Inexorable Fate

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Inexorable Fate is the first of four characters belonging in a series inspired both by the Book of Revelation and the Incarnations of Immortality series by Piers Anthony. Inexorable Fate represents Fate as his name suggests, corresponding to the white horse of the apocalypse (depicted primarily as Pestilence, with only light overtones to Conquest). The other three characters are Young Warhorse, Swift Midnight, and (pending).

Inexorable Fate
Player: @Young Warhorse
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Jeremy Caine
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human (mutant)
Age: (pending)
Height: (pending)
Weight: (pending)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Praetorian
Occupation: Top Dog, Powers Division
Former PPD Warrant Officer
Place of Birth: Imperial City, Praetoria
Base of Operations: Nova Praetoria, Praetoria
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Control over disease, disease carriers, toxins, insects that spread disease.(Necromancy, Poison)
Known Abilities
Able to infect persons with bacteria and viruses to make them grow ill instantly.
Summon/control disease-carrying "zombies" to attack at will.
Standard issue Powers Division/Imperial Defense hardened power suit, colored white and blue.
Note: Part of the "Four Horsemen" (name pending) group. Members pending.



Early years

Jeremy Caine was an ordinary Praetorian boy born and raised in the Imperial City. He believed in the Cole Administration, he never caused anybody any trouble, and he never crossed the seers or the PPD. He was nothing more than part of the flock that the Praetors tended to, an unremarkable boy who lived a life approved by the Cole Administration and was no threat to anyone.

Illness, and things to come

And so it seemed that little Jeremy would remain unremarkable forever. But then he turned 13, and some months after his birthday he became deathly ill. It happened gradually over a series of days, where Jeremy showed more and more symptoms of every shape and size -- coughing, headaches, stomachaches, sores, vomiting, fever, the works. The family physician prescribed antibiotics that had no effect, and with each day Jeremy grew worse. It was a Wednesday when he was shipped to Cole Memorial Hospital with a 102.1 fever, weak and pale and feeling on the verge of death. On Thursday the fever peaked at a life-threatening 105.2. Things seemed grim, indeed. Yet on this very same Thursday Jeremy told his doctors that he felt as healthy as ever, and just to prove this very sudden change of condition, he forced himself out of bed to take a stroll around the hospital, even running to the cafeteria as fast as he could to get his own dinner. On Friday, his fever was gone completely, and it did not break or end in a cold sweat -- it was simply gone overnight. On Saturday, his skin color returned to normal, and any sores that had appeared were now gone without a trace.

On Sunday, the doctors determined that every bacteria, virus, and pathogen was gone from his body. Practically inside of a week, the boy had gone from his deathbed to being discharged with a fascinatingly clean bill of health. Jeremy Caine was no longer ordinary.

PPD Career

The full ramifications of this horrid week would not be realized until many years later. Many years passed without incident, and Jeremy Caine would grow up to be a shockingly healthy young man. He joined the PPD at 21 and spent several years as an officer where his tenure was typically marked with a bad attitude, bad intentions, and/or amazing results. He had climbed up the ranks gradually, being promoted to Warrant Officer before his career would take a drastic turn. During a raid, Jeremy was locked into combat with a member of the Resistance. During this battle, the soldier Jeremy was fighting suddenly began to grow ill before his eyes, eventually passing out from a bad fever. It was a phenomenon unlike anything he had ever witnessed -- save for when he had suddenly grown ill so many years ago, with no explanation whatsoever. The raid ended in a success, but as the PPD unit made their way back to the precinct to report, the odd battle between Caine and the Resistance member would be read by one of the many seers stationed within Praetoria. From the broadcast that followed the reading, it was determined that Jeremy Caine was a "super-powered person or entity" -- which meant that from that day forward, he was a member of Praetoria's Powers Division.

The birth of "Inexorable Fate"

Caine accepted this new position fully and eagerly. He transferred out of the PPD proper, giving up his badge and rank to learn more about his new powers and use them as he saw fit. During this awakening and transformation, Jeremy donned the moniker "Inexorable Fate", choosing to accept it over his regular name and identity. It was a moniker Jeremy found fitting, as he had found that, by miracle or curse, his power involved the control and transmission of diseases and deadly insects -- the type that, themselves, spread debilitating pathogens. This power, combined with his heightened confidence and sense of Praetorian "duty", created a sort of sigil for Jeremy: just as no one can wish away pestilence no matter how hard they try, those who break the law or generally go against the Cole agenda condemn themselves to consequences that are absolute. Their futures are set in stone, unbending, unchanging. Jeremy Caine had become the instrument of inexorable fate, and was now forevermore THE instrument of inexorable fate.

((More to come.))


((Coming soon.))


Apart from his ability to control and employ pestilence, Inexorable Fate does not possess any special or remarkable traits or attributes. He is as strong, fast, and durable as any other human being in good health and physical conditioning, and his strikes are only aided by the heavy metal gloves and boots worn with the standard Imperial Defense regalia. He is no more or no less sensitive to pain, the elements, light, dark, etc. As a law enforcement agent, Inexorable Fate keeps himself in prime physical condition; but there is nothing extraordinary about his conditioning or abilities.

The only attribute of note is that, due to his sickness powers, Inexorable Fate himself has not grown sick since his power-related illness at 13. Since the gaining of his powers, Inexorable Fate has become immune to every sort of malignant bacteria or virus, regardless of their strength or means of transmission. As such, coming in contact with his own pathogens has no effect on him, allowing him to fight safely in any environment or under any circumstances. This only means an immunity to disease by way of natural pathogen, and does not include man-made biological weapons or diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or even things like CWP.


((Coming soon.))

Revelations of Endtimes

((Coming soon.))

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