Feral Gigawatt

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Feral Gigawatt
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Electricity Brute
Threat Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Lily "Feral" Wolfhound
Known Aliases: Lil, Feral, Gigs, Bitch
Species: Genetically Altered Human (Canine)
Age: 26
Height: Confidential
Weight: 190lbs
Eye Color: Dark Red
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Canadian
Occupation: Bodyguard / Demolitionist
Place of Birth: Aldonse Human Genetic Research and Development Laboratories
Base of Operations: Cap au Diable, Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: -Deceased-
Known Powers
*Electric Aura (High pain tolerance to all powers and effects but Psychic).
  • Canine-gene strengthened metabolism, agility and stamina.
  • Increased strength due to specially augmented mechanical prosthetics.
Known Abilities
Tuned training in marksmanship, tracking and wilderness survival
'Crey Industries Bio-Thermal Electric Generator prosthetic forearms.
No additional information available.


I woke up with a stiff back and a dry mouth. I was naked on a stretcher, being carried into a room with bright lights and doctors. They did something to my hands... I couldn't feel anything. Couldn't move. Couldn't scream. Couldn't remember where I was or who I was... everything so fuzzy...

I woke up again in a sterile cell. I saw what they did to my hands, and my head started to hurt... it hurt so much and I got so angry... I pounded on everything I could, tore the metal plates from the wall and shattered the bars to my cell, but it wouldn't stop the hurting...

I killed everyone. They all did this to me. The men dressed like doctors. The tags said Crey. Crey did this to me.

The reports in the file room match the number on my arm. My name is Lily. I used to be called Feral Wolfhound. I remember Alberta... My father... Pan and Ssil and Iniq... but when I remember too much, the pain comes back. The pain won't stop, and it makes me so angry...

Earliest History (Birth - Rogue Isles)

Lily Wolfhound was born Project A37AI, within an incubator at the Aldonse Human Genetic Research and Development Laboratories in New York City, March 22, 1982. Due to the fragility of genetic research, Project A37AI was developed in secret, with the purpose of implanting the canine genome into the female genetic code. Doing this would (theoretically) create the perfect soldier, combining the natural survival instinct, heightened senses and ferocity of the Canadian Timber Wolf to the already agile, dexterous human female. For years everything went perfectly, until the project was leaked to the public.

There was a massive outcry from human and woman's rights activists as well as child protection agencies, and the company was sieged immediately by the government. In the rush to destroy the actual subject of their tests and destroy the data, two scientists managed to wrap the young A37AI in a lab coat and rushed from the building in a stolen Jeep. They drove for days, out of the country and into Canada, into the northern reaches of Alberta. Tired and desperate to find a place to dispose of the child and flee the continent, the scientists discovered an abandoned silver mine high in the frigid mountains. Venturing inside, they found themselves quickly surrounded by dark shadows with glowing yellow eyes. Sharp fangs glistened in the moonlight as the mine shaft echoed with ferocious growls. The scientists had been ambushed by the very creatures who's genetic code they implanted in the child they held, the Canadian timber wolf. Neither of the thin, lanky men had a chance when the creatures lunged for their necks, and their flesh was brittle and stringy. Despite the deadly frenzy, the child was safely taken aside by the largest of the pack, the lab coat hanging like a delicate package from his jaws. As the rest of his kind fed on their meager meal, the Alpha carried the child deeper into the caves, to a dimly lit fire surrounded by men. These men were unlike any other, as they moved and sniffed at the child like any other wolf. The Alpha set the bundle down at the feet of the largest of the humans, a massive man that wore a long, graying beard, with arms as thick and strong as a sequoia and draped in thick furs. The man gently picked the baby up in his callused hands and looked her over, his lips baring his elongated canines as they curled into a smile.

"The pack has been given a cub."

Lily was the name given to her. She came at the first day of spring, when the flowers began to bloom in the mountain meadows. Her family, the Wolfhound Pack, raised her like she was born to them. As she grew older, she learned how to track, survive in the wilderness, and hunt even the most elusive of prey. Though her family were rustic in every sense of the word, they had a few firearms, which she mastered quickly and effortlessly. The Wolfhound Pack was a group of men who were born of the local native tribes, all born of heightened instincts and abilities akin to their wolf ancestors. Together, they traveled the Canadian wildernesses, bringing judgment to those who would dare to defile the honor of the animal spirits. They kidnapped and murdered poachers as well as destroyed deforestation operations. To many pro-environment groups, they were heroic vigilantes. To companies who based their operations in the mountains of Alberta, they were psychopathic serial killers. To the Canadian Government, they were terrorists.

A massive manhunt was soon put out on the Wolfhound Pack after a raid on a logging operation concluded with three government inspection agents dead. With her trusty pair of Desert Eagles, Lily managed to put a single bullet in the head of every pursuer who got within 40 yards as they sprinted through the dense mountain forests. Helicopters skimmed the canopy as mounted gunners spit lead down upon the fleeing pack as they expertly weaved in and out of the maze of trees and flora. Despite their super-human stamina, speed and strength, the pack grew weary, and Lily waved for the rest of her family to continue on without her as she dove behind a rocky outcropping. From her small piece of cover, she shot at the passing helicopters above, each round striking her intended mark. Bodies fell from the hovering machines, crashing through branches on their way to the forest floor. Victory seemed to be at hand for Lily, until a tranquilizer dart plunged into her arm, with enough sedative to put an elephant into a coma. Lily fell limply against her cover, and she was quickly apprehended and en route to the highest level security facility for super-powered threats to await her trial. The Zig.

More to come soon!

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