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Player: Lothic
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: *smiles deviously*
Known Aliases: Confidential
Species: Daemon/Human halfblood
Age: Mid 20s (apparent)
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Eye Color: Deep Violet
Hair Color: Varies
Biographical Data
Nationality: Not of this Earth
Occupation: *smiles wickedly*
Place of Birth: Pandaemonium
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Fire Control / Radiation Emission / Primal-Fire Mastery
Known Abilities




Loth's birthright should have set her on a path very different from the one she now follows. A daemonic princess of a Lord of Pandaemonia, her omnipotent, sadistic and selfish life as an exalted royal scion was one enviable to be sure.

But Loth could never overcome the stigma of being born of a mere human mother, a victim of the Lord's wanton lusts who after vile tortures was sacrificed upon the birth of her daemon seed child. The youthful Loth's striking yet obvious humanity was a mark of shame in strictly pureblooded daemon culture. Inhuman peers loathed her but also pandered to her solely based who she was as her father's daughter. As Loth grew up the lie that was her life finally crumbled away...

Faced with the emptiness of a false existence, she rejected her Daemonic father's will in favor of embracing the humble world of her mother's home. She has come to regret and atone for the evil she wrought in her younger life, and desires to -correct- others for the sin that they commit in Paragon City. †


A Lothic Betty Page. †

((RPer, open to all kinds))

Despite her self-imposed exile to Paragon City several years ago Loth is prone to a bit of prideful regal superiority that sometimes boarders on arrogance towards 'common' people. Her near-goddess like abilities make it doubly difficult for her to kick old habits and 'play' nice with others. Still for her part she -is- legitimately trying to reform and become more 'politically correct'.

She's actually quite loyal and friendly to those she works with and maintains a number of social 'acquaintances' and relationships. Almost to her surprise she has taken to looking after several younger heroes as a matronly mentoring type. She was bred to be a leader of sorts anyway - now she has the opportunity to focus that towards more positive purposes.

More to come... *smiles deviously*


Inner daemons out to play. †

Loth has earned most of the badges available to heroes in CoH. She ranks in the Top 10 on Virtue.

Her badges can be found listed here:

Badge Hunter Page

City Info Terminal Page

Powers and Abilities

Domina of her Domain. †

Primal Forces Build - 21 Purple IO, 27 HO and 51 IO enhancements

Fire Control : Char, Fire Cages, Smoke, Flashfire, Cinders, Bonfire, Fire Imps, Ring of Fire

Radiation Emission : Radiant Aura, Radiation Infection, Accelerate Metabolism, Enervating Field, Lingering Radiation, EM Pulse

Flight : Hover, Fly, Group Fly

Fitness : Swift, Health, Stamina

Speed : Hasten

Primal Forces Mastery : Conserve Power, Power Boost, Temp Invulnerability

Fire Mastery Build - 35 Purple IO, 14 HO and 50 IO enhancements

Fire Control : Char, Fire Cages, Smoke, Flashfire, Cinders, Bonfire, Hot Feet, Fire Imps

Radiation Emission : Radiant Aura, Radiation Infection, Accelerate Metabolism, Enervating Field, Lingering Radiation, EM Pulse

Flight : Hover, Fly

Fitness : Swift, Health, Stamina

Speed : Hasten

Fire Mastery : Fire Blast, Fire Ball, Consume, Fire Shield


Crey CBX-9 Pistol, The Atlas Medallion, Freedom Phalanx Reserve, Vanguard Medal, Eye of the Magus, Portal Jockey, Geas of the Kind Ones, Task Force Commander, Portable Workbench, Elusive Mind

Roleplay Oriented

Due to her half-daemon background Loth lacks the ability to fully shape change as a pure arch-daemon can. Her beautiful humanoid form is highlighted by deamonic wings, needle-tip horns, pointed ears and serpentine tail, all traits she is quite prideful of. Although she could never pass as pure human she has learned to shape change her daemonic features to some degree. Most notably this allows her to morph her wings into several sizes/shapes.

She does possess many of the fire oriented powers her full-blooded brethren manifest, and her physical strength is greater than her lithe, supple frame would suggest. While not as strong as a pure daemon, she could, for example, lift a 100 pound weight as easily as a typical human could lift one weighing only 20 pounds. She also benefits from her kin's relatively long life spans. Despite appearing to be a woman in her quite youthful mid-20s, her actual age is more four or five times that in earthly years.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Helplessly willing or willingly helpless? †

Loth's characteristic dominate nature can be undone by daemonic Lords who prove strong enough to tame her.

It doesn't happen often, and rarely ever willingly, but if the whim strikes her all most anything's possible...

Character History


Has completed all Ouroboros flashback and TF arcs.

More to come...


*smiles deviously* †

Loth's fully titled name...

T'Satai Vürstinna Loth'Bặnphrionsa Arióch

was 'wordsmithed' from several versions of the word "princess" from various languages.

It's usually kept secret from most due to the serious Daemonic implications... whoops! ☺

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