Magnus Mercury

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Magnus Mercury
Player: @Jolly-Roger
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Mastermind / Crab Spider
Threat Level: 37 / 25
Personal Data
Real Name: Magnus Mercury
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: Confidential
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eye Color: Unknown (always covered)
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Multiple (US, UK, possibly others)
Occupation: Inventor, Businessman, Playboy
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Aeon City, Cap au Diable
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Robotics, Forcefields, Flight, Nano-Repair
Known Abilities
Wealth, Business Acumen, Inventor
Gemini Control Suit, Misc. Cybernetics / Crab Spider Pack
No additional information available.



Mercury Enterprises (owner, CEO, head of research)

Inherited from his father, Mercury Enterprises is a global company involved in the manufacture of a variety of supplies. Their primary focus is electronic components used in a variety of products, from radios and computers to automobiles.

Gold Brickers (King Midas' inner circle)

Magnus' flair and style (not to mention wealth) gained King Midas' attention. While the two still have not met face-to-face, Magnus and King Midas have as friendly a relationship as two rogues can. Magnus has worked with the Gold Brickers on several heists, and King Midas has lent the expertise of his top "security experts" to Magnus for security evaluation at Mercury Enterprises.

Sky Raiders (honorary Wing Raider)

Due to repeated work with the Sky Raiders, particularly on behalf of Lt. Chalmers, Magnus has been given the honorary rank of Wing Raider. While he doesn't have any actual authority in the Sky Raider command structure, several of the members recognize and respect Magnus as a result.

Aeon Corp. (business partner)

Mercury Enterprises supplies several esoteric electronic components to Aeon Corp. It is rumored that this may include some dealings with Arachnos, though if true it is buried beneath red tape and bureaucracy.

Arachnos (member?)

After years of resisting Arachnos interference in his business, Magnus seems to have had a change of heart. Rumors are that this is due to Lord Recluse's advocacy of a technocracy, where the strongest and brightest minds will rule. Still, Magnus does not seem to be the type to fall for idealism or propaganda, so some think he is playing a deeper game. Regardless, Magnus joined the ranks of the Wolf Spiders, and then quickly progressed to that of a Crab Spider.


Magnus has a charm and pleasing demeanor befitting a rich playboy, though he can become cold and calculating when there is business to conduct or work to be done. His ever-present forcefields usually provide him with a good deal of protection, and as such he can be remarkably calm (or even overconfident) during a battle. Though Magnus takes great pleasure in field testing his robots, he is not obsessed as many a "mad scientist" tends to be.



Magnus has exceeding skill in robotics technologies, and uses custom-built robots for whatever tasks need accomplished. At present, he has three types:

Force Fields

Magnus also has advanced force field technology. Formerly, his gloves, boots, and belt were all part of a system which generated and controlled these force fields, though he has recently constructed a new, more compact mechanism built into his left gauntlet. The primary function of these fields is to provide additional defense for both himself and his robots. Fields can also be used to contain enemies, as well as delivering substantial force upon impact when launched as projectiles.


Magnus is equiped with rocket boots and cybernetic flight mechanisms, thus allowing him to fly. He often utilizes this ability to hover above the battlefield, obtaining an unobstructed view and directing his robots to where they are needed most.


Using a nanite dispenser, Magnus can repair his robots, as well as heal wounded allies. This task is easily disrupted, however, as the nanites require a few moments to analyze and program themselves to their target.



Magnus Mercury is an eccentric but brilliant man, especially gifted in the understanding of advanced technology. While his abilities in robotics and force field technologies are obvious, there are other areas which he is just beginning to turn his eye towards (such as portal tech). His brilliance also allows him to direct both his robots and other allies in battle to greater effect.


With numerous successful patents, Mercury Enterprises is a small but strong company. As the majority shareholder and CEO, Magnus Mercury has a substantial cash base, as well as access to considerable resources.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Separated from his robots, Magnus is a relatively weak target. While he can effectively cocoon himself within protective force fields, the fields block his offensive capabilities (including control of his bots), largely removing him as a direct threat. Also, while he does have numerous cybernetic enhancements, he is still mostly human, and suffers from the same limitations thereof.


Gemini Control Suit

This is the core behind Magnus' ability to direct his robots in battle. It is a high-tech battle suit, which uplinks him to a short-range control system capable of transmitting instructions to his robots.

Force Field Equipment

As previously mentioned, the gloves, boots, and belt Magnus wears form the core of the force field system that he utilizes. This presented several points of failure, should the component pieces be damaged. Magnus' new gauntlet-based force field tech is much more resistant to disruption, but still presents a point of failure should it be destroyed.

Crab Spider Pack

Following his admittance to the ranks of the Crab Spiders, Magnus received the cybernetic modifications necessary to equip a Crab Spider backpack. This is an incredible piece of technology, and contains a variety of ordnance to combat various threats. The pack is capable of both ballistic and energy fire modes, as well as venom and frag grenades. Further, the pack's bladed arms can be used to devastating effect in close combat.

Character History

A rich and eccentric man, Magnus Mercury has prospered by being a small, yet integral cog in the machinery of the Rogue Isles. His company, Mercury Enterprises, has no particular focus, which is why it is largely ignored by other, larger companies (such as Crey). Mercury Enterprises ranges from munitions, to robot parts, to general-purpose military equipment (such as radios and uniforms). It is presumed that they deal (indirectly) with numerous villain groups (such as the Council and the Sky Raiders), in exchange for some small measure of protection from any potential "hostile takeovers" from companies like Crey Industries.

For unknown reasons, Magnus bears a strong resentment towards Longbow, the military arm of Freedom Corps. While such dislike is not rare among the denizens of the Rogue Isles, Magnus has been seen to go out of his way to combat or otherwise weaken Longbow. He has been seen to work with the rogue Longbow agent Kristof Jaeger, and it is not known whether Magnus Mercury was a member of Longbow in the past, as well.

Rumor has it that Magnus has recently obtained and retrofitted a Longbow base ship for use as a mobile personal base. However, between his considerable personal connections and the aforementioned mobility of such a potential target, this cannot be confirmed at present.

Magnus Mercury has been known to work with heroes upon occasion, as well. While he is considered a Villain by most law agencies, he is rarely antagonistic towards more practical heroes. As such, he provides a convenient diplomat and trader between the generally law-abiding world (including Paragon City), and the seedier underside of places like the Rogue Isles. While some have claimed he is merely interested in the profit of such transactions, evidence shows that Magnus has some deeper ideological reason towards being something of a "middle-man" between the two polarized sides of the law.

In the past, Magnus has criticized Arachnos, and clashed with them many times (as almost all metahumans in the Rogue Isles have done). However, lately he has been more willing to deal with them; rumor has it that he is negotiating a deal with Black Scorpion for some of Arachnos' technology, in exchange for services rendered.

With the second Rikti Invasion, Magnus has willingly joined Vanguard, and readily takes the fight to the Rikti invaders. It is unknown if the Rikti were responsible for some personal tragedy of the past, or if he merely revels in the ability to capture their technology and field test his robots against such a mighty opponent.

There has been a fast-rising Wolf Spider by the name of Operative Mercury which is presumed to be none other than Magnus Mercury, though the identity has not yet been confirmed. As Magnus has never shown any particular affinity with Arachnos before, there is some doubt as to this conclusion. Intel reports that Operative Mercury is close to being promoted into the ranks of the Crab Spiders. If this is indeed Magnus Mercury, then his pre-existing cybernetic implants will likely need only minor modification/enhancement to enable him to utilize the Crab Spider's lethal backpack with a negligible amount of time for recovery.

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