Kaiyne Illdion
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
Kaiyne Illdion, code named The Unforgiven Vengeance. His entire existance is a paradox, for he exists now, in the past, and in the future, simultaniously. Though, due to recent tampering with the timeline by forces unknown, Kaiyne in all his forms have been summoned. Below are notes that will describe just who this paradox is, and why he is here.
The Unforgiven Vengeance - The Tanker
The backstory is a little bit foggy. What we could recover from the smashed Arachnos database was helpful, but incomplete. The below notes are from a Professor West.
Day 1: This is Professor Dane West on Project: Vengeance. Subject being brought in today is Kaiyne Illdion, Caucasian Male approximately 22 years of age and in perfect mental and physical health. The Illdion bloodline has shown excellent promise, having traced it back to a Sir Isaac Illdion the Second in England approximately 325 A.D. Sir Isaac was the first of the Illdion to show darkness traits, and his offspring have shown only that the darkness power is getting stronger. Kaiyne is the only living descendant of the Illdion bloodline to date, so we are currently undergoing a cloning phase, so we can test freely without complication. I am ordering 50 clones be made, each using only the subjects DNA so it will be as pure as possible. With hyper-accellerated growth hormones, each subject will reach maturity within 23 hours. Until the hormones are induced, each clone will remain as a fetus in order to preserve storage space.
Day 3: Kaiyne has been put away for now, cryogenically frozen until we are ready. We cannot risk throwing him in one of the dirty Arachnos cells. The last thing we need is our purest specimen coming down with some mutagenic virus. The first of the clones was brought off the line today and tested with the V-Serum. Results were less than satisfactory. Subject exhibited weakened darkness powers and a lack of desire to demonstrate its powers. We are going to hang onto the project for a few days however, because I can sense something about him. He is not normal. No, his weakened state may be a temporary fluke in the procedure. We will call him KX-00
Day 7: KX-00 is manifesting different properties of the darkness, but it is insufficient to utilize for Arachnos operations. I am ordering the clone to be destroyed, and the next one brought in.
Day 12: This clone is a failure too! KX-01 shows no true physiological shift in might or power. In fact, it remains unresponsive to the V-Serum. It could be the perfect decoy however, so I am releasing it back into Paragon. It will be interesting to note its behavior nonetheless. A further note, both clones had exactly the same memories, we are wondering if the Illdion memory is genetic and not simply stored in the brain. Or maybe Kaiyne is the next evolutionary step.
Day 15: KX-01 has dropped off the grid. No matter, its not like he knows anything. KX-02 is no better off. In fact, the entire team is getting impatient with the clones already. I am petitioning Lord Recluse to use the original. I will await his response with anticipation.
Day 20: Finally the day has come. I have moved Kaiyne from Cryo-stasis chamber 3 to Medlab 1 where introduction of the V-Serum will take place under the most controlled circumstances. My report on the procedure will be tomorrow.
Day 21: Kaiyne is showing unusual reactions to the V-Serum. His primary skeletal structure has increased massively, it is amazing how the skin stretches to accomodate the increased muscle mass required to move such a large frame. Unfortunately, it appears his innate dark powers have also disappeared. Perhaps this could work to our advantage.
Day 23: Subject was forced into a super-weighted inhibitor suit that will restrict movement and brainwave patterns. He has also been lured into the cryo-stasis chamber and is being sent directly to Arachnos HQ at the Rogue Islands for the installation of the slave chip. I must admit, the mutation was a bit startling, but it wasnt exactly something that was scientifically induced. A gene became active when introduced to V. His body began producing hormones we dont even have documentation of. Skin pigmentation changed dramatically, and it is concluded that the Illdion bloodline has some dark mysteries. Either way, the project is a mild success and we will try the same on the clones. We will name it The Unforgiven of project Vengeance.
Another recording of the anomaly, Kaiyne Illdion, is his Lich form. Unsurprisingly, Arachnos also has notes on this too.
The Lich Kaiyne - The Mastermind
Apparently born from the shadows of the Underworld, the lich anomaly Kaiyne Illdion is a much smaller version than his other forms, but just as deadly. We have detected traces of V in his existance, but we are unsure if it is relation to the project, or if V is in fact a property of the underworld. Nonetheless it is clear, this Lich being controlls the very undead. He summons corpses from the earth, and they are everywhere. Some are mindless minions, however recently he has been seen with his Death Knight. This is alarming, but could be used to our advantage. The Lich version of Kaiyne Illdion wants revenge for his death, and he blames the scientists in Paragon. We have not yet determined why, but whenever he is sent on a mission in Paragon, he searches the area for a Dane West. Dane West holds a doctorates degree in Quantum Physics and Medicine. Perhaps Kaiyne is looking to return to the Underworld through him. Without being absolutely sure of his intent, Dane West has been moved to whitness protection. His identity is currently being changed as we speak. No other information is on the Lich Kaiyne at this time.
Diving into Crey Records, another more astonishing record of Kaiyne Illdion comes to the surface of this report.
Malistarr Zero - The Scrapper
Arachnos has always tried to remain on the forefront of technology, rivaling that of Crey Industries. However, Malistarr is the hybrid between the two industries. First, Arachnos stole Crey Technology and implemented it into the Malistarr Project to create a second unit. What happened to the first? We will get to that. The Second Malistarr serial number HK-52 had darkness powers like the Kaiyne Illdion clones. It is suspected that the Kaiyne clones were involved intimately with this project. Further resources indicate Malistarr was not entirely machine, but also human. The loss of such a machine devastated the Arachnos Researchers, forcing them to unleash the Prototype. It was during this time that the Prototype Malistarr Zero was stolen by Crey infiltrators. Combining Crey technology with the already dominant Arachnos Technology, the result was a suit of armor that focused the mind inside the machine and gave it images of that persons future. Sometimes it was mere seconds, other times it was farther. Test subjects were driven mad by the psychological effects of the machine. Crey resolved to fuse the machine to a man who had suffered a fate many times worst than any man should ever. As Crey Researchers drug the tattered remains of the man known as Kaiyne Illdion from his cell, they realized only a mind shrouded by the powers of the Underworld could ever properly pilot the machine. Slicing away his limbs and fusing the remains of his body to the machine, Kaiyne saw his chance for revenge. Drawing upon the combined strength of his many clones and his ancestors, Kaiyne broke the slave chip's programming, and as it dislodged from his neck and fell to the floor, Kaiyne booted up the entire suit and severed the connection to the Crey Computers. When he awoke, he was in Paragon lying on the highest rooftop in Steel Canyon. It was then he decided that his revenge would be plotted. Revenge for 2 years of torture and pain that no man could ever understand.
Kaiynes new suit was utilized to use bio-electricity. The HUD has been hardwired into his eyes and any attempts to remove him from the suit has proved near-fatal. Stuck inside, Kaiyne took the name of the suit and lived with it for the past month. DATA researchers are concerned, as a portion of what remains of his lower torso had begun to show signs of tissue reconfiguration to the point where his physical composition is starting to match the suits. Should this continue, Kaiyne will be the first sentient being to go from being a man to a machine naturally.