A shot from when May first came to Pocket D from the streets of Mercy Island in late 2009.
May hanging out with her friend Ob (Obstreperous) in the D.
May in the D with Miss France, who decided the bartop was the place to be.
May along with her friend Alphonso and, in the foreground, Miss France dressed as Al.
May shakin' what her mama gave her in the D.
Cousin April has a quiet hot cocoa with a typical cast of D weirdos in the background.
This girl's name was Kaley, and she was some kind of cannibal zombie thing. She came to the D bragging that she was going to infect the world. This resulted in Rowan and April leading an expedition to wipe out the zombie nest.
Ridia, Blocker, and May in Pocket D.
Rowan O'Neil regarding more oddball D denizens.
Steve Knox, a.k.a. Blocker, in Pocket D.
Yes, May did that by herself. A little Pyronic Judgement and the rest was easy.
It's Fen! He went all hippie on us!
May and some less important people getting ready to go after Mot.
May revved up to full power.
May at full power doing her thing in Atlas Park.
May bids farewell to Primal Earth on November 30, 2012. I guess the Mayans were right.