Machine Shop
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

Born the first and only son of a German electrical engineer and a Scottish aid worker, Rayner Artair Jensen was never destined to be a man to take things lying down. From the time he could walk and talk, he and his family attempted to eke out a meager living in a shanty-town sheltered from the brunt of the Devouring Earth thanks to the miles of rubble that once made up the city of Inverness before the Hamidon Wars. It took until Rayner turned five before his family had scrounged up the money to leave the shattered remenants of Scotland for a seemingly better life in the city of Praetoria. Scared, and with little to their names save for a handful of degrees from universities that no-longer existed, the Jensen family were allowed access to the gleaming, seemingly idyllic streets of Praetoria and all the luxuries the city of Progress had to offer.
And for a while, it was good.
The Jensen family integrated into a community of like-minded Scots who created a small ghetto smack in the middle of Nova Praetoria, bringing with them their culture and unique perspective on life in this new land. Rayner grew up quickly, and from a young age began demonstrating a thirst for knowledge which his parents seemed almost unable to sate. His father's engineering manuals where his first target, much to the elation of the man who had for a while now felt a little out of place, being most likely the only German amongst a small gaggle of Scottish immigrants. The pair of them would pour over diagrams for hours on end, discussing the complex principles and inadvertantly building Rayner's interest in 'stuff that works'. Most interestingly, Rayner begin showing a fascination in the Clockworks that kept the city maintained, watching as they were upgraded and replaced, able to name model numbers and specs even before he had entered high school.
It was destiny, then that he would eventually find himself studying both electrical and mechanical engineering, along with a specialised course in Clockwork Mechanics. Rayner would graduate one of the top of his class, demonstrating an almost unnatural gift for engineering in its forms and the associated mechanical and electrical principles applied to the Clockworks, and robotics in general...and all of this achieved by the age of twenty-one. His father, now a staunch supporter of the Cole Administration celebrated his son's success and the contribution he would make to Praetoria in the years to come, perhaps dreaming of his boy working under the mentorship of great men like Anti-Matter, perhaps even Praetor Berry himself.
However, with so many amazing minds at the fingertips of the Powers Division, it was little surprise that Rayner's brilliance went unnoticed, much to the chargrin of his father who had expected the boy to lift his family out of their humble status and into something greater. His father's constant pressure to see his son excel eventually drove a rift between the pair of them, Rayner setting out on his own and establishing a small repair shop just off the Magisterium, specialising in Clockwork maintenance and refitting. While he still kept in touch with his family, things between the man and his father would remain tense for a good, long while.
Despite this though, for a while, it was good...