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Never knowing who his real parents were (they gave him up for adoption right after birth) Jesterbones grew up moving from orphanage to orphanages in the midwest. When asked about his time in all those orphanages, Jesterbones gets quiet and angry. This could be that some of the rumors are true, that he was treated very badly by people who worked there. One orphanage that he was in was shutdown due to abuse of the children both physical and mentally.

When Tricks (he was named Tricks by one of the Orphanages and it stuck for awhile) was able to read he loved reading about the circus, carnivals and sideshows in books and newspapers. When he was 12 years old he got to go to his first circus. This is also where he met a magician named Dominick. Every year after that when the circus came to town Tricks was always making sure he could attend and most the time Dominick was the magician of the shows.

Dominick was growing very fond of Tricks. He would even show the teenager some magic tricks and let him meet the rest of the entertainers back stage. Tricks told Dominick that he wanted out of the orphanage and wanted to work for the circus. Dominick never had children and thought it would be great to help out Tricks. Dominick was pretty suprised at how easy it was to adopt Tricks, though he didn't know how glad they were to get rid of the trouble maker.

A year or two went by, Dominick and Lil Trickster ( a name Dominick called him) were a sensation. Their magic show was the talk of every town they went to. After awhile they were their own attraction, no more working for a circus or carnival they were bigtime now. At the mere age of 21 Lil Trickster was living the dream, fast cars, women, the whole shabang! Dominick was really excited about the next stop on their tour cause it brought him back to his roots back to his home of New Orleans. When in New Orleans Dominick told Lil Trickster to be alert at all times..."There be a lot of bad mojo and black magic here" he whispered into Lil Tricksters ear. <p>The big night was here Dominick and Lil Trickster were headlining in New Orleans. They did all the tricks and then some. At the end they got a great reaction from the crowd. As they were getting ready to leave the club Dominick was acting very strange. "What is wrong Uncle Dominick?" asked Lil Trickster. "Oh it's nothing" repied the Uncle. But as they opened the backdoor of the club and ventured into the alleyway something was definitly wrong. Two men dressed in long black coats were in the way of the two magicians. " So if it isn't Dominick..the punk and uncle tom that is teaching the ways of black magic to the white man." said one of the men. What insued then was some arguing back and forth with the occasional push here and there. The men demanded that Dominick stop teaching black magic to other cultures including his young apprentice . Dominick told them that he is not teaching black magic, that it is only regular magic. The yelling and arguing got louder and out of nowhere one of the men took out his pistol and shot Lil Trickster. " That is what happens to people you teach suckah" yelled the two men as they ran. Dominick quickly went to Lil Trickster...but it was too late the gunshot was fatal, Lil Trickster was dead at the age of 21.

Dominick didn't know what to do, he knew of only one place to take his fallen son..and that was to his grandma Estella Grange's house. Dominick was practically raised by Estella until he was old enough to live on his own, she also was the one that taught him of magic. Once in her house she was not to happy that Dominick brought a dead body to her home. But she could see how much he cared for his adopted son. "Is there anything you can do for him grandma?" asked a sobbing Dominick. She told him to bring him to the basement. Estella's basement was full of all kinds of hoodoo voodoo trinkets, even shrunken heads. " I might be able to bring him back" said the old woman..."but I can not know what state of mind the young lad will be..if even totally human at that" explained grandma Estella. Dominick didn't care he told her to do whatever she can to bring his son back. " I don't want you to witness this Dominick" she then ordered Dominick upstairs and for him to stay there till she said it was ok to come down. Hours went by, with Estella doing many chants and rituals. Dominick couldn't take it anymore he had to see what was going on. When he got downstairs he saw Estella laying on the ground face first on floor. He went to turn her over and to his suprise she was dead...her face was dried up like she was mummified. In a corner he heard laughter....he looked closer, it was Lil Trickster, his eyes were black as night, and his face almost had all the flesh torn off....but he was alive. " Oh my god, what in heavens name are you?"yelled Dominick. " In heavens name you say...well in that case I can't answer" wickidly replied Lil Trickster. " But if you excuse me...the show must go on!" explained Lil Trickster. And with a clap of his hands a huge black smoke filled the basement. When the smoke cleared Lil Trickster was gone.

Don't be so grim...put on a grin!!
Player: Whoowhee
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: 9
Personal Data
Real Name: Lil Trickster is what Uncle Dominick named him
Known Aliases: Mr. J
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150
Eye Color: can't tell wears a mask
Hair Color: can't tell wears a mask and hat
Biographical Data
Nationality: North America
Occupation: Magician, Acrobat, Juggler ..many carnival skills
Place of Birth: Midwest rumored to be born in Wisconsin
Base of Operations: Wisconsin
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unlce Dominic
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

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