Garnet Scorn

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Garnet Scorn
Player: Rory Rose
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Cerise Tolland
Known Aliases: '
Species: Reaper
Age: 24
Height: 5'7"
Weight: '
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: '
Place of Birth: New York
Base of Operations: New York
Marital Status: '
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Dual Pistols and Dark Miasma
Known Abilities
She can release a tormented soul, or destroy a tainted soul.
Two pistols, one with a short barrel and the other long

The door leading into Cerise's townhouse had been kicked in, and her heart sank. Bolting through the entrance, she found the babysitter hanging from the stair railing in the front hall. She tears up the stairs and reaches for the pistol on her hip. Kale's door was open, but she couldn't see him in his crib. Trembling she stepped forward, her heart fearing what she would find. A woman was holding a pillow tightly on the ground, a single tiny foot protruding from the edge. The woman turned grinning madly at Cerise and realization set in. Cerise shrieked a pained "NOOOO!" and fired 5 shots into the woman who flew across the room, her laugh echoing in Cerise's mind. She ran to the pillow and yanked it off of Kale.  She lifted him gently, her sobs now the only sound in the room. She lay him down gently in his crib, tucking him in tightly. She lifted her pistol to her chest and released the last bullet. She lifted him gently, her sobs now the only sound in the room. She lay him down gently in his crib, tucking him in tightly. She lifted her pistol to her chest and released the last bullet. She lifted him gently, her sobs now the only sound in the room. She lay him down gently in his crib, tucking him in tightly. She lifted her pistol to her chest and released the last bullet. She lifted him gently, her sobs now the only sound in the room. She lay him down gently in his crib, tucking him in tightly. She lifted her pistol to her chest and released the last bullet.
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