Khariss/Sierra Research Facility

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Dr. Carl Jennings' Research Notes: Specimen 91

26 January, 1984 [1300]
Sierra Research Facility
Lead Scientist: Dr. Carl Jennings
Subject: Specimen 91
Specimen Report: #3190-648F

We have just recovered a specimen from a small township in the United States that we have called "Specimen 91", serial number 648F. Specimen 91 appears to have eyes unlike any that has ever been seen before in the world, much less science. We had to force her to keep her eyes open so we could see what they were. They appeared to be an extremely dense black stone. It does not appear to be limiting Specimen 91's vision. Apart from the eyes, Specimen 91 appears to have an unusually high body temperature. It was about 200ºF and climbing, last time we checked. It appears that cold leaves 91 rather vulnerable, however. We have had occasion to use this to our advantage already. We are going to perform surgery on 91's eyes in the future with the purpose of extracting them to determine what exactly they are. This specimen shows great promise for Crey.

13 May, 1984 [2137]
Sierra Research Facility
Lead Scientist: Dr. Carl Jennings
Subject: Specimen 91
Specimen Report: #4372-648F

We attempted to extract Specimen 91's eyes again today. When we removed the visor, her eyes were cracked and glowing. We began an attempt to pry the cracked surface out, but something unusual happened. Specimen 91's eyes shattered and two flames burst from the empty eye sockets. We immediately took her temperature again. Her body temperature rose to 800ºF! As a precaution, we sprayed her with a liquid nitrogen cryo gun and terminated the rest of the examination until further notice. She has been placed back into her cell for the time being while we figure out what to do about her.

8 December, 1985 [1107]
Sierra Research Facility
Lead Scientist: Dr. Carl Jennings
Subject: Specimen 91
Specimen Report: #4610-648F

We have, at last, discovered the extent of the power Specimen 91 possesses. She does create fire, yes, but she also seems to be able to control the movements of the earth's plates and the earth itself. Evidence? Every time she seemed to become agitated with us, an earthquake would occur. We are in possession of a geothermal powered mutant. With proper instruction and motivation, she could become very powerful.

26 July, 1989 [0931]
Sierra Research Facility
Lead Scientist: Dr. Carl Jennings
Subject: Specimen 91
Specimen Report: #8204-648F

Specimen 91 has been making a lot of noise in its cell lately. She appears to have mutated over the course of the year. We had to move her to Cell 13, the titanium cell. She almost melted the iron door off her previous cell and the walls were scorched. Internal cell temperatures were recorded to almost 1200ºF and rapidly climbing. It was so inconvenient for the guards in the cell block that we had to continuously release liquid nitrogen into Specimen 91's cell to keep her from killing them. We had better keep an eye on her. I'll get Security Chief Lot to keep guards near her cell in case we must put her down.

12 August, 1989 [1912]
Sierra Research Facility
Lead Scientist: Dr. Carl Jennings
Subject: Specimen 91
Specimen Report: #8735-648F

There has been a lot more noise from Cell 13 within the past few weeks. Loud explosions have been echoing down the corridors of Cell Block 108. Security Chief Lot is worried that Specimen 91 is trying to break out of her cell and requests that we take precautions. I refuse to believe that the specimen could destroy that titanium. I had better go down and see what is really going on.

13 August, 1989 [1345]
Sierra Research Facility
Lead Scientist: Dr. Carl Jennings

I can't believe it. Specimen 91 escaped — Destroyed the titanium door to her cell and escaped! She is rampaging through the facility, destroying everything and everyone in her path. Chief Lot ordered an evacuation, but I can't leave. I need to try and salvage what I can from this operation. I am not going to run from this! I am going to go find her and —
<Remaining data corrupted>

Evacuation Notice

13 August, 1989 [0832]
Internal Audio and Personal Transcript

Notice to all personnel: Specimen 91 has escaped. REPEAT: Specimen 91 has escaped. By order of Security Chief Lot, all employees are hereby ordered to evacuate.

Security Chief Lot's PDA

This is Security Chief Adam Lot, located in Cell Block 108. The specimen from Cell 13 has escaped - Blew the five inch thick titanium door right off the hinges. I'm recording this so that if I do not make it out alive, someone might find this audio tape and find out what happened here.
<End recording>

This is a nightmare. Most of my security team died inside Cell Block 108. I have issued the evacuation notice and we have set up security checkpoints to try and stall the specimen from advancing. I hope my notice got through. The specimen managed to knock out the security alarms throughout the building. I've never seen anything like this. Men and women are being killed left and right. I can only hope that we can survive this somehow.
<End recording>

I've made it to the fourth floor of the Sierra Research Facility after being trapped inside Cell Block 108 for approximately 40 minutes. I knew it was a mistake to bring that thing into this...<loud screams block out his voice>...have just shot her.
<End recording>

I found Dr. Carl Jennings inside his office near the lifts. Never have I seen a more disturbing sight. His arms and legs were gone, as if they had melted off his body and his abdomen was very badly scorched. He was barely hanging on to his life. The stubborn fool was more concerned about keeping his research going than staying alive. You'd have thought this was his life. I stayed with him until he finally died. I didn't want him to die alone.
<End recording>

Contact with Steele's security team has been cut off. I can only assume that they've fallen. The explosions are getting louder. The earthquakes, more severe. I can feel the heat rising in this building. She's starting to intensify her onslaught. Every attempt to delay her has failed. I'll try to hold out as long as I can.
<End recording>

<Bumping noises and a loud explosion can be heard on the recording>
Checkpoint 4 has been lost. The lifts have been destroyed and the stairwells are — You! Stay away fr —
(Khariss): Shut up! This company ruined my life, and now I am going to end yours.
(Chief Lot): <Gunfire erupts and is quickly silenced> No! Please, don't!
<Chief Lot's screams can be heard for several seconds, then abruptly stops. Another loud explosion occurs, followed by the sound of creaking metal and an extremely violent earthquake. The destructive rumbling continues for the remainder of the recording.>

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