Magistryx Lucra

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Magistryx Lucra
Player: @Lucra
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: 31
Personal Data
Real Name: Lucra Lucia Beaudelaire
Known Aliases: Magistryx/Lucra
Species: Human/Resurrected
Age: 25
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Complicated
Occupation: Supervillain, Operative
Place of Birth: Imperial City
Base of Operations: Port Oakes
Marital Status: Infatuated
Known Relatives: Deceased
Known Powers
Necromancy, Dark Miasma
Known Abilities
She's unabashedly scandalous, and will flirt or seduce (or try to) to get what she wants. She also has amazing intuition and insight, though she usually has no idea what she's talking about.
Thin cloth garment, investing in new clothes due to the nickname "naked one" given by a Legionmate.
Mess with her "lovelies", and there will be Hell to pay. (Lovelies: Any being conjured by her necrotic or miasmic powers)

First Glance

Lucra is stubborn, has trust issues, a little clingy, soft-spoken when not in control of a situation, she's somewhat conceited, prefers to be independant, she says "my way or the high way", and has a disgusting need to constantly be in the limelight. She thinks she wanted to be a model or actress before she became what she is, but is perfectly content with being noticed by destruction and villainy. She's easily impressed, and loves to talk. Get her started on something, you will regret it, she will burn through every corner of that topic, and any topic that could possibly have a vague hint of relation to the first topic. Lucra also likes to tease. Too much.


Magistryx Lucra lived a pretty standard life before superpowers. She lived in an affluent neighborhood, had two parents, lived in a big house, no siblings, she hung out with friends, played cat and mouse with boys, went to college for a few years, went out, partied... She was carefree and wild. Living in Imperial City, and being the socialite she was, Lucra constantly wanted to meet new people, people with repuations, people who lived more uptown than she did. The highest she could think to go, was their very own Emperor Marcus Cole. Not only was she fascinated with him from a young age, the fascinated grew into infatuated, completely smitten she was with him, and all too involved she tried to be. Lucra thought it was luck that she was always able to sneak to, con to, and happen upon the Emperor, she was obsessive with being in his presence. She wrote poems and sent them to him. Several times she was caught and apprehended for eavesdropping, but her meddlings had become public, Praetoria knew there was a "cute young girl following the Emperor around like a puppy". Cole pretended to be amused with her constant unexpected arrivals and (TODO)

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