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[[Image:<a href="" target="_blank" title="AllisonBergman"><img alt="AllisonBergman" border="0" height="355" src="770750396_429630.gif" title="AllisonBergman" width="264" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Online Photo Editor">Online Photo Editor</a>

Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Allison Jean Bergman
Known Aliases: Ally, Al, AJ, Lightwave
Species: Mutant
Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 117 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Superhero
Place of Birth: Annandale-On-Hudson, New York
Base of Operations: New York, New York
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Adrian and Astrid Bergman (parents), Julian Stone (ex-husband)
Known Powers
Energy manipulation, usually in the forms of light and sound
Known Abilities
Dancing, some martial arts training
No additional information available.

Dancefloor was created as an homage to my favorite superhero, Dazzler, and my favorite singer, Kylie Minogue, but hopefully will become less of an homage and more of her own character as I play with her more! Work in progress - the biography needs fleshing out.


Allison Bergman was born on October 7th, 1986 in Annandale-On-Hudson, NY, and moved shortly after to New York City due to her parents' divorce. As an only child of a doctor, she had a comfortable upbringing. Allison attended Stuyvesant High School, participating in theater and tennis, and later was accepted into New York University. Though she and her father had never been close-knit, they got along peacefully until it was time for Allison to transition into college. A talented dancer, she had hoped to major in dance, while her father encouraged her to study something more practical. Although they had reached an agreement - a double major - their relationship was never fully repaired, though she visits home every weekend since moving to Paragon.


Allison had known from age 12 that she was a mutant with the ability to manipulate energy. She treated her powers with general indifference and hid them until she was accidentally outed as a mutant in college, shunned by her peers, and inducted into a group of mutant students. She began to date and eventually married a fellow mutant known as Whitedawn, who helped her understand and use her abilities and introduced her to the world of heroism. The two split up after graduating college and Allison moved away to Paragon City, RI after being rejected from the New York Ballet Company. She has recently come out of "retirement" and is working once again as the hero Dancefloor.


Dancefloor has the ability to manipulate energy, but is limited to light and sound. She can bend light to become invisible, create intense light bursts strong enough to incinerate targets, arrange patterns to blind or hypnotize, and form concussive photon beams. Dancefloor commonly creates sonic constructs in the form of shields and can manipulate sound to affect the subconscious or cause intense vibrations. She cannot technically fly, but travels in a ball of light by controlling its movement, and can teleport but prefers not to. She is less experienced working with sound but can recreate any noise or pattern she hears, including voices, and transmit messages over long distances.

Personality and Quirks

Dancefloor is a born performer. Confident, assertive, and curious, she makes friends easily and has become somewhat famous in Paragon City, showing up to public events and talk shows regularly. Though she can be arrogant and lazy, she genuinely loves getting hugged by strangers from behind.

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