
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Huu huu huu
Player: @Heroichero
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Roach
Known Aliases: None
Species: Mutated/Evolved(?) Germanis Blatella
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye Color: Insectoid
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Rogue Isles Sewers
Base of Operations: Same as above
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Thousands of brothers and sisters
Known Powers
Kinetic manipulation, Radiation storage and expulsion
Known Abilities



Roach has 'mannerisms' (or lack thereof) that disgust and offend most creatures that could ever think of coming to Paragon, OR Pocket D; being a Roach that has somehow gained sentience and a MUCH bigger body (No one knows how). He will eat almost whatever he can get his hands upon, not even the slightest bit curious as to why people are bothered by this. Despite not caring by instinct, he is truly trying to fit in with the 'humans' and 'human like' people of the city. If there is one thing to be said about Roach, he tries his best to be friendly and loyal. He is very slow to anger, though has been a bit more aggressive lately due to the numerous villains and heroes alike that threaten him with bodily harm just for being what he is.

Roach often speaks in the third person, though that is not out of any sort of arrogance, rather it is due to his lack of mastery of the english langauge. He's still learning, but progress has slowed. At least he can speak the langauge, when before he could not. Lately he has advanced in his ability to communicate and his comprehension has improved greatly, though he still does not pick up much on the nuances of most human, or any kind of oral communication. Being around for as long as he has, he's beginning to understand human society bit by bit. This does not keep him from rooting around in the trash to find something good to eat though.


Kinetics: His use of his kinetic powers seem to be, for the most part, instinctual. He mostly uses it to sap the speed or strength from foes to render them helpless, and seems to prefer doing so much more than using the stored radiation in his body. Recently he's been able to pull the kinetic force out of an entire group of foes and reallocate it to his allies. Of other note, he often brings to bear his powers upon people he thinks would want them, or in the case of attackers (other heroes), which he gets quite often despite being one of the 'good guys'. One shouldn't be surprised if they find themselves hampered by a sudden increase in density or speed with Roach around.

Radiation Blast: While he would much rather use his kinetics to cripple a foe, he's also shown the capability to store and expell radioactive energies. Though they are often non-fatal and only temporary, the effects they bring to bear are quite debillitating. Never the finishing blow, the energy strips foes of their defensive capabilities. This may render them temporarily blinded, numb in limbs, or just plain violently ill. Roach does not seem to be able to concentrate these expulsions, rather they always affect a radius around him.


Roach has an extreme resistance to permanent injury of many kinds. Not a lot can put him down permanently, and it's even rumored that he can survive three days after decapitation, just like his namesake would suggest. This has never been proven though. Due to his more defensive nature, Roach has taken to relying more on his instincts. Being a scavenger, and not a predator, he has found that he is quite skilled at hiding to avoid being attacked.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Roach, while being resilient to permanent harm, is not so much to the kind of temporary injury.

While hardly a flaw that could be of real use, Roach is also very naive. Always willing to lend a helping hand, he could be quite easily manipulated.

Character History

His history isn't one of interest. If one wanted to dig enough, they would find that it is known for sure that he originated in the Rogue Isles, that he is indeed a normal cockroach, or germanis blatella, until SOMETHING changed him and a collection of his brothers. Despite being large for a roach (but short for a human), he constantly reminds those who call him big that he is indeed the 'small' brother. Recently he has lent his aid in Recluse's victory, his accomplishments helping others have given him something to be proud of... which could be attributed to why he is somewhat more aggressive, defending himself (sometimes) when he's talked down to.


Roach constantly 'plots' simply because I thought it was appropriate for the bug design. Roach was inspired by the thought of what one's reaction would be if a large Roach were to just walk one's house without notice. Maybe picking up a pack of Oreos at the same time. He was decidedly Kinetic/Rad because..well, Never tried a Kinetic and Radiation seemed to fit the whole Roach theme. Roach was also never supposed to make it past Security level 10, since his character concept was really just supposed to be the creepy hero that stands too close to you on the Yellow Line. I just enjoyed playing the powerset, and roleplaying Roach, too much to give the character up. As an out of character note, I apologize if he annoys the hell out of you. That certainly isn't my intent.

Way belated, but he hit level fifty! Woo! Who wants to start a petition that gets him a photograph with Statesmen?!

Woo, also won the Virtue costume contest for the graphics card! http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=12636117&page=0&fpart=2&vc=1 Go there if you wish to harp on the decision!

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