Justice Warden

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The Justice Warden
Player: @Nyak-
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 12
Personal Data
Real Name: Vance Conner
Known Aliases: Warden, Vance, Justice
Species: Human
Age: 90 (Looks 23)
Height: 6'5''
Weight: '
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Full-Time Hero
Place of Birth: New York, New York
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None (All deceased)
Known Powers
Regeneration, Super Strength
Known Abilities
LSA Comm. Unit




Super Strength

The Justice Warden has incredible strength. He was seen weightlifting a tram in Boomtown. It's even noted that he took down a Rikti ship.





SuperStrength Haymaker.png Super Punch

Vance can break every bone in a normal persons body with just one powerful thrust.





SuperStrength Taunt.png Regeneration

During the German attack on Paragon, Vance Conner suddenly could regain his strength and heal his cuts. He never aged after that dreadful day.

SuperStrength Rage.png Invulnerability

Justice has powerful and tough muscles. So tough, that they can stop almost everything.





A Hero is Born

On August 9th, 1918, a boy named Vance Conner was born in New York City. A couple months after his birth, World War I had ended. He was a normal child, he went to school and had friends. Life was regular. In the year, 1937, eighteen year old Vance moved to Paragon City, Rhode Island.

Eleven years after the move, Japanese and German forces attacked the United States. Vance was enlisted in the military at the time and was sent out to protect Independence Port. During that attack, he gained incredible strength somehow. He was never the same again.

World War Two

After the Nazi victory, Vance Conner made a heroic costume. He called himself The Justice Warden. Private Conner quickly joined the 1st Hero Brigade and was shipped off to Europe. In North Africa, he and the other heroes fought German Panzers. The Panzers seemed very difficult for the Justice Warden, but he made it to fight another day. The strike team he joined was named the Iron Hounds. The Iron Hounds were tasked with defending the Allies. The British Islands were being attacked by the Nazi Super Soldier team, the Storm Korps. The villains were too much and the Iron Hounds were defeated. Fortunately, Vance survived with his regeneration powers. After a week, he was ready to get back into battle.

On June 6th, 1994, allied forces attacked the Germans. That invasion was known as D-Day. Along with the Dawn Patrol and Freedom Phalanx, Justice and his new super team, The Liberty Sentinels, fought in the battle. As the Liberty Sentinels fought through the night, two meta-humans stood in there way. They were Devil's Strike and Doctor Armageddon. Doctor Armageddon attacked first with amazing energy blasts. Devil's Strike badly poisoned many heroes of the Liberty Sentinels. But, the evil mutants were defeated. Later, the Liberty Sentinels were forced to retreat and the numbers were short. They could not participate in the rest of the war.

When the war was over, Vance and the remaining heroes from the Liberty Sentinels joined up to protect the United States of America. They were now, the Liberty Sentinels of America (Or LSA).

The Cold War

The Justice Warden and the Liberty Sentinels of America fought violently against the Soviet Union. One day, they encountered Doctor Armageddon again. Armageddon was making a super weapon capable of making more destruction than the Atomic Bomb. The LSA found his lab and defeated Armageddon's Dread Soldiers. The Dread Soldiers were Armageddon's evil minions. Armageddon unknowingly escaped his lair and Justice destroyed the weapon.

After the war, the LSA would split up. Vance tired of fighting and war. The Justice Warden then retire the hero business to be "Normal" once again.

The First Rikti War

The retired hero, Vance Conner, still looked young. He peered outside his window on May 23th, 2002. Red lights were twinkling in the sky. Vance pondered for a few minutes but then shrugged it off. The next day aliens attacked the city. Mr. Conner quickly sprang into his old costume. The Justice Warden was back in action. He battled many Rikti and even took down one ship. After the invasion, Vance vowed to continue his hero career.

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