Last Prince of Mars

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the Last Prince of Mars
Player: Dark_Harrier
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Gashanatantra, Prince of Warhoom
Known Aliases: none
Species: Barsoomian {dominant Martian Humanoid}
Age: unknown
Height: 4'
Weight: 140 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: Not Applicable
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Warhoom, Mars
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None; species extinct
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Martian Narg-Fu {Sands of Mu}; Martian Staff of Whim Death {Nemesis Staff}
No additional information available.

Prince Gashanatantra, the Last Prince of Mars, escaped his dying planet when the bumbling scientist of a rival Martian family mistakenly unleashed an unproven gravitic weapon test, which ran amok with cataclysmic results. The gravity wave swept Mars from one side to the other, destroying everything in its path. Gashanatantra, alerted by one of his scientist-slaves, escaped into orbit ahead of the wave, and the ensuing space battle with other refugees killed every last Barsoomian but himself. With his homeworld a tumultuous wreck and all life upon it destroyed, the Last Prince of Mars aimed his crippled rocket toward the nearest place of possible refuge: the planet Earth.

His full origin tale can be seen here.



The Last Prince of Mars is a megalomanic seeker of power. He hopes to use the old ways of his ancestors coupled with his own perceived invulnerability to conquer the Earth and enslave whoever is left after his efforts. He cannot go back home, so he sees Earth as his new place of domination, as befits his racial status. However, most information he possessed concerning Earth culture and capability was over a hundred and thirty years out of date when he arrived {due to a space craft malfunction, his trip took far longer than anticipated}, so he is experiencing quite a bit of culture shock. He is from a slaving culture and expects to secure a few slaves here on Earth. Despite the loss of most of his powerful advanced technology he believes enough compatible {if inferior} gadgets exist here to assist him in his goals.

Nonetheless, the Prince is prone to occasional fits of melancholy when he is forced to think about his lost civilization. He is also without romance; he may occasionally put aside his martial pursuits if an attractive Earth woman should gain his attention.


Primary Set

Robotics Battle Drones, Equip Robot, Protector Bots,Pulse Rifle Burst, Pulse Rifle Blast, Photon Grenade,

Secondary Set

Force Field Force Bolt, Deflection Field

Additional Powers

Forthcoming: recent respec


none of note yet, player undecided; making use of Mayhem mission freebies for now ;)


Prince Gashanatantra came to Earth with a vast knowledge of advanced alien technology. However, in many cases he lacks the ability to duplicate it here on earth, as much of then-current Martian marvels depended on the miracle alloy Titanotherium, whose components were an exclusive to Mars itself. All such metal remaining is comprised of pieces of his downed rocket ship, the Ajax, which lies hidden, slowly sinking in a swamp somewhere in Croatoa and hidden under illusory force fields.

Titanotherium is unique in that it is a malleable metal only under very specific conditions. It's molecular structure can only be significantly altered when its ambient temperature lies within the 350 to 850 degrees-Kelvin range, and if high voltage is applied at the same time. It is otherwise heat-dissipating, resistant to scratching or breakage, and generally otherwise unaffected by most terrestrial forces. This it makes excellent armor for rocket ships and body armor on most stony planets inside our solar system. The Barsoomians made extensive use of it after its discovery, and many battles were fought for its initial secret formulation on Mars.

Stranded on Earth, Gashanatantra seeks to use pieces of Earth technology to attempt to duplicate as much of the weaponry and other items he may; much emphasis being placed on things to make his life the one of leisure he was used to as a royal personage back home. When he is not out gathering loot and creating havoc, his combat robots wait on him hand and foot, and act as his confidants {mostly of a disinterested and uncomprehending nature} and drinking companions {likewise}.

He has managed to keep his Martian Ray Gun functional, as well as alter his force field projector to also emit an occasional pulse of kinetic force to knock opponents around.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Gashanatantra seeks to subjugate the Earth to his whims. However, he is dreadfully outnumbered and outgunned. At least, for the moment.

Naturally, as a Barsoomian, this phases him not at all.

It is his intent to forward his plans of establishing a kingdom of Earth slaves {as often pondered by his ancestors} despite the overwhelming odds against him. He will join in villain bands, only to twist circumstance where possible to slay as many of his partners as he can and subjugate the weakened survivors. He has had limited success thus far, though, since most Earth villains are quite savvy themselves. However, a few have in fact been extensively mind- and/or body-probed and turned loose as sleepers, waiting for his communication and trigger words to turn them to a somnambulant, zombie-like state bent to his will. His efforts however are dreadfully slow.

Another item of note here are his hands.

Martian humanoids possess some of the most sensitive manual digits in the galaxy. Their fingers and near-nonexistent palms are covered with fine manipulative flagella that can detect differences of a micrometer on most substances and are capable of manipulating items too small for the human eye to see. This ability has its price; the Barsoomian hand is its weakest body part. These delicate organs possess almost no manual strength and are quite vulnerable to damage and sensory overload. In its un-augmented state the typical Barsoomian hand cannot clutch a heavy weapon well enough to lift or swing it; thus, for the royals, powered hand-covering was both a sign of station and a survival technique.

Gashanatantra includes a set of powered gauntlets on his armor which allow him 'normal' manipulation ability for everyday items. He can, though, unsheathe his hands to perform manual circuitry writing and the creation of near-nanotechnology by manual means alone. However, at all other times he must keep his gauntlets on, lest his miracle hands be damaged.


So far the Last Prince does not affiliate himself with any known villain groups. He fancies himself the head of a vast alien conspiracy to conquer the Earth; yet, he himself is the only real proponent of such a view.


Gashanatantra is slowly parting out his space rocket to create or maintain his weapons and robots, when suitable Earth components cannot be bought or stolen. He has managed to fashion a replica of his old Staff of Whim Death, a Barsoomian slave-disciplinary device which is a dead ringer for a Nemesis Staff in form and function. He also still possesses a knowledge of the Martian martial art narg-fu, giving him a fist attack equal to the Sands of Mu. He also wears a formidable {for his diminutive size} battle suit of mechanized powered armor. He carries a Ray Gun and a Force Field Generator with a number of functions.

Character History

The Princes' thusfar short history on Earth can be seen here.



This whimsical character is pretty much played for laughs. In his origin tale and role-play I make extensive use of old, out-dated Martian movie lore and literature; however, names and characters from such will probably be horribly redirected or misrepresented. I hope purists will not be offended, and that people will be entertained.

Gashanatantra's technology will include a lot of chrome, black-and-white TV tubes, blobby ray-gun weapons, heat rays, brain scanners, and the odd anal probe. I will try and mix 1950's futurist ideas with CoH culture and the technical genius of any device whose name ends with '-atron'.

Seek me out any time, I love to group. After all, it only forwards my plans for the subjugation of your miserable planet!" - Prince Gashanatantra

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