Jackyl Lantern

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Some things should be left untouched...
Jackyl Lantern
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: >30
Personal Data
Real Name: Jack O'Connor
Known Aliases: Jackyl, 'Aren't you a pumpkin or something?'
Species: Human (Mostly)
Age: Unknown, around 20
Height: 5:7
Weight: 170
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Greying
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Vigilante, Mercenary
Place of Birth: Salamanca
Base of Operations: Salamanca
Marital Status: Unmarried
Known Relatives: Adoptive brother Willo Whisper
Known Powers
Extensive mastery of darkness and demons
Known Abilities
No additional information available.


Early Life

Jack O'Connor was, according to Paragon City University records, born to two Irish immigrants who died under mysterious circumstances. The University branch in Croatoa served as the makeshift foster home for both him and his also orphaned 'brother,' Willo Whisper, until he embarked into the city on his own six months ago. Even at a young age, Jack showed a remarkable talent for both magic and chaos. While not cruel, he had a devious nature that included activities such as 'misplacing' the cat in the experimental particle room, giving stressed students nightmares, and re-sculpting the statues on campus into strange creatures. On the whole, the elderly professors, scholars and mystics at the school were kind and patient with Jack, recognizing that he wasn't actually a mean spirited youth -- just kind of a hooligan. However, as he got older, the more magic training he received the quieter he would become. By the time he was eleven, he was one of the most studious people on the campus, spending hours at the library and playing less and less with Willo. His studies took a turn as he began to find his niche in darkness and demons; the pictures and symbols in some of the tomes spoke to him, occasionally literally. Around this time the dreams started -- flashes of pumpkins and horrible beasts. For anyone else they might have been nightmares, but Jack was seemingly born to handle them, recording and studying them dutifully. In 2002, at the start of the Rikti war, Jack was barely a teenager, but he fought with the other mystics as best he could against the occasional ship that would come to Salamanca. Compared to other parts of the city it was barely hurt at all, but Jack saw many people who he thought of as family die, leaving a permanent impression on the boy. Then, in 2004, gates to the spirit world opened and the full haunting of Croatoa began. Before it was lights in the woods and occasional attacks from the shadows, but walking out of the fog came the monsters of Jack's dreams. The University made him a makeshift costume: blast goggles, dyed leather, tough pants. He was, with Willo, one of the first heroes to try and hold back the incursions of the mystical world into Salamanca. His research proved that the appearances was somehow tied to the magic of the Banished Pantheon, and their arrival in the nearby Dark Astoria. For four years he fought, growing into a man in the process. Somewhere along the way his hair turned grey and his arms developed their monstrous looks, but he refuses to talk about what he saw, why he changed, and how his dark powers increased in magnitude so much during this period. However, if one does enough digging, there are University records of blood tests proving direct connection to both the Fir Bolg and the Dannan clans.

Recent Activity

Recently, he has been making a name for himself in Paragon City proper. While he works as a normal vigilante whenever the Circle of Thorns, Carnival, or Pantheon are somehow involved, there have been a few reports (usually reports that quickly 'disappear') of him doing some questionable 'side work.' In addition, his free use of violence has caused a stir in some circles. Off the books, he has joined the Villains of Paragon City after some research into the organization and its leader, John Starkweather (better known as Arbiter Death). While he has been with the group only for a short while, he has shown a strange loyalty to both it and Starkweather. This affinity is born out of a respect for Starkweather's story, in addition to the man's ties to Dark Astoria. Because of his own connection to Salamanca, he feels that following and learning from John could eventually lead him closer to his own past and lineage.


Studious and reserved, Jack is willing to be polite, joking and kind to anyone, but distinctly less willing to get truly friendly. His only real interests are to further his own power, getting to its depths in the hope that it will somehow shed some light both on him and how to stop the chaos in his hometown. Combined with a dedicated, scholarly nature, he is a remarkably determined, powerful, and reserved individual. This said, he is a real person and does occasionally need to relax. In these moments, particularly if there are people he trusts around, some of his younger rambunctiousness shines. To those who he does trust he is completely steadfast and loyal. Occasionally people, particularly odd ones will appeal to him and he will go out of his way to protect them as well. The only ones in the city who currently fill either of these descriptions include Arbiter Death and Willo Whisper.


Jack has an exceptionally versatile set of abilities. In addition to a certain degree of physical fitness, his control over darkness allows him a wide range of skills and tricks. Further, he has the equivalent of a college-level education and a remarkably bright mind, particularly for scheming and puzzles. If he doesn't figure out a way to beat you in the first fight, if you let him live the second will be short.

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