Gamma Gaze

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Gamma Gaze
Player: Ms. Quantum
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 32
Personal Data
Real Name: Lexi Stone
Known Aliases: Gamma, Gaze, Nuke
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 159
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Naturally Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Professional Musician
Place of Birth: San Diego, CA
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mother
Known Powers
Radiation Emission, Exceedingly high metabolism, Super Speed, Ability to redirect photons
Known Abilities
Excellent sprinter, good leadership abilities
Kevlar/Lead hybrid weave suit, specially designed focusing goggles, durable MP3 player
No additional information available.


Character History

Early Years

Lexi Stone’s birth name was Carol Alexis Lambert but was later changed for her stage name. Only knowing her mother (a former Olympic athlete and now a personal trainer) she grew up with somewhat of an expectation to compete in sports. Lexi was most interested in soccer and trained regularly for it in high school. Lexi showed a lot of promise in the sport, winning several junior awards making her mother proud. But Lexi’s real passion was realized after she asked her mother to pay for guitar lessons on a whim. Being a supportive parent, she agreed to pay for the lessons. What began as an innocent hobby would soon turn into a full blown career.

The Tonic Carnival

Leaving behind sports almost entirely, Lexi got some friends together to start a punk-rock band at the tail end of high school. After much deliberation they finally settled on the name “Tonic Carnival” and began cranking out songs. Lexi took matters into her own hands by writing all of their songs and fronting the band. The other members were ok with this since she convinced them that she was the best at songwriting and had enormous stage presence. She felt that with a little effort from the entire band they could really go places and she was right. About 6 months into playing local gigs a representative from a record company stumbled upon them, their sound moved the rep in ways he’s never experienced before. Tonic Carnival soon found themselves in record stores around the country and booked for numerous concerts.

The Chord That Changed Everything

As part of a severe hurricane relief effort, Tonic Carnival was booked for a fund raising concert. Lexi thought it felt great to use her music to bring together thousands of her fans to help people in destitute. The concert ending up being the largest they’ve ever performed for; Lexi was high off of the energy from the crowd. Soon came time for their most popular song in their set: “Beyond Toxic America” and the crowd erupted with cheers and whistles. Lexi loved it and milked those die-hard fans for all they were worth by using her signature poses and quirky dancing style. As the song came to a close Lexi struck the final chord and rode out the sound with one arm stretched high in the air. She looked up at the night sky completely satisfied with herself and in that very moment her latent mutant abilities that were unknown to her, activated. Her eyes glowed with a greenish-orange energy and a beam of concentrated x-rays blasted into the night sky. The crowd, not really caring how it happened, exploded with cheers. Lexi was left on stage utterly confused and wondered how that could have happened but after a moment she just smiled at the crowd as if she actually knew and cheered back at them.

Celebrity Doesn’t Even Cover It

Lexi’s publicist urged her to use her abilities and to become a hero. It took some convincing but eventually Lexi warmed up to the idea of wearing tights and stopping crime and corruption. Her publicist and his marketing team cooked up the name “Gamma Gaze” and hired Icon to design an outfit. The stage was set and all that was needed was the performer. Lexi took some time to hone her abilities and learn what she could do. With the help of some other heroes she learned that not only can she shoot x-rays from her eyes but control radiation to be harmful or helpful. Soon Gamma Gaze was introduced to the world and the band’s popularity and sales quadrupled almost overnight. Even though some legal issues originating from Lexi’s inexperience with her powers arose she’s remained fairly popular in the public spotlight and has even performed on stage as Gamma Gaze.

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