Harris's Powered Armor Catalouge

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The purpose of this

((First, let me say that if you need to contact me in game, my global name is '@Frank Harris'. Please do not hesitate to ask me questions!))

So, i've set about to make a catalouge of all the suits of Powered armor that I have made and ICly put up for sale on my main character, Trooper Harris. The armors are here for the free use of other players and are completely free.

Note: It will be assumed that if you are wearing one of his suits, then you have paid him ICly for it. It may not have happened in game. But no actual money is being exchanged OOCly in-game or otherwise.


The following is a list of all of the armors I have designed. Included in this list are sales pitches, recipes and technical descriptions of features that suits may have. There will also be a list of extra costume pieces, weather from costume pack recipies or rewards from missions, needed to create said costume if there are any.

Dead-Man Armor

The Dead-Man is a suit of self contained enviornmental body armor and is ideal for the shock trooper looking for a mobile suit of armor while only making minimal sacrifices in armor plating. The Dead-Man is made from a stronger-than-steel alloy that, under proper care, will last for a life time.

An example of a completed suit of Dead Man powered armor.

Required Costume Supplements

-The Mad Science Booster Pack

-The Cyborg Pack

Catagory: Body Type

Gender: Any (Suggested Male)

Height: Any

Physique: Broad shouldered and well muscled, but not overly so if the character is not.

Catagory: Head

Type: Full Masks

Face: Robotic

Color: Black (1,1)

Detail 2: Death Goggles

Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: White (10,1)

Detail 3: Breather 6

Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: White (10,1)

Catagory: Upper Body

Type: Tight

Chest: Tech Crey

Color: Black (1,1)

Shoulders: Fanged Skulls

Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

Chest Detail: Enforcer 2

Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

Gloves: Bone

Type: Bone 1

Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

Belt: Tactical 1

Color 1: Gray (1,2)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

Catagory: Lower Body

Type: Armored

Armor: Tech Crey

Color: Black (1,1)

Boots: Smooth

Type: Armor Plate

Color: Black (1,1)


The Dead-Man has the following features.

-Emergency Jump Jets located in the boots capable of jumping 50 feet with enough fuel for 3 jumps.

-Multi-Optics system that is capable of switching between normal view and night vision.

-Polarized lenses to protect sensitive vision from sudden flashes of light.

-Advanced targeting assist system located in the helmet display.

-Comm link radio located in the helmet.

-Gas filter in the helmet.

-One hours worth of oxygen for hazerdous enviornments such as vaccum.

Shifter Anti Psychic Shell

Going into a fight with a pychic, technomancer or mage? Need an extra edge? The Shifter will protect it's wearer from all forms of mental persuasion, suggestion, invasion, reading and more! It will also keep certain pesky magic spells like paralysis, petrification, illusion, horror and geas at bay! The suits gas filter will also filter all forms of pheremones, poisons, toxins, airborne viruses and more. Along with all of the previously mentioned precautions the Shifter comes with a built in fail-safe. Any attempt at Technomantic possesion will immidiately shut down all of the suits functions and activate it's auto lock out functions leaving this suit at a light-weight impervium armor shell.

Warning: Read the Functionality section of this suit before using it. PLEASE do not godmode in my suit. It does not stop you from reciving normal forms of damage.

An example of a completed suit of Shifter powered armor.

Required Costume Supplements

-The Magic Booster Pack


-Vanguard Gloves

Catagory: Body Type

Gender: Any (Suggested Male)

Height: Any

Physique: Any

Catagory: Head

Type: Hoods

Face: Any

Color: Black (1,1)

Hood: Arcane

Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: Red (1,4)

Detail 1: Skull Plate

Color 1: Red (1,4)

Color 2: Red (1,4)

Catagory: Upper Body

Type: Tight

Chest: Stealth

Type: Stealth

Color 1: Red (1,4)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

Shoulders: Fanged Skulls

Type: Metallic

Color 1: Red (1,6)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

Chest Detail: Skull 6 Metal

Color 1: Red (1,6)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

Gloves: Vanguard Small

Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: Red (1,4)

Belt: Jewl

Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: Red (1,4)

Catagory: Lower Body

Type: Tight

Pants: Armored Pads

Color 1: Red (1,4)

Color 2: Black (1,1) Boots: Smooth

Type: Piston Boots

Color 1: Red (1,3)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

Catagory: Back Detail

Type: High Collar

Collar: Occult

Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: Red (1,4)

Cape: Occult

'Interior Colors:" Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

'Exterior Colors' Color 1: Black (1,1)

Color 2: Red (1,4)

Catagory: Auras

Type: Glow

Effect: Glowing Eyes

Color: Red (1,2)


The Shifter Psychic Shell has the follwing features.

-Multi-Optics system including Ultra Violet, Infrared, Night Vision, and Thermal Settings

-Gauntlet energy beams in each hand with setting ranging from a low setting used for stunning opponents to a high intensity setting used for disintegrating objects.

-Flight Capable jet thrusters in the boots.

-Enhanced targeting assist system.

-An oxygen filtration system will keep out any pheromones, poisons and otherwise harmful gases in the air.

-The advertised Shifter Matrix. The Shifter Matrix allows for the suit to maintain an unstable form, keeping most kinds outside interference. The Shifter Matrix causes the suits armor plating to shift slightly between phases to create a barrier between the user and the interference and keep the individual inside the suit unaffected. The suit keeps the wearer from being affected by Paralysis, Petrification, Illusion, Geas, Mind Reading, Mind Control, and Telepathy. This also means that the wearer is unable to be magically, psychically or technologically healed. They can also not have their abilities magically of psychically augmented. Anything done prior to putting on the Shifter Suit will continue to work on the individual unless it is dependent on the users continued connection with the caster.

-The Shifter Suit has a fail safe in the event of an encounter with attempted possession through Technomancy. If a Technomancer attempts any form of possession or any form of Technomancy interference, the Shifter Suit will enter its lock down mode and purge all power from the system. When this happens, the suits power cells will need to be recharged and an access code will need to be inputted by the wearer before it will be useable again. This code is chosen by the owner upon purchase.

The Tank Buster Anti-Vehicle Powered Armor

Are you headed into a heavy combat zone? Expecting heavy resistance? Artilart fire, Mech, Tanks or Air Craft? Then this suit is exactly what you need. The Tank Buster is a heavily armored suit with emphasis on defense and fire power. The Tank Buster has been tested under severe weather and combat conditions and is gaurenteed to give you the best protection for you money.

An example of a completed suit of Tank Buster powered armor.

Required Costume Supplements

-The Mad Science Booster Pack

-The Cyborg Pack

-Piston Boot Recipe

Catagory: Body Type

Gender: Huge

Height: Maximum Height

Physique: Physique bar to the middle, Chest bar to 1/8th, Shoulders to minimum, waist to 1/4th, his to minimum and legs to maximum.

Catagory: Head

Type: Full Masks

Face: Sightless

Color: Gray (1,4)

Detail 2: Maverick Goggles

Color 1: Gray (1,4)

Color 2: Gray (1,7)

Detail 3: Death Guard

Color 1: Gray (1,3)

Color 2: Black (1,1)

Catagory: Upper Body

Type: Tight

Chest: Techbot

Type: Techbot

Color 1: Gray (1,4)

Color 2: Gray (1,7)

Shoulders: Tech 1

Color: Gray (1,3)

Chest Detail: Enforcer 1

Color 1: Gray (1,4)

Color 2: Gray (1,2)

Gloves: Banded Robotic

Color 1: Gray (1,3)

Color 2: Gray (1,3)

Belt: Heavy Leather

Color 1: Gray (1,3)

Color 2: Gray (1,3)

Catagory: Lower Body

Type: Tight

Armor: Tech Banded

Color: Gray (1,3)

Boots: Piston Boot

Color 1: Gray (1,3)

Color 2: Black (1,1)


The Tank Buster has the following features.

-Heavy Impurvium Plating.

-Advanced Targeting Assistance System.

-Wrist Mounted Particle Canon on the left arm.

-Rocket Propelled Grenage Launcher in the right arm.

-Jump Jets located in the boots.

-Multi Optics System with Night Vision and Thermal Vision.

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