Lis D'Alleyn

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Lis in flight.jpg
Didja know didja know didja know I can fly?
Lis D’Alleyn
Player: @Rose in Winter
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 21
Personal Data
Real Name: Lis D'Alleyn
Known Aliases: none
Species: Goblin
Age: somewhere in the 2000s
Height: 5’
Weight: 100 lbs.
Eye Color: red
Hair Color: orange
Biographical Data
Nationality: Arcadian
Occupation: Goblin pranking – oh, and saving people
Place of Birth: Arcadia
Base of Operations: Jindil
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: brother Druarch D’Alleyn, mother and father (names unknown)
Known Powers
Empathy/Psychic Blast
Known Abilities
Igor (converted clockwork)
No additional information available.

Lis D’Alleyn was created by Rose in Winter for use in RP in the City of Heroes game. This character is not insane, nor is she human. She is a goblin. Major influences for this character came from WhiteWolf’s “Changeling” series and their description of goblins, as well as the depictions of goblins in fairy tales.



Supergroup: The Phoenix Force –- or, as Lis calls it, “The P-Fenix Forks.”


Lis has enough personality for any three average people. She has been called everything from “a damn pest” to “nutty as a fruitcake” to “pretty cute.” To most people, Lis comes across as completely insane. She says things that come into her head as they do so, often making no sense at all, whether or not what she says is connected to the activities or conversations of those she is around. Her habits of speech are also odd; for example, she refers to humans as “beans.” She will greet people with, “I thought you were dead!” (accurate only in the case of Fenix, who died and was ressurected), and has a virtual inability to call anyone by the right name. Fenix’s brother, Drogan Alheron, became “Dragon,” and Warp Factor earned the nickname "Bossy Lady," due to the fact that Warp Factor is, to be blunt, a control freak.

Lis has a passionate dislike of the Sidhe. She has alternately linked this dislike to the Sidhe being “stupid,” the Sidhe being “stinky and smelly,” and the Sidhe having “a great big broomstick up their butts!” It is suspected that the Sidhe do not like Lis’s sense of humor, which runs to pranks that cause things to explode. In fact, Lis is constantly offering to “fix it so it will ‘splode!”

Lis is obsessed with earmites, which she is convinced all “beans” have. (This is why they can’t understand her, to her way of looking at it.) She tries to look into the ear canals of everyone she meets, human or not. She has on several occasions offered to build a centrifuge – for which she needs ferrets – in order to get the earmites out of someone’s ears. She in fact owns two ferrets, who travel in her pockets or backpack, as well as a clockwork named Igor (Lis used her psionic powers to convert him) who is scared of everything and spends his time hiding behind Lis’s legs.


Lis’s offensive powers stem from the innate goblin ability to speak mind-to-mind. Non-faerie, however, cannot stand goblin telepathy. It does everything from stun them to knock them cold. All Lis has to do is “talk in their heads” to disable her foes. However, her singing voice has the peculiar property of healing people. Hence, Lis on a mission is always singing – the question isn’t, “Will she sing?” but rather “What sort of music will she sing?” and “How wrong has she gotten the lyrics this time?”

Primary Power Set

Lis empathises with human beans. She really does. They are cute, those beans. Amazing how just a little singing make their hurts go away, and a little more makes them all better, even when they've been lying on the floor. This works on Tigerboys and aliens and even cyborgs, too. (Despite her shrill speaking voice, Lis's singing voice is actually quite lovely.) Wow! Lis thinks she must be the best singer EVER!

Aye, aye, Cap'n -- wait, I am Cap'n! Whee!

Secondary Power Set

But she doesn’t much talk in the bean's heads, as it seems to hurt them. (She's never tested it on Tigerboys or aliens or cyborgs, just to be on the safe side...she likes when most things explode, but not heads.) Beans are strange. But she can help them get rid of their earmites with her centrifuge, as long as they leave her ferrets alone.

Other Abilities

Hours of endless entertainment – if you consider chaos, disorder, and the worst case of ADHD to come down the pike entertaining.

Her psionic abilities have also proven useful against the clockwork, sending them running in circles rather than attacking. Her pet Igor is the only clockwork to whom she has gone to the effort of permanently converting. She considers him her best friend (and first mate on the pirate boat she claims to own).

Character History

Why stay in Arcadia with all those stuck-up Sidhe around when there is a big, beautiful world full of human beans out there? As far as Lis is concerned, these beans, while sometimes foolish, have immense potential for amusement – amusement for Lis herself, that is! Probably they don’t get as ticked-off as the Sidhe do, when a simple bit of mishchief goes wrong…as Lis’s pranks often seem to do.

Well, she is a goblin, after all. What do they expect?

Besides their funny ways, beans do seem to get themselves in an awful lot of trouble, and Lis can lend a helping hand. She has a soft spot for beans, anyway. She hates it when they tell her, “I hope my daughter grows up to be just like you,” because the daughter of a bean is probably a bean, and Lis is a goblin. She understands why a bean would want a daughter as beautiful, smart, and talented as she is, but beans just don’t come in green, and most of them aren’t telepathic. It makes her feel bad for the people who want their bean daughters to be goblins, but she likes them just fine anyway! Therefore, since beans are so much fun and need so much help, she’s decided to stick around Paragon City for a while.

According to Lis, goblins hatch from eggs. She has yet to explain the existance of her navel.

She can’t go back to Arcadia just now, anyway. Not while the Sidhe still remember that last joke…and the Sidhe have long memories.


Lis can take almost any technical device – from an alarm clock to a toaster to a fax machine to a laptop – and “fix” it. Lis’s defintion of “fixing” something, however, means that the item becomes an explosive device. Lis loves explosions. The lone exception to this is Igor, but she worked on him psionically.

Lis has a knack for breaking and entering. She has no abode – she has explained to Fenix that “There are empty bedchambers all over the city, just waiting for me to sleep in them. But beans always come in and wake me up yelling. Stupid beans should get their own bedchambers!” (The suggestion that these rooms are the “bean’s” bedchambers elicited the response, “No, ‘cuz they were empty, I saw!”)

Weaknesses and Limitations

She will drive you insane. Fenix carries headache pills on him, just in case Lis shows up.


Tinkering, making up new pranks and jokes, playing pranks and jokes (they generally go awry), wreaking havoc, “fixing” things so they will explode.

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