Flowing Flame

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                       STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
Fighting fire with fire.
Flowing Flame
Player: @sadronmeldir
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 38
Personal Data
Real Name: Cpt. Jamie Thompson
Known Aliases: Marin Masters
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 134 lbs
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: orange
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Demolitionist
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Patricia Thompson (mother)
Known Powers
Fire manipulation
Known Abilities
Explosives expert
Targeting drone, gun drone, trip mines, caltrops and more



Were it not for her ability to control fire and hot temper, most would have considered Marin Masters to be an ice woman. She had grown up under the strict guidance of her mother, Patricia Thompson, who was a general in the U.S. army. From an early age she had been modeled to be the ideal soldier who did what she was asked without hesitation or reflection. This behavior carried with Marin into her adult life. She would rarely question any order and would always accept responsiblity for her actions.

Groomed for battle, Marin kept everyone at arm's length. Nobody in her unit had gotten more than a smile out of her. She would always dress professionally and tactically, both to avoid getting shot or hit on. She often found herself on the front lines of a battle, and as such was accustomed to losing teammates in battle. Her snide comments and sarcastic wit kept potential friends at a distance. She didn't see the point in relationships because she knew that anyone could go at any second.

Her passion and life revoled around her work. When she wasn't out on the field, she'd spend hours holed away with circuit boards and C4. While she was a demolitionist by profession, she dabbled in artificial intelligence in her spare time. Once she gained her mutant powers, she also took to flying around the city.


Marin has recently suffered a massive head trauma which has resulted in severe memory loss. As a result, her military professionalism and training have been stripped away from her behavior. She no longer knows who she was, and refers to herself only as "Flame". While she was initially concerned about her past life, the fact that nobody has seemed to recognize she's been missing has led her to believe that there isn't much to go back to. Now, she's out to make a new life for herself.

Without her training to fall back on, Marin's behavior reflects her more natural personality. She is less reserved and guarded, cheerfully seeking out new friends. She has a good-natured sense of humor and has been known to make a pun or two.

Knowing first-hand how fragile memories can be, she now tries to embrace each moment she has. She doesn't spend time dwelling on a choice once she's made up her mind. While such impulsiveness will undoubtedly get her in some trouble, she'd rather make a few mistakes along the way than avoid taking a leap once in a while.

One aspect of her past life which seems to have remained is her stubborn persistence. She simply doesn't back down and if she feels challenged, she'll take command of a situation instantaneously.


Military Service

Surace Industries



Marin's mutant abilities aren't natural. She was the initiail test subject of the Genoman Initiative founded by Surace Industries (back when it was run by Alpinist). The goal of the Initiative was to develop a way to embed mutant powers in normal human beings.

Fire Control







Cloaking Device

Tageting Drone


Gun Drone

Jet Boots

Tactical HUD


  • Solar Wonder: She met him while she was waiting for a friend, and was instantly taken with him. Despite her fear of commitments, she's decided to risk a relationship with him, taking it one day at a time.
  • Alpinist: Marin's "rescuer". He gave her mutant powers and a new life. She questions whether or not he genuinly cares about her well-being or if she's just a test subject to him, but the two have a professional understanding.
  • Countess Crey: Ever since it was discovered by the Countess that Marin was once an ordinary person who was turned mutant by an experimental process, she's been relentless in hunting her down for experimentation. If the Countess manages to reverse-engineer the secret to Flame's power, there's no telling what could happen!


  1. Friend Links: Solar Wonder
  2. Neutral Links: Alpinist
  3. Enemy Links:
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