Freedoms Crusade

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Screenshot 2009-02-15-14-56-42.jpg
Freedoms Crusade
Player: @Jack storm
Basic Data
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Peacebringer
Security Level: 39
Occupation: CEO of Storm Enterprises and Hero
Personal Data
Real Name: Jack Storm
Known Aliases: Freedom Maximus
Species: Human (Kheldion Symbiote)
Age: 24
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eye Color: White(From the Kheldion Symbiote)
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: unknown
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Birthdate: 02/04/1985
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
Current Residence: Steel Canyon
Team Afilliations: Jadewire
Base of Operations: Jadewire
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Frank Storm/Freedom Shot(Father), Jaquelin Storm(Mother, Deceased)
Known Powers
Incadescent Energy
Training / Abilities
Tech Knowledge
Crusader Armor Mark I and Crusader Armor Mark 2


H archetypeicon peacebringer.png‎ OOC Information

Freedoms Crusade was the first super hero i ever made in my life. The way i made him was if you think about what would Captain America and Iron Man be like.....and I threw a bit of my personality into him as well. I have a full history written for him up until i joined the Jadewire in City of i let my friendships and experiences write the rest of his timeline with various story arcs, adventures, encounters, etc.

H archetypeicon peacebringer.png Personality

Jack Storm is pretty laid back. He likes to joke around with everyone (mostly Kiloton Kid) and he's always around to help ensure that everyone's happy. The only few times you will see him serious is when one of his friends is in trouble, during a mission...or when it comes to his company.

H archetypeicon peacebringer.png Powers & Abilities

Jack is a mutant by nature.....but his powers dissapeared upon him gaining his Kheldion, Zero. Now his hero classification is a Peacebringer, in thus he uses the Luminous Blasts and Auras that being in the symbiotic relationship with Zero has given him access to.

H archetypeicon peacebringer.png Zero

Zero is the Kheldion who was responsible for forming the resistance against the Nictus on their homeworld. During the War he decided to take it upon himself to find a new place for his brethren to settle only to find Earth.....and that some Kheldions have already settled inside of human hosts. During one of his survey missions he passed over the Rikti Warzone and saw Jack fighting someone.....this intrigued him as he never really studied the heroes of this planet closely and watched the fight take place. After the fight, Jack was sniped through the heart and in order to save him Zero merged with Jack to save his life. The two are now best of friends....though they sometimes butt heads. Zero has also become obsessed with old Film Noir detective movies. So much that he recently gave himself a form resembling a detective from an old movie starring humphrey bogart.

H archetypeicon peacebringer.png Background

-coming soon-

H archetypeicon peacebringer.png Affiliations: People




H archetypeicon peacebringer.png Affiliations: Supergroups

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H archetypeicon peacebringer.png Theme Songs

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