Maiden Mayhem

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Not all those with psychic potential become seers for Mother.

I grew up in the Mother of Mercy Psychiatric Hospital. I did as well as many of the other patients, better than most. I could read surface thoughts, I could move objects with my mind, yet Mother said I did not have the potential to become a seer. Back then, it felt like painful dissapointment, being unworthy in my Mother's eyes. There was one other thing, though Mother hid it well, one thing I sensed behind her gaze. I was her mistake, her weakness.

I suppose I should have counted it as a blessing, as I've seen what happens to those that become seers. Buy why? Why was I not good enough to be one of them? Why did Mother proclaim all of them her daughters, when she looked upon me as her own mistake, her weakness?

She couldn't make me a seer. A small shred of attachment, and affection, and she could not do it. It wasn't until I had met the man behind the resistance, that I had my answer. To see him, a broken shell of a man, he bore the mental scars of Mother's attentions. She had played upon his own delusions.

Her mistake. Just a moment of carelessness.

Fine. I'll show you mother. I'll show you I'm the biggest mistake you'll ever make. I'm little miss Mayhem now.

Maiden Mayhem
Player: @Soul Fane
Origin: Mutant.gif
Archetype: Scrapper.gif
Threat Level: 53
Personal Data
Real Name: May Aurora Tilman
Known Aliases: May, Little Miss Mayhem
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 136lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Purple
Biographical Data
Nationality: Praetorian
Occupation: Ex Powers Division
Place of Birth: Mother of Mercy Psychiatric Hospital
Base of Operations: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: ...
Known Powers
Telepathy, Telekinetic strength, Telekinetic shields
Known Abilities
PPD unarmed training, basic small arms use
Powers Division riot gear
No additional information available.

Memory Fragments

Memories are curious things. Our minds do not catalog events like a computer. They hold onto emotions, sensations, just fragments of meaningful events...

How I met Alice

"Today we're going to pair up, and do some sparring. I want you to find a partner of similiar size, preferrably someone you don't know."

That's my instructor. I'm not sure what I expected from a police academy martial arts teacher. Maybe more hollering. I know I normally get treated with kid gloves, but he goes easy on the entire class. Yah know, I can't remember his face, or anyone else from that class, except one...

"Hey! How come all the boys can rationalize that they can be my partner, but none of them are coming on to you?" The only other girl in my class. She was my height, though lighter, by my guess. She was quick and graceful, as she approached me, her silky platinum blonde hair dancing on her shoulders, totally impractical for martial arts class. The faceless boys watched with longing, but then quickly went about their own business, avoiding my inquisitive gaze. The other girl noticed this, and the soft pink flesh of her lips creased in a frown of frustration, her button nose crinkled, and she pierced me with her crystal blue eyes, searching for an answer.

I sighed, brushing my dark violet bangs behind my ear, "Because even boys gossip, and I'm apparently a cold bitch," I replied with a smirk, "But that's not true. I just know exactly what they're thinking, and I tend to come off as a bitch when I'm talking with someone I already know I'm not going to get along with."

She furrowed her brow for a moment, then cracked a confidently crooked smile. Her lovely blue eyes still pierced me, and I felt my own smile becoming more genuine. I could tell I was going to get along with her.

She held out her hand, offering a boyish handshake, "Alice Bailey."

"May..." I took her hand in response and shook it agreeably.

"Just 'May'?" she teased, the smile on her lips growing wider.

I sighed with chagrin, "May Tilman..."

The look of shock on her perfect face. I will never forget that...

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