Jack Bishop

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Jack Bishop
Player: @Jack Bishop
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Stalker
Threat Level: 33
Personal Data
Real Name: N/A
Known Aliases: "Doc", "Doc Bishop", "Bishop".
Species: Human.
Age: 40
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 157 pounds.
Eye Color: Blue.
Hair Color: Brown with flecks of gray throughout.
Biographical Data
Nationality: American.
Occupation: N/A.
Place of Birth: Bellevue Medical Center, New York.
Base of Operations: Port Oakes.
Marital Status: Divorced, no children. Bodyguard to Jupi Knight.
Known Relatives: Father, mother. Deceased.
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Medical bag, filled with various accouterments. Known contents include; sulfa powder, diamond-tipped scalpel, stethoscope, suturing wire, compresses, tourniquets. Conceals throwing knives on person.
Appearances can be deceiving. Do not underestimate him.


If one were to look up the name "Jack Bishop" in the Police Database, (You'd have to do so at least twenty or thirty years ago, seeing as there are now-- extenuating circumstances) you would find very little information. Basics, really. There was a man who went by this name, who owned a small private practice in King's Row. It wasn't a fantastically popular business. He didn't get any high-profile customers, but he was comfortable. And occasionally the fellow would be brought in after drinking himself silly in a local bar. Nothing bad, of course. He'd sleep off whatever he had been boozing up on, and awake in the morning. Then they would cart him off back to where he lived, and nobody would be any worse off. But then-- there was an incident. A hero and a villain, locked in combat crashed through the upper building walls. They loosened the shingles, and the support beams. The entire thing came toppling down, leaving this "Doctor Bishop" with nothing except a pile of scrap and a fancy degree. Insurance wouldn't cover his claims. Acts of god, as they were so called-- would not be worth anything to the company. Like so many others, Jack found himself without a home. Without work. And then, the man fell off the map. He vanished, and was never heard from again. This was many years ago, of course. And now, somebody else with the name "Jack Bishop" surfaced. He had been arrested for vagrancy, and then assaulting an officer. His mug-shots didn't match those from before, but many figured it was just the discrepancy in his new living habits. They booked him for several years. Shipping off to the Zig as soon as a space opened up. He was psychologically evaluated by a one "Jenny Morrow" and deemed unfit for a return to society. Dangerously schizophrenic, with hintings of Obsessive Compulsive disorder. Then, as so often before.. Arachnos claimed him into their ranks. He was freed, along with dozens of others. And once again lost himself amongst the nameless faces of so many before him. What happened next, nobody could say. The doctor that treated him wound up dead in a robbery gone wrong. His information, his records, all of it. Vanished. There was no trace of a man going by Jack Bishop anywhere. And this was where truly, his life began to pick up.

There are shadows at play, in the dark corners of the United States, nay-- in the dark corners of the world. They call themselves the Syndicate, and they run everything from major shipping, to drug smuggling on the street-corners. They are the very last word in the criminal element. Practically nothing can be done without their permission, or cutting them in. Somehow, they found "Jack". And they groomed him to be one of their own. He was a doctor, yes. But before that he was a soldier. And he quickly rose through their ranks of assassins, becoming one of their highest valued assets. He would be sent out only on the most important of jobs. Jobs that needed finesse. A quiet sense of dignity. His specialty of course, was information retrieval. All those books he must have read about the human body, helping him pinpoint the weaknesses he needed. He even trained another. A man going by the name Deluca. But, age caught up with him. Job opportunities dried up. He still had plenty of money, of course. Dozens of identities he could fall back on, should anything horrible happen. But-- at long last. After nearly five years of nothing but sitting and drinking.. he was given a duty of the utmost importance. Deep within the confines of some subterranean dome, there lay a project. So secret, and so devilish, that only the Oligarchs of the Syndicate knew anything about it. Rumored to be the perfect soldier. Rumored to be many things. And finally freed, so that it might be able to make the proper decisions. He was given none of this information. Told only to find a woman named "Jupiter Knight", and protect her from harm. Being fiercely loyal, he did as he was commanded. He was rewarded handsomely.

But something changed within Jack. Miss Knight, his charge, shifted who he was. What he was. he tried, dozens of times to understand how she ticked. How she responded to his probing questions, and actions. But each time, he would be stopped. She would cry, and his heart would break in two. All of his skill, all of his pride, meant nothing when tears rolled down that quiet face. She could make him feel, again. Something not even the pills and the booze and the cigarettes could do. And before he knew it, they were together. They were inseparable. Not only through the bonds cast around them by the Syndicate, but by the very nature of their beings. She taught him so much. And he did the same. They were lovers, yet so much more. But alas, all good things must come to an end. Jupi could not allow Jack to be gone for days at a time. She missed him, and the warmth he brought to their bed. Sure, she had friends. And sure, they filled a void. But that Jack-shaped hole would be there until the end of time. She coerced him for days. Demanded that they run. The Syndicate couldn't catch them if they ran. Jack knew better. Jack knew their tactics, and their resources and yet-- he could not tell her no. And so that was what they did. For weeks upon weeks, they sprinted across the United States. From New York, to Texas. All the way to California and back. Hounded by the Syndicate's thugs. Then, a message came as they slept. A note, typed with a firm hand. In a sense, Jack had earned a few 'Vacation days'. But the Oligarchy tired of his antics, of the resources needed to keep him under their wing. They said, that if he returned, no harm would come to Jupiter Knight, and it could all become as it was. Jack agreed.

Back to the Isles, and back to their crummy apartment. Jupi was not happy, but.. it was nice to be home. They were there for a total of two days, when the first hit-squad came. Men, dressed in clean pressed suits and hats. Wielding silenced weapons. It was a trap. A scam, all of it. Jack was prepared. Jupi was not, but the killer in her rose to the surface as the man she loved came into danger. They slaughtered the whole of them, and burned their apartment to the ground. The war was on. The plan was simple. Find the Oligarchs, find those that were in charge-- and butcher them. The only problem was how. They never stayed in the same place more than a few days. They travelled by non-chartered jets. There were no records of them arriving, or even leaving. Cash only. No bank-accounts, no names, no IDs, no questions. Ah, but luck was on their side. Jack's protege, DeLuca found them. And relayed to them a message. The Oligarchs were touching down at a local airport. And it was the perfect opportunity. He also left a folder... a folder that was ignored. There were more important things, now. They waited for hours on the top of a run-down parking garage. Waiting for the car, and the Oligarchs to raise their heads from the holes in the ground. It was a setup! Only business. DeLuca cornered Jack and Jupi, and grinning like a loon informed them that with their deaths, he would seal his promotion. All the perks, and none of the dirty-work. At least his twisted sense of honor made him make the mistake of calling Jack out. There was carnage, and there was death, and there were flames. But in the end, Jack and Jupi emerged. DeLuca was dead. The Oligarchs were dead, and the Syndicate was a snake without its skull. They returned from whence they came, tired but relieved.

Now, about that folder...


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