Lucille Shade

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Lucille Shade
Player: @jpr123
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Peacebringer
Security Level: 27
Personal Data
Real Name: Lucille Shade
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 23 years
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 123lbs
Eye Color: Light brown
Hair Color: Orange with red tint
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: security officer
Place of Birth: Chickasaw, Alabama
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Father (somewhere)
Known Powers
Luminous blast and luminous aura
Known Abilities
No additional information available.



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Growing up in the quiet streets of Chickasaw, Lucille always seemed to have a hard time staying with one job. She tried being a waitress, store clerk, and even a secretary. But none of that pleased her enough. Then she moved into Paragon city and they needed more security officers. She enjoyed the idea of being the protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime so she took the job. Then one day, she was called to an accident scene. There was a young girl that was badly injured and Lucille was certain that this child would not survive the night. When the child was close to death, Lucille whispered, "I wish I could do something to save you." This child also happened to being sharing her body with another being; and the being, the kheldian took Lucille's words as an invite and fused with Lucille, also 'carrying the girl along' to save her.


Before, Lucille used to remain calm for the most part. She would rant and go off a bit, but not for long. Now Lucille could be said to have 'split personalities'. She sometimes acts like a young child. She'll sometimes act all knowledgable and wise as if she's been around for many many years. And sometimes, she just more blah than the average human walking on the earth.

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