Feng Ge

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Feng Ge
Player: @Arimikami
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Street Justice
Secondary: Invulnerability
Epic: '
Level: Adept
Statistic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fortitude Unverified
Stamina Unverified
Speed Unverified
Melee Unverified
Blasts Unverified
Support Unverified
Control Unverified
Personal Data
Real Name: Feng Ge
Identity: Public
Known Aliases: None
Species: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
Age: Unknown. Assumed to be around 19-20
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 198
Eye Color: '
Hair Color: Black
Skin Complexion: White and black
Distinguishment: Black skin around eyes as well as on hands and feet. Animalistic ears.
Medical Status: No medical records due to never going to a hospital
Financial Status: Minimal due to living her life as something of an ascetic
Religion: Buddhist
Sexuality: Undisclosed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives
No known biological relatives. Currently lives with a foster family.
Biographical Data
Nationality: American immigrant
Ethnicity: Chinese
Legal Status: Adult with hero registration and no outstanding warrants
Place of Birth: Unknown. Believed to be somewhere in Southeast China
Occupation: Hero/Self styled monk/Student
Minimal. Still working towards a high school diploma
Group Affiliations
None as of yet
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Residency: Kings Row
Known Powers
Superhuman resiliance and strength
Known Abilities
None really aside from being a skilled hand to hand combatant. She sometimes still struggles with the english language.
A phone and small wallet holding her hero I.D. as well as a small book outlining the teachings of the Buddha.
Awards and Collections
Licenses and Certificates
IC Accessibilty of Article



Found alone as a small child deep in the wilds of Southeast China, the person now known as Feng Ge was once nothing more than a minor curiosity at a small, nameless village. Sold to a pair of trappers for more money than the entire village sees in a year, she was in turn sold by them to the owners of a travelling circus. There she remained, just one freak among many, until the owners of the circus decided to bring their show to America in the hopes that the wealthier Americans would be willing to pay more money to see their collection of entertainers and oddities. While successful in their goal, the circus arrived at Paragon City in the start of May, 2002... just in time for the Rikti Invasion.

Seperated from the only people she knew, Feng wandered through the ruins of Paragon, scavenging food where she could. Stuck in an unfamiliar land and not knowing the local language, she grew more and more lost each day until the night a Rikti scouting party ran across her. Not knowing they were there until after they'd opened fire, Feng was every bit as surprised as the Rikti were to discover that what should have been a lethal volley of laser fire wasn't even crippling, merely painful. With nowhere to run, Feng threw herself at the extra dimensional invaders and, despite her newly discovered resilience, would most likely have lost if not for the timely arrival of human troops that saw the laser flashes off in the distance and came to investigate. After cleaning up the Rikti invaders, the humans took Feng and rushed her back behind friendly lines where she became one among a growing population of orphans.

Much to the consternation of others, Feng had no intention of just sitting back with the rest of the kids and letting others do all the fighting on their own. Though largely uneducated and completely ignorant of the conversations going on around her, Feng was acutely aware of two things. The first one being that people from a strange land had come here with the intent of hurting innocents and the second was that she had the power to do something about it, which is exactly what she set out to do. Due to her small stature at the time and her super human tenacity, it was remarkably easy for Feng to stow away on the various craft the human defenders used and remain hidden until it was too late for them to bring her back to safety. Eventually, the grown ups taking part in the battles gave up trying to keep the odd girl out of the fighting and allowed her to stand shoulder to shoulder with them in the defense of their city, turning her into something of a minor celebrity in the process.

Once the war was over, the owners of the circus came forward to reclaim their small celebrity but, by then, Feng had learned enough english to inform others of the truth of the relationship between her and the owners of the circus, which the government refused to allow to continue and she was emancipated. Since then, Feng has continued to live in Paragon, believing it's where she's meant to be considering that the city regularly faces many threats, innocents are endangered, and she has the power to do something about it.

Current Events

Physical Description


Strengths and Weaknesses





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