Lance the Wanderer

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Lance is a young mutant from an alternate timeline wherein sentients discovered ways to travel through space via large crystals acting like portals. Having been taken in by a school for mutants at an early age like all mutants in his world, he has been trained to fight since he could stand. On a not-so-routine assignment to an unexplored world, his team was injured, and Lance was sent hurtling through a damaged gateway into Paragon City. Now after some time, he has finally begun to ease into things in Paragon City, especially after joining the group known as the New Age Mutants.

The all-black garb is cool...
Player: @Shadow Nail
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Lance (No revealed last name)
Known Aliases: The Wanderer, Space-Cowboy
Species: Human, "Homo Sapiens Superior"
Age: Unknown due to differences in record-keeping
Height: 7 ft
Weight: 275 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Jet Black/White
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Whatever he feels like doing that day
Place of Birth: Earth?
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: All deceased
Known Powers
Heightened physical attributes, aura-reading
Known Abilities
Trained all his life for fighting, knows many hand-to-hand styles and weapon masteries; but focuses on sword-fighting.
Carries with him his indestructible blade from his home dimension, various knives, and recently a sword he took from a Rikti Chief.



"The best part about this city is they never ask where you're from or who you've been with, its great."

Early Childhood

Lance was born on a desolate world, a harsh desert environment with little water. For as long as anyone could remember, his hometown always was a military fort that protected the beautiful inner city. An oasis, a paradise amongst the desert, the city was made of gleaming white marble and flowed with water, a rare commodity in the desert. The fort was of lesser value, and a stark contrast in class kept the militia and civilians apart. Decades of raiders had taught the people born there to fight, and every male was well-versed in combat. Lance was no different. Except that he was born a mutant. And in ages past, all mutants were taken to one of many places in order to both be taken away from 'normal' society and to gain profit from their abilities. Lance was discovered to have been a mutant at an early age through magic, and was taken from his home at the age of three. With only periodic visits back to his hometown, much of his early life is shoddy at best, as very few people were around to tell that tale. All that is known is that he was raised not by his family, who cared nothing of him, but by the teachers at this 'school' for mutants.

Childhood at the Academy

Academy is really a far-cry from the word that should be used to describe the place. While most the air about the place would make one think of a campus with kids and young adults of almost any age, it belied the true nature of such a place. For in the world that Lance hailed from, all 'mutants' were really the beginning stages for the new sentient beings of the universe. Better than any trained athlete from practically birth, the capacity for growth in such people was astounding after several generations of evolution. But as conscious animals, the general populace was afraid of the new people. For there coming meant a genocide of the last generation via natural selection. Deciding that if all of these new beings, these superiors were to be slowly eliminated, then their genes would not be passed on. So is the rule of natural selection. Taking all mutant children from a young age to this 'academy', they were trained to be put into the deadliest of situations. And as all things happen, this mercenary work paid high and the abilities of these children only added to that. So were these child soldiers trained. And as predicted, they died young. But not all died, no, some lived long enough to teach the next generations. And unexpectedly, did the homo sapiens birth more homo sapiens superior. With more mutants coming, the school grew, and the teaching methods evolved. So did the next generations, and the next, and the next. Until the mutants started having far greater abilities then the previous generations. Lance was one among many of the children growing up in the school. The first years were mild, much like any other schooling, with the children learning social interactions and the like via playing. But the teachers were always watching. Minor tests and scenarios were set up. Locking all the doors and windows in the play room to test resourcefulness. Replacing toys with animals. Putting small clues in places that led to new toys, or a bear-trap. All testing the kid's abilities, in preparation for the trials ahead. Each year, the tests got more difficult, more noticeable. Those with higher awareness and intelligence quickly caught on. Some even figured out how to profit on this. Lance was one of the brighter, stronger children. And despite not especially liking the rule 'might makes right' at such a young age, he was smart enough to know that he must abide by it. At the age of six came the first "Purging" of childhood as conducted by the instructors.

Surviving the First "Purging"

The first Purging was set up to clear out those children that were already viewed as being unable to survive the rest of the trials of life. In a macabre way, it was like a service to them, a way for the lesser ones to not have to deal with that they could not in the future. At age six, the instructors stopped feeding the children. At first no breakfast. Then no lunch. Then no dinner. Nothing after a day. Nothing after two days. The test was to see who could find out how to get food for themselves before they starved. Lance knew he was hungry, and that the other kids were hungry. After a couple days, he started looking for ways to find food. The instructors had left the building that the young children had stayed in, and the kids were allowed free reign. Lance wandered the building like the other kids, but not aimlessly. He found a clue, a small slip of paper hidden in the dorm rooms, and knew that this was something left by the instructors. It said that a key to end the suffering was in a place that "All sustenance gathers once tossed aside, and all is useless to the body and mind, but now that place is where you will find, the key to end the pain." Remarkably, Lance was able to remember what he learned about food, that it is digested and removed as feces once all nutrition is gone. So he opened the tool closet, got a hammer, and went to the bathrooms. Of all the children he had grown up with, only about ten others had similar clues, and some other dozen or so profited by following the more intelligent children. Smashing open the toilet, Lance found a key, a key to the cafeteria. Opening the door, he found a feast awaiting him. The instructors and older children had prepared food for those lucky enough to open the door. Being ushered in, along with the other more feeble children who followed him, he was finally allowed to eat and drink. The doors shut behind him, and only a few more kids hobbled through the following days. Most of the other children never arrived. It wasn't until later, that Lance found out that they had starved to death in those hallways, and that this was only the beginning of his real life.

Teenage Years

For a young child to deal with this, many of the kids created different ways of dealing with such problems. Lance developed a unique, cynical worldview and tried to become as objective as possible. Part of this was because he felt that since his family cared little of him, and ushered him off to the school as quickly as possible, that his peers and instructors were his 'real' family. So he reasoned that despite everything they did for him, it was out of love or concern, and that nothing was ever truly bad. Lance decided at a young age that everything was only aligned as you perceived it, and nothing deserved the labels 'good' or 'evil'. In the years that followed, he was taught martial skills as well as academics. Learning fighting styles quickly and harshly, and learning that losing meant getting beat down by his peers and mentors, he developed a strong will to win. Growing quickly even among his mutant peers, he stood about a foot taller than most and was far stronger than the other kids. Quickly learning everyone's weaknesses, he grew to love battle and felt that it was the only thing he truly excelled at. Taking up weapon skills, he had a certain fondness for swords, loving the feel of the blade in his hand. Having almost as much success in academics, he could read books insanely fast and remember everything he read. Math problems were solved quickly, and logic and reasoning problems went even faster. But despite his skills and abilities, the other less-fortunates were still lost. Lance watched as the weaker class-mates were beaten to death by the mentors that had had enough with their lack of abilities. Any compassion he had for them, he was unable to prevent there loss, despite even intervening during a match to try to stop the mentors. When left in the woods on another world at age fourteen, many more were caught in traps set up before hand. Even more couldn't handle the stressful lifestyle, and went mad. Lance survived the insanity by becoming cynical, having an almost nihilistic worldview, believing staunchly in 'might makes right', and through his own greatest fear.

Dimensional Crossing

A unique feature of Lance's world were the crystalline structures present on most every planet, which had the magical properties to teleport anyone inside it to another planet. The magical energies of the crystals were immense, and could be tuned to different planets for the sake of travel. In reality, very few people understood the process to do this, and a rarer few knew how the energies truly worked. When Lance was finally tasked with mercenary work, he traveled through the gates countless times, doing jobs all over the known universe. The final job he had was to help escort a team of explorers chart a newly discovered planet. Details are extremely shady as to what happened during the night. All that Lance knew was that he was fighting for his life. The last thing he remembered was rescuing the explorers, ushering them through the portal, before being slammed headlong by something into the crystal. The force of the impact caused the crystal to crack, and the immense energies contained began to leak. The gem shattered, and hurtled Lance through space and time into our dimension. Right into Paragon City.

Time with the New Age Mutants

Joining NAM

Lance spent a great deal of his time after coming to Paragon watching everybody in the city. Being in a completely new place with little recollection of how he came here, he watched people to see what the place was like. Initially dumbfounded by the technology and language, it took him a while before he finally stepped out of the shadows. After raiding and stealing a bunch of articles of clothing from a thrift store, including a hat, mask, and sunglasses to disguise his identity (he thought all people did that after seeing so many heroes); Lance stepped out of the shadows. And right back into the sewers, after discovering that he wasn't nearly as proficient as when he left his home dimension. With some practice, he found his abilities returning quickly, but needed to blend in more. Lance decided he needed to find a group that would at least be able to help him ease into this new place. The first person he contacted was Enterphase, a captain of the New Age Mutants supergroup. After a short but awkward interview in the NAM base, Lance was accepted into the New Age Mutants.

Rising in Rank

After some time with NAM and being with them and their coalition as well as fighting some of their enemies, Lance decided to become a full-fledged member of NAM. After asking how he could do this, he was told by Enterphase that you must complete all three of the New Age Mutants training simulations. After completing all of the training simulations by himself and asking for promotion, Lance was told that the information he received was wrong. In actuality, only the first level simulation was needed to become a member. In doing all three, Lance qualified for Captain rank. After this slightly embarrassing predicament, it was decided that Lance should be given the rank of Captain of the New Age Mutants. Though, the odd sorts of promotion has made him doubt his leadership inwardly. But since then, Lance has shown himself to be a capable leader when needed, and has grown into this position. Very recently, Lance was given a promotion by Albert (Nigredo Fist) to the rank of mentor. Lance still is trying to figure out what it is that earns him these promotions, and wonders even more whether or not he can ever leave this world for home.

Friends and Enemies


Powers and Abilities


Superhuman Physiology: Lance's primary mutant abilities are heightened superhuman physical attributes that allow him to far outperform any of the finest human athletes by a great amount.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Lance posses an advanced healing factor that allows him to recover quickly from any damage sustained. Though not capable of regenerating things like body parts nor regenerating wounds instantaneously, Lance still heals at a fast pace. Broken bones and cuts are healed in a matter of hours. Scars are nonexistent, as they too are healed.

Indomitable Will: Though not technically a superhuman power, Lance does possess an extremely strong will. Through training and hardship, he has developed a willpower that is truly insurmountable. No matter what kind of duress or strain he is put under, Lance always keeps up. This lends him resistance to psionic assaults both through mental training and his sheer force of will. When pushed, Lance will never quit. Ever. Aura Control: Recently, Lance has discovered a latent power that allows him to see the auras of beings. Whether or not he is able to manipulate it is yet to be seen. When using these talents, his eyes glow with a bright white light, possibly hinting at a psionic nature of these powers. For the most part, he experiments with these powers out in the field and when traveling through various dimensions for Portal Corp, preferring to not involve the nature of these powers with the New Age Mutants. Mostly, Lance uses his control over his own aura, or bio-electric energy, to 'charge' his blade and give it a glowing white appearance. This allows his sword to cut through most substances that it wouldn't normally be able to with Lance's strength level.


Weapons Training: Through his time at the academy, Lance has been schooled in the various uses of weapons. This ranges from maces, clubs, knives, staves, shields, and a multitude of other weapons. Besides training, Lance also seems to possess a natural love and talent with swords.

Martial Arts Training: Lance always displays great skill in various martial arts. Trained in some of this universe's martial skills as well as some unknown ones from his home dimension, he combines his training with his natural prowess. Many times he uses these hand-to-hand skills in conjunction with his sword-fighting.


"I've yet to get around to naming my sword in a semi-creepy fashion."

Theme Song

Way to Fall by Starsailor.

IC Notes

OOC Notes


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