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Your friendly neighborhood hurricane.
@Swordsman of Acre
Player: Hurricannon
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Danny Darkfire
Known Aliases: 'Cannon
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown and gold
Hair Color: Variations
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero and hurricane
Place of Birth: Dallas, Texas
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mother, Father (Dallas), and Sister (Boston)
Known Powers
Ice control and storm summoning
Known Abilities
Super speed
Magic ring
Coolest cat in town. *bites lower lip and smiles*


(Narrator): We join our hero in a hospital room on a chair sitting next to his friend. Danny had been at home reading his Vince Flynn books when he got a call from his friend Tucker's mom. You see, Tucker was going through a stage in his life where he does stupid stuff that most likely gets him into a world of trouble. In this situation, Tucker had passed a wary group sitting on the edge. There was a box sitting next to one of the bigger guys. Tucker waited for the guy to look away when he slid past and put the box into his coat pocket. He made it down to the street corner when he heard the man scream. The group chased him down and Tucker claimed he did not have the box. They beat him up very badly when the well known hero, Mechanizm came and arrested the punks. Mechanizm immediately took him to the best hospital. Danny joined his friend a couple of hours later. Let's watch...

"I've told you before not to steal stuff, Tucker. Now look at you. You're close to becoming a veggie and laying on your deathbed. If Mech hadn't've shown up then-" Danny cut short his sentence because he could hardly bare the consequences.

Tucker meekly smiled at his friend's sympathy for him, "You were right. I should have been careful."

"Careful?! You shouldn't have even thought about it!" wailed Danny.

Tucker replied with a cough, "You know me." Danny sighs and the door opens. A nurse pops her head in the room.

"Visiting hours are over, Mr. Darkfire," said that nurse.

With a nod Danny said, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," Tucker replied with another cough. As Danny left the hospital, Tucker fell asleep.

~~The next day~~

"Remember that one time Wayne crashed a golf cart through the fence right into the neighbor's car?" Danny recalled with a chuckle.

"Danny, don't try and amuse me. I don't think have much time left. The reason that group beat me up is in my coat pocket still. I haven't looked at it. Scope it out."

Danny reluctantly reaches into his coat and pulls out a small, velvet package. He opens it to find a silver ring with a blue crystal with a hint of gold in the middle. "It's a ring."

Tucker replied, "It is? I want you to have it anyways. To remember me by." Tucker managed a smile.

Danny slid the ring onto his fourth finger. "Perfect fit. Um... I have to go. I'll be back later today."


~~Later that day~~

Danny is walking along the sidewalk to his house and stops momentarily to gaze out into the pond. He had so many plans for this summer that he was going to do with Tucker. He started to get a warm feeling from all the stuff they've done. Then he thought, "This can't be right. I shouldn't be happy." He looks down and is flabbergasted at this sight. The water near his feet had frozen solid! He looked at the ring and it was giving off a dim, gold glow. He focused on farther out and sure enough, a small area started freezing. He was so excited he started sprinting back to the hospital to show Tucker. He ran into the room and what he saw was dramatic. Tucker's parents were next to his bed. he couldn't see Tucker, but he didn't need or want to. All he thought about was that long, continous tone. He broke down right there and cryed a few, simple tears, which crystalized on he way down his cheek.

((The beginning of Welcome to the Black Parade starts playing.))

From then on, Danny decided he would hone the abilities locked within his magic ring. He would learn that he could not only turn water into ice, but shape the ice into various shapes and sizes. Not only that, but he learned that he could adjust the water in the air and make thunder storms and tornadoes and other weather systems. He would be like Mechanizm, the hero that saved the life of his friend, and gave him a chance to save lives himself. He is not concerned about vengance, nor repentance. He is the face of tomorrow's hope. He is Hurricannon, your friendly neighborhood hurricane.

((The song enters the second verse, which is where it picks up speed, and clips of Hurricannon growing up and moving to Paragon City flash across the screen. The last picture is 'Cannon standing next to a sign that reads, "Welcome to Paragon City: The City of Heroes." ))


'Cannon was on his daily patrol through Steel Canyon when he heard a local civilian say, "I heard Mechanizm took down an Arachnos horde. He's a hero to keep an eye on."

'Cannon immediately started his search right there. He went up to the civilian. "Excuse me. You said something about Mechanizm. Where is he now?"

The civilian answered, "I don't know. Probably with the Zenvious Foundation."

"And where can I find them?"

Frustrated, the person answered, "I don't know. Ask the guy in City Hall. He'll know."

So 'Cannon, completely forgetting about his patrol, bounded off to Atlas Park. When he reached City Hall he was a little less than amused. "I'm sorry. I can't help you. I don't have access to individual heroes," said the guy at the supergroup desk.

"Then do you have any sheet of information that I can get to reach him?" asked 'Cannon annoyed.

"I know which group he's in. Uh... says here the Zenvious Foundation. All I have on them is an application."

"Fine! Whatever!" 'Cannon gave up and settled with the first thing. He filled out the application and gave it back to the guy.

"Happy now?" He asked rhetorically. Then he became quite serious, "They'll be in touch."

'Cannon walked outside from a paperwork hell to the outside world. Bright, shining, makes you realize why God picked this planet. 'Cannon was now quite content. Not only had he gotten a step closer to meeting his hero, but he had also found himself a supergroup to call his own.

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