Jaiden Stark

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Jaiden Stark (at age 14)
Player: @laurenstark
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: Classified
Personal Data
Real Name: Jaiden Elizabeth Stark
Known Aliases: Iron Butterfly
Species: Human/Orion Hybrid
Age: 17
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 108 pounds
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: red
Biographical Data
Nationality: Dual Citizenship; American and Orion Empire
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Orion-Prime, aka "The Homeworld"
Base of Operations: Paragon City, USA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Chrysoberyl and Lauren Stark (parents), A Touch of Jade (Aunt)
Known Powers
touch-telepathy, flight, strength, invisibility, and endurance.
Known Abilities
Jaiden is an excellent cook.
"Iron Butterfly" power armor, Holoemitters to change her appearance
Not many people know that Jaiden Stark is Iron Butterfly.


About Jaiden

Jaiden Stark is the daughter of Chrysoberyl of Orion and Lauren Stark of Earth. She is a legally emancipated seventeen year old student at Paragon City University, where she is studying medicine. Jaiden's powers include touch-telepathy, flight, strength, invisibility, and endurance.

Jaiden is also a model for Icon. She has appeared in several Icon catalogues. Her "Bots and Battlekini" posters sell very well at science fiction conventions.

Jaiden is enrolled at Paragon City University as a med student.

Iron Butterfly

Jaiden's mentor and closest friend is Arihaziel. (Jaiden adores Ari.) At Jaiden's request, Arihaziel arranged for Jaiden to join Broken Halo, a "heroic VG" located in the Rogue Isles. Jaiden, disguised as Iron Butterfly, quickly proved herself to be an asset to Broken Halo and continues to fight for "the forgotten people" in the Isles.

A note about Iron Butterfly: If asked, Jaiden will say her name is "Rosa Parks"

Timeshifter Jaiden

Timeshifter Jaiden is Jaiden Stark, but from ten years in the future. She travelled back in time to prevent the murder of her mother, Dr. Lauren Stark. Her mission accomplished, Timeshifter has found an unexpected and rather pleasant reason to stay in the past. She has no plans or desire to return to her time.

Since Timeshifter saved the life of her mother, the timelines have changed. Events are now happening to "young" Jaiden that did not happen to Timeshifter Jaiden.

Timeshifter Jaiden continues to remember events that happened from the "original" timeline. She has not been changed by the modified timeline.

Portal Jaidens

Jaiden has spent a lot of time at Portal Corp. She's ran into many other-dimensional versions of herself, and have invited then to visit her and the Pocket D dance club. Some of the other dimensional versions she has run across have been Steampunk Jaiden, Ice Maiden Jaiden, Kung Fu Jaiden, Black Magic Jaiden, Catgirl Jaiden, and Chief Medical Officer Jaiden Stark of the Starship Excaliber (Yes, I will be playing Jaiden in Star Trek Online.)

Portal Jaidens can be recognized by their name: I am using the naming convention "Portal Jaiden#" (with a number attached to it)


Some of the people Jaiden are friends with include:

Arihaziel, mentor and friend. Jaiden describes Ari as "The most noble and beautiful part of my soul."
Agent Munin: Emily Andersen, rescued from Jaiden's homeworld by Timeshifter Jaiden
Ganguro Geekette: "Lynn", her full name is Alynndra Nescara Messet Rose-Laura Mercedes Mustang Penny-Beth Morisato-Lopez
Paradisia: A imp who loves cookies
Mrwrk: Chaos kitten!

Photos of Jaiden

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