Konsp1r4cy Th30ry

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Konsp1r4cy Th30ry
Player: @Kill Favored
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 39
Personal Data
Real Name: I'll go to my grave with it.
Known Aliases: KT
Species: Human
Age: 28
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hacker, domestic terrorist
Place of Birth: Oak Grove, Mississippi
Base of Operations: Independence Port
Marital Status: Single, straight
Known Relatives: Won't tell you.
Known Powers
Guns, guns, guns.
Known Abilities

Vril, Tesla's free energy theories, the Web Brigades, subversive technologies and UFO's. Name the conspiracy, he at least knows about it, but won't expound on his own theories, at least to you. He believes guns are for the people, and only got his hero license to make sure he could keep a gun. --is quiet and observant. It'll take a lot to engage him in more than one word conversation. --is a hacker of all sorts of electronic and computer devices, and versed in l33t. --His hands are made out of metal and are far stronger than a human's.

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