City idolizing the heroes he saw in the news and on the streets fighting crime. To say that he was a fan of the heroes would be a ridiculous understatement. He is a HUGE fan! A crazed fan. When he began manifesting powers, he was extremely excited. Not because he could learn to use those powers to fight crime, but because he would get to fight crime with OTHER super heroes.

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Nancy Sutherland (interviewer for Paragon 5 News): So, Fanboy, how are things going for you in the first few months since officially registering as a hero in Paragon City?

Jake: Oh man! It is AWESOME!

Nancy: So you are enjoying your crime fighting career?

Jake: Yeah! I have a proper cape now and everything. The other day I even had someone compliment me on it and then right after that someone else invited me to be on their team to deal with some problems in Talos Island. That was cool.

Nancy: So would y...

Jake: (still talking) and one of the Heroines on that team was so strong! and she sparkled and she was like, "hey Fanboy!" and I realized I totally had seen her before on a team in Steel Canyon and she had a new costume and she would use her power to make me faster. Oh man. She was really cute too. Like, SO CUTE!

Nancy: That's really in...

Jake: (still talking) You know what I mean right? Like Fusionette is totally a babe and I helped her a couple times the other day. She's so nice. Man. Oh! How's this for COOL? I was fighting some Circle of Thorns dudes and out of nowhere this awesome Hero dude just flies right over me and healed my wounds AND made me a little tougher to hit with his powers. He saluted me and said "Kick some.." oh I can't say what he said.. but it means... you know.. 'butt'.. so yeah, he's like "Kick some BUTT, Fanboy!" and I just thought... this is the best day ever!! I totally took down those Circle of Thorns guys and rescued the lady they were messing with. She said they were gonna, like, kill her or something. Those guys are freaky.

Nancy: That a great s...

Jake: (still going) It's just so cool that I get to chill with other Heroes. I even went, like, snowboarding with them on the winter break. Only check this out! We don't use boards! We just slide because it's awesome being a super hero!! Oh man.

There is almost an hour of this interview on file.

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