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"Hey friend, I'll tell you all you need to know."
Gervais Informant
Player: None
Origin: Human
Archetype: None
Security Level: -3
Personal Data
Real Name: Jacob Smith
Known Aliases: Hobo, the hobo informant
Species: Human
Age: 43
Height: 6'0
Weight: 160
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Greasy Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: USA
Occupation: Unemployed
Place of Birth: Paragon
Base of Operations: Dumpster
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Known Abilities
"Hobo Shank"

Note: Since Gervais doesn't "exist" on any official records the only way to find about him is through informants like Mr. Smith here.

This man smells like cheese

Hey friend, you have the money? Give me a peek. Sure. Alright, let's go to that alley over there. If he's following you he won't be able to get close enough to hear us. Alright. Yeah, take a seat on that box. Don't worry, it's not as dirty as it looks. Anyhow, I used to be a big government man. Yeah, secret agent and all of that. But they wanted to put a chip in my brain and I was all no way. So I'm hidin' from the government. Yep. Don't look like much but I'm hidin' from the USA. You better scan your head for a chip too. They have them in almost everyone these days.'s what I can tell you about Gervais.

You know about Interpol, right? The International Police Organization. Their job is to pass information between governments to aid in the capture of criminals. Well, Gervais doesn't really work for them. He sorta runs his own International Police Organization. I think he's the only member but there may be others working for him. Unlike Interpol he has been given the authority to arrest criminals in any country as long as he keeps in contact with the government. His influence is everywhere and only top brass know about him--but among cops he's a sort of myth. Rumors he exist, others say he's just some story.

The guy's only teenager but he's been catching criminals since he was around five. Yeah, freaky. Because of this he's regarded as one of the world's greatest private detectives. He's caught so many criminals it's scary and he's been targeting Arbiters who have the balls to leave Rouge Isles. I don't know if Recluse is aware of his existence, though. Course hardly anyone knows he exists. Fact is he isn't an official citizen of any country, he's a nomad. Yet he's given honorary rights as a citizen in every country that works with him. Course that's cuz he's catchin' the criminals and letting the good guys look good.

Wha? A relation to the Freedom Phalanx? They're Supers! Cops mainly know about Gervais. They don' really hear much about 'em. If they know 'bout 'em, they prolly think he's another cop story. Ya know--like the stories of super cops n' such.

Powers? Don't know about that.

Where he makes base? Don't know that either.

Real body? What do you mean?

Ah...ha. Well that's all I could tell ya.

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